Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1328: Too Gorgeous

Faced with the dissatisfied look from the leader of the second group, Gordon was inevitably a little embarrassed.

Since he didn't have much expectations for the ice attribute sword, and there were a lot of messy things going on recently, he even forgot that he had placed an order for this sword.

Hayata did remember.

As a tachi wielder, she pays much more attention to attribute weapons than Gordon does.

The ice attribute sword made of the tough tail of the ice dragon as the main material has been in her hands for a while.

The sword was simple and traditional in shape. She used it easily and liked it very much.

"Your big sword and Hayata's armor were built together. Come over here and try it out!" The tone of the leader of the second phase of the regiment had a rare hint of viciousness.

Gordon chuckled and rubbed his hands.

He had forgotten about it before, but when he recalled this incident, he was naturally quite excited.

New weapons, what hunter doesn’t like new equipment?

Lead the two of them to the inner room.

Gordon immediately saw the beautiful sword placed horizontally on the weapon rack, which seemed to be made of ice and crystal.

The crystal sword body is a gorgeous purple color, and is covered with ice crack lines left after the magma freezes and cools down. The craftsmen use these lines as a base and inlay silver to form a unique and strange pattern.

Wrapped outside the sword body is a flamboyant ice blade that resembles feathers.

The pure white ice blade with a hint of blue and the purple sapphire-like sword body are perfectly combined, making this great sword almost transcend the concept of a "weapon" in terms of shape.

No matter how you look at it, it looks more like some kind of gorgeous and exquisite handicraft.

Gordon exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "Wow!"

Hayata couldn't help but stretched out his palm and touched the blade of the sword that exuded biting coldness.

Women are often less resistant to beautiful things, and she is no exception.

But this was just for aesthetic appreciation, and she was not envious of it.

As for weapons, she thinks it's better to be simple and practical. Her Hyotai sword is very good, equally exquisite, but it doesn't make people feel that appearance is greater than practicality.

"This sword is called [Wings of Yan Bing]. It is surprisingly gorgeous, right?" The leader of the second phase team said proudly: "I dare say that the entire investigation team cannot find a sword more beautiful than it. sword!"

"Well I don't doubt that."

Gordon grabbed the big sword and set up a standard sword stand.

This sword was heavier than he expected, but it was still much lighter than the inscription sword he often used.

He waved briefly twice.

Gordon was slightly surprised. Although the shape of this sword was exaggeratedly gorgeous, the craftsmen did not sacrifice the balance of the sword itself for this. The experience was actually quite good.


"Why does it feel so similar to the sword of the Defense Force?" Gordon commented subconsciously.

"Ahem." The leader of the second phase of the group tilted his head unintentionally.

There were things he didn't tell anyone.

This [Yan Bing Wing] is indeed not the design style he is used to, but the Hyoutachi [Yan Bing Blade] built for Hayata is.

After the Hyoudachi was almost finished, Mrs. Sterling sent the design drawing of the Ice Dragon armor.

Let a lady who can lead the fashion trend in East Doruma let herself go and design armor as a gorgeous dress, and the final result will be really eye-catching.

It also successfully aroused the girlish heart of the old craftsman.

At that time, the leader of the second phase team felt that his design of [Yan Bingjian] was too "crude", but the sword had already taken shape and could not be significantly modified.

So, he decided to use his nowhere-placed inspiration on this ice sword that had just been started.

But then again, he is not good at designing gorgeous weapons.

In order to avoid compromising the practicality of the final product, he based the design on the most mature "Defense Force Flame Blade Great Sword". The patterns and shapes are just decorative decorations.

He was still very satisfied with the final result, but he didn't expect that as soon as Gordon got started, he would try out the fact that there was little difference between the ice sword and the defense team's sword.

Gordon touched the thin, feather-shaped ice blades again and asked with some worry: "These look like they are easy to break, so there shouldn't be any problems in actual combat, right?"

The leader of the second phase team came to his senses and quickly explained, "Don't worry, these ice blades are very different from the claw blades of the defense team's swords.

They are not specially forged and polished by me, but are a natural phenomenon after using a large amount of ice dragon materials.

You can understand it as something similar to frost, which can not only increase the destructive power of the sword, but also better release the ice attribute energy. Even if it breaks, it will regenerate quickly. "

"I see." Gordon, who is also a pragmatist, felt relieved and carried the [Wings of Yan Bing] behind his back with satisfaction.

"The main event comes next."

The leader of the second group led two more people to a humanoid frame covered with cloth, and proudly said: "This set of armor is definitely the most gorgeous and exquisite set of all the armors I have ever handled.

Even in the future, it is unlikely to be surpassed. "

Having just seen Gordon's "super gorgeous sword", Hayata's scalp has already started to feel numb.

The most gorgeous and exquisite? Is it more exaggerated than Gale's set of Xuanhuilong? You don’t want that kind of thing!

"Watch it!"

The moment the leader of the second-phase regiment pulled off the cloth with force, both of them felt that they were about to be blinded.

It feels like someone is holding a piece of glossy silk studded with diamonds and shaking it at you under the bright sun.

After getting used to the brilliance, the two Gordons had to admit that this was indeed a breathtakingly beautiful dress.

The main body of the skirt is cut from the brilliant purple wing membrane of the ice dragon, and is paired with armor plates forged from a special alloy extracted from the scales of the ice dragon as a key protection.

Just these two are enough to be called gorgeous.

On top of this, this set of armor is also embellished with a large number of jewels, bead chains, silver pieces, and lace that are not polished by ice, and the ice armor that naturally grows between the gaps in the dress blends it all together, creating a gorgeous but beautiful look. No clutter.

Finally, add the ice crown made entirely of unbreakable ice and pure crystal.

Let’s not talk about the defensive performance and the added protection for the moment. Just this look, if it is seen by the third princess or the first princess

I'm afraid another ice dragon will be unlucky.

"The Queen has ascended the throne!" Gordon joked with a smile.

Hayata stepped on him angrily.

No one can deny the beauty of this set of armor, but it is really a bit too exaggerated.

Just like a normal person would feel awkward wearing a party dress when going shopping, she always felt it would be weird to wear this outfit into a hunting ground.

"It's called [Avalanche], a very impressive name, right?"

The leader of the second phase team crossed his arms and said proudly: "But don't think that it just looks good. Compared with its performance and effect, the appearance is not worth mentioning.

Hayata goes to put it on first and try to see if it fits.

I know you are all pragmatists and will not let you down. "

Hayata held the humanoid frame and slowly entered the inner room where she was changing clothes.

She had a hunch that when she finished the equipment and came out wearing this outfit, Gordon would definitely laugh.

After Hayata closed the door to the inner room, the leader of the second phase said to Gordon: "Go home quickly and bring Hayata's [Yan Bing Blade] over.

This armor must be used in conjunction with the sword to achieve the best effect. "


Gordon turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly turned back, "Which one is [Yan Bing Blade]? I don't think I've seen it before?"

".The one that Hayata carried when he came back from Yuchen."

"She was carrying a sword that day? I didn't notice."

"The one that looks like an ice sculpture! Go quickly!"

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