Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1330 Cold Qi Refining

"That's awesome."

Gordon's admiration this time was truly sincere.

The leader of the second-phase regiment held his chin high, his face full of pride, "To be honest, the actual attack effect of the cold energy is higher than our expectations.

In our original idea, the unique cold air of [Avalanche] would add frost damage to the user's weapon, and this has indeed been achieved. "

The leader of the second phase of the regiment pointed to the frost-covered wooden blocks on the ground and continued:

“But after [Avalanche] was completed and the actual test was conducted, we discovered that the frost effect caused by the cold wind-wrapped blade was not actually the key.

The key lies in the extremely sharp ice coating, which can greatly enhance the power of the weapon itself.

Hayata must have realized this just now. "

"Hmm." Hayata gently stroked the plating on the sword's blade.

"This layer of ice is very hard and brittle. When it hits the target, the extremely sharp ice blade will break into pieces, forming a sawtooth-like structure.

Even the cross section remains extremely sharp, which may be the reason for the increased attack power.

If this is the case, the effect of cold energy is not only effective on monsters with weak ice resistance, but also physical damage.

Even if I am not using this Hyoudachi, but a weapon with no attributes, or even other attributes, [Avalanche] can still provide quite an astonishing power bonus.

In other words, this is actually a very versatile set of armor. "

"My heart moved when I heard it." Gordon rubbed his chin.

The leader of the second-phase regiment shook his head and said: "The effect of the cold air is on the physical level, and it should be very suitable for the big sword. It's just that the materials of the Ice Dragon are not enough to make two sets of armor. It's a pity."

"Gordon, if you are interested, you can try it on Hayata's [Avalanche]." Isana giggled, "If you feel embarrassed, you can also try it secretly where we can't see you. "

"Ah, the dress made of ice dragon wing membrane has limited elasticity and will burst." Mrs. Sterling answered seriously for some reason.

The corner of Gordon's mouth twitched fiercely, "If I really want to try, I would rather hunt one more ice dragon."

After the joke, Gordon said to Hayata: "The effect of this cold air is extraordinary. This set of [Avalanche] can replace [Tenglong] and become your main armor.

However, to use this set of armor, your fighting style needs to change. "

Hayata nodded, "The cold energy refinement needs to be combined with the sword drawing style to maximize the effect.

When equipped with this set of armor, it is no longer appropriate to use the previous continuous attack style of fighting, and you may need to return to the shortstop position. "

This is not difficult for her. The so-called Bato style itself is one of the most basic fighting styles for Tachi users.

As for the division of labor among the teams, there is no need to deliberately adjust anything.

Her position in the team has always been between shortstop and attacker.

Silverside lacks everything except the offensive end.

"We have a few days to go to defeat that 'great being'. Do you plan to use the original [Tenglong], or replace it with the new set of [Avalanche]?" Gordon asked a very critical question.

Hayata seemed hesitant.

If she had been asked this question an hour ago, she would have chosen [Tamron] without hesitation.

But now after trying it out, the cold energy refinement of [Avalanche] is really hard to let go of.

Seeing that Hayata had been struggling for a long time, Gordon gave a suggestion, "I think, use [Avalanche], [Tenglong] is good, but it emphasizes offense too much. [Avalanche] at least has the protection of an elf."

This time, three teams fought together, and a heavy crossbow team also participated, so there was no shortage of offensive capabilities.

The opponent is a completely unknown mysterious creature, and its abilities are completely unknown. With the protection of the elves, it is somewhat protected. "

Speaking of this, Gordon shamelessly said to the leader of the second group: "By the way, leader, can you please make another pair of protective stones?

The stone protection is superimposed with the elf protection of [Avalanche] itself, which makes it safer. "

The old craftsman looked helpless, but finally agreed.

"Hayata's contribution to the investigation team is worthy of the 'proof of courage'. Let's consider it as a congratulatory gift for your promotion to eight stars."

Hayata thanked the leader of the second group seriously.

He thought about it carefully and said: "As for the armor, I will use [Avalanche], but as a weapon, I am still going to use the Inscription Scythe, which has superior sharpness and destructive power.

Anyway, the effect of cold energy does not depend on the weapon attributes. "

"Bring the [Yan Bing Blade] along with you. Maybe the 'great being' is weak to ice? The Ice Blade will work with your [Avalanche] and chop it over!" Gordon said with a smile.

Hayata rolled her eyes angrily, "Why are there so many 'just right's?"

The transformation process of large airships is very smooth.

The day of sailing arrived as scheduled.

There was still a little time before the gathering and departure, and the heavily armed hunters arrived at the Weapons and Cat Mountain Pavilion one after another.

Before setting off on a mission, it is a common habit of almost all hunters to come to a restaurant or tavern to eat a nutritious cat meal.

Of course, some places also have meatballs or drinks.

Feng Ying, who had ordered a lot of hard dishes and was ready to eat until she was full, held a knife and fork in her hand and looked at the busy cat chefs with anticipation on her face.

Gordon, who was sitting across the table, suddenly laughed.

Feng Ying thought Gordon was laughing at her, but she soon found out that he was not. She turned her head and followed his line of sight, and immediately laughed along with him.

An Xier and Gale came together.

Each of them was wearing a gorgeous and dazzling Brilliant Dragon armor that seemed to be made of pure gold. When the sun shone on it, the reflected light was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

An Xier, wearing a black and gold cloak, had a cold face, and the whole person exuded a kind of momentum that people dared not approach, and he was noble.

However, there was something wrong with the thing next to him.

The armor was good, and the figure was really good. Although the walking posture was not graceful, it could be called a tiger step and a dragon walk, which was also very imposing.

But all this was destroyed by the mask of the Qimian tribe, and even the painting style of An Xier next to him became harmonious.

"Good morning!"

Gale came to the wine table and waved his hand, greeting his companions in high spirits.

Anxier shook the back of his cloak and sat down at the table with an expressionless face.

They were quite eye-catching all the way here.

Almost everyone's reaction was the same, first "Wow!", then "Hahaha!".

This made the self-esteem of the young master Anxier uncomfortable.

But could he force Gale to take off the mask?

It seemed impossible, not to mention that the head grew on her own neck, she would not listen to what others said.

Let's talk about the origin of this mask. This was given to her by Gale's "family" and was regarded as a precious amulet by her.

There are many hunters who carry all kinds of strange amulets with them. He didn't seem to be right to ask others to take them off on the grounds that they were "not good-looking".

He could only bear it.

At least, it was a little better than the "second generation of cat head". Right?

He squeezed in and sat down next to Hayata and Fengying. The wine and meat had been served. In order to facilitate eating, Gale finally took off her strange face helmet.

Suddenly, the whole person's style changed, and Anxier's face also improved a little.

Feng Ying looked at the golden [Elite·Brilliant Dragon] on Gail and Anxier, and then looked at Hayata's [Avalanche] which was just as gorgeous, or even more gorgeous.

She lowered her voice and asked Gordon, "Master Gordon, should we also get a set of gorgeous equipment?"

Gordon glanced at her, "What are you thinking about? Eat!"

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