Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1337: Collision, Slashing, Bombardment

"The stones on it are glued on!" Feng Ying shook off the recovery potion that splashed on her hair and said loudly:

"Its weakness is ice! Low temperature can make adhesive substances lose their stickiness! Using ice attribute weapons to attack the adhesive substances in the gaps of the rock armor can make it easier to remove the rock armor!

And vibration! It has the ability to cause vibration!"

Feng Ying's voice was loud enough that even An Xier in the distance could hear it clearly.

He laughed and muttered to himself, "Are you willing to use your brain today?"

Gordon glanced at Feng Ying.

When he was with the team, this guy always had an empty mind, with an honest look of doing whatever you said.

But isn't this analysis quite accurate?

I really have to find an opportunity to throw her out more...

As for the correctness of the information, there is nothing to doubt. Although this child is sometimes a little stupid, she never speaks nonsense.

The information that "low temperature can destroy adhesive substances" must have been tried by her herself.

Based on this analysis, his judgment is no different from Feng Ying's.

It's just that he would think more deeply and in more detail from the perspective of the team commander.

He raised his voice and said loudly: "Did you hear that? The weak attribute is ice! Those who need it, go back to the camp and change weapons, leave this to us first!

Pork chop! We will find a way to attack the gap to open the gap and find an opportunity to blast!"


"Be careful!"

"Good meow!"

Everyone responded.

Although he didn't say it in detail, everyone knew who he meant by "the people he needed".

As a great sword user, he and Ted, the gunner, did not need to change weapons. There is no need to explain the reason. They didn't even prepare replacement weapons.

What's more, as the main vanguard, the two of them must contain the mysterious ancient dragon in the front.

In the distance, Ansir was holding the heavy crossbow [Famine] and shooting continuously.

The versatility of this heavy crossbow is not good, but he didn't have a heavy crossbow that was particularly suitable for firing ice bombs, so there was no need to change it.

What's more, this heavy crossbow will be of great use later.

Feng Ying was lucky. The Imperial Gold Ice Shield Axe she used most was originally an ice attribute weapon.

The remaining few people really needed to change their ice attribute weapons to significantly improve their combat effectiveness.

Under the cover of their companions, Hayata, Oshura and Maka blew their whistles, summoned their pterosaurs, took off into the air, and rushed to the temporary camp to change their weapons.


Feng Ying looked at Gene, who was standing at the feet of the mysterious ancient dragon and waving his weapon, in surprise, "Why don't you go back to change your weapon?"

"A real man only needs one weapon!"

"No, aren't you a katana user? Why are you using a sledgehammer?!"

"A real man should swing a sledgehammer!"

"You don't have an ice attribute weapon, do you?"

"A real man doesn't need attribute weapons!"

"Isn't your 'angry hair hammer' also of thunder attribute?"

"Nah! Long-winded!!!"

Gene, who was blocked and couldn't find anything to say, shouted, raised his hand and fired a flying claw, flying onto the forelimbs of the mysterious ancient dragon.

Then, he jumped towards the head of the mysterious ancient dragon like a nimble monkey and fox.

Noticing Gene's actions and realizing what he was going to do, Gordon and others immediately stepped up their offensive to distract the mysterious ancient dragon and create opportunities for Gene.

Gene was indeed agile, and he reached the head of the mysterious ancient dragon in a few moves.

He clamped a protruding rock with his legs to stabilize his body, and then swung his flying claws with all his strength, grabbing the mysterious ancient dragon's eye socket.


Sparks splashed, and the steel claws were bounced off.

Under the protection of the heavy rock, the attack of the flying claws had no effect on the mysterious ancient dragon.

"Really hard!" Gene spat, put down the flying claws, and turned to swing the sledgehammer and smashed it hard.

But except for a few insignificant cracks on a piece of rock attached to the face of the mysterious ancient dragon, it had no effect, but angered it.

"Roar, boom, boom--"

It roared and turned its body, shaking its head, trying to throw off the annoying thing on its head.

Gordon and others who were besieging the mysterious ancient dragon were in a panic and had to temporarily keep a distance to prevent being accidentally injured by the sweeping giant tail and rock wings.

"It really makes trouble for people!" Feng Ying cursed while running.

Facing the attacking dragon wings, she slid and dodged from under the dragon wings, reached out and grabbed a few pieces of sticky stones that she had smashed before, and threw them to Gene.

"Use this!"

Gene waved his hand to grab it, and while continuing to firmly fix his body with his feet, he loaded the sticky stones on the projector.

Then, he directly stuffed his arm into the deep eye socket of the monster, inside the gap that neither the flying claws nor the sledgehammer could reach, and squeezed the trigger hard.

The sticky stones shot out seemed to hit the monster's eyeballs or other fragile organs protected by the rock armor.

The mysterious monster's reaction was unexpectedly violent. It howled in pain and stumbled forward, crashing head-on into a towering cliff that looked like a fang.

The nearly 100-meter-high cliff collapsed and shattered under the impact, and the mysterious ancient dragon itself was also dizzy in the impact.

Amidst bursts of muffled roars, it was crushed by the collapsed cliff.

"Buzz, boom, boom, boom!"

"Ha! Well done!" Gordon laughed and rushed to the front of the mysterious ancient dragon at full speed.

He raised the big sword, used the recoil of the enhanced shooting, quickly completed the charging preparation, and then swung it down with full firepower.

He aimed at the "nose tip" of the mysterious ancient dragon. The rock armor covering this side was slightly fragmented, not the kind of large and complete rock, and the hardness was relatively low.

But even so, the damage caused by his sword was still not ideal.

At best, a few pieces of broken rock collapsed, but his own wrist and tiger's mouth were shocked and numb.

This feeling was just like the attack failed and chopped on the ground.

"Look at me!"

Ted's shouting came from behind, and Gordon quickly jumped sideways and moved aside.

Ted rushed forward with a roar, thrust the gun rifle, and pushed the muzzle into the inconspicuous gap cut by Gordon, and then pulled the trigger fiercely.

"Dragon Cannon!"

"Boom boom boom--!"

The weapon made of Explosive Dragon material also has the terrifying ancient slime attached to it.

This [Light Shattering Gunlance] also gained amazing destructive power and additional blasting damage.

The power of this dragon cannon is far stronger than any gunlance Gordon has seen before.

The collision with the cliff, the real power slash, plus the amazing dragon cannon, under the continuous strong attack, the rock armor on the face of the mysterious ancient dragon cracked a long and deep crack.

Ted jumped back two steps, turned his head, and shouted, "It's still lying there, heavy crossbow team! Don't you want to fire?!"

The heavy crossbowmen hiding behind the bunkers around looked at Anshil. Just now, it was Anshil who gave them the "standby" gesture.

"The power of the diffusion bomb cannot break through the defense of the rock armor!" Ansir shouted back: "Save ammunition, it's not time yet!"

"But the timing of the explosion is just right, meow!"

Pork Chop drilled out from the ground, flew to the face of the mysterious ancient dragon who was about to get up, and stuffed a slime bomb into the deepest part of the narrow gap.

"Try this, meow!"

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