Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1344 Add a shield! Three sides!

The quicksand, which is constantly vibrating like water waves, swallows everything.

In the blink of an eye, waves of sand covered his mouth and nose, and huge pressure squeezed his chest, making him unable to breathe.

Screaming silently, he stretched out his hand towards the sky with all his strength, hoping for someone to help him.

Take him out of this suffocating quicksand hell.

At this moment, a burst of emerald green rain fell from the sky, smoothing the sand waves and bringing fresh air.

The huge pressure that almost flattened his chest also dissipated.

Anhir opened his eyes suddenly.


A mist of water with a familiar smell sprayed on his face.


"Nima, you damn fat dog, why are you coming here again? Don't lie on his chest again. Do you want to crush him to death?"

Gale cursed and pushed away the big head that was squeezed into Gale's sight, turned around and poured a mouthful of recovery medicine into his mouth, holding it in his mouth.

Then, again under Anhil’s horrified gaze.

"Pfft! Cough cough cough. Oh my God, you finally woke up?!"

Anhil, who had just woken up from a coma, was in a confused state of mind. He stared blankly at the bottle of recovery medicine in Gale's hand.

Ah. That familiar smell, is it the smell of herbs?

After waving his hand in front of Anhil's eyes, Gale asked with concern: "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

"What are you doing?"

"Ah, are you talking about this?" Gale glanced at the medicine bottle in his hand and explained: "Xianglan said you would wake up faster this way.

Oops, don't be a mysophobia at this time, it's not like you haven't eaten my saliva before. "

Anhir: "."

After two seconds of silence, he allowed his newly restarted brain to work. After clearing his mind, Anhil decided to put the matter aside for the time being.

"How's the battle going?" Anhir used his arms to support himself and tried to sit up.

However, the excruciating pain that came from his arm bones made him loosen his strength, and he almost fell off the cot in the tent.

Gale quickly supported him, "When I took you to retreat, the swordsmen were besieging the target, and the heavy crossbowmen successfully withdrew into the stone forest on the edge of the basin.

With Gordon and the others here, there will be no problem. "

Anhil did not reply to her and quickly checked his own status.

Under the protection of [Kailo] (elite brilliant dragon) and the efficacy of the secret medicine, most of the shock injuries in the body have recovered, but the injury to the broken arm bone cannot be healed in a short time.

In his current state, it is impossible to smoothly lift a heavy ballista weighing tens of kilograms, and he will only become a burden when he returns to the battlefield.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing some impulsive emotions with reason, he stood up with difficulty and said to Gale: "I'm fine, you don't need to guard me here.

The firepower density of the three heavy crossbows is not enough. Go back and reorganize the diffusion heavy crossbow team. "

"You still need to tell me?"

Gale pushed Ancil back onto the bed and picked up the Lava Dragon Heavy Ballista leaning against the bed. "Just lie down, Gale, Sandstone, let's go."

"Wait a minute." Anhil called to Gale before she left the tent.

"What to do?"

"Using my [Famine], actual combat has proven that the shield can effectively weaken the power of shock attacks. Put on the shield before going."

"?" Gale's face was full of questions, "Doing customized modifications here? Now?"

"Well, the shields and quick-assembly tools are in the storage box. Let me teach you. The process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. Add all three shields."

The tactical attempt to attract the attention of the mysterious ancient dragon by actively making sounds and induce its action to a certain extent ultimately failed.

Gordon wasn't surprised.

Similar methods will be ineffective if used on more intelligent monsters, let alone ancient dragons whose IQs are not inferior to humans.

The idea that if you shout a few times in a loud voice, the target will turn its head, put its head in front of you and let you hit it, is pure wishful thinking.

Taking into account its keen hearing characteristics, hunters also tried to use sonic bombs.

Unfortunately, it has no effect.

The essence of sound waves is vibration. How can the mysterious ancient dragon with this as its core ability be afraid of noise?

Tricks won't work anymore, and the hunters had no choice but to face the challenge head-on.

The swordsmen continued to launch strong attacks from all directions.

The alcoholic light crossbowman Osura took the risk to close the combat distance to less than 20 meters. She lost count of how many ice shells she fired.

Two bases? Or three bases?

But it’s okay, she prepared a lot in advance, a lot!

While the heavy crossbowmen of the Diffusion Heavy Crossbow Team withdrew into the outer stone forest, they were not completely idle.

In the previous battles, Ancier strictly prohibited them from using penetrating bullet sniping and other methods to "take damage".

At this distance, the power of the crossbow bullets is reduced so much that it is almost meaningless except for increasing the risk of accidentally injuring the swordsman and exposing his position.

So, they set their sights on their fellow swordsmen.

The Laoshan Dragon Heavy Ballista can be loaded with recovery bullets and hardened bullets. Although these non-lethal crossbow bullets are a little painful when hit on the body, the effect is not bad. Can it be regarded as some kind of support method?

"Bang!" A hardened bullet accurately hit the back of Feng Ying's head.

The dark yellow liquid splashed all over her body, making her skin and muscles tougher, but her head hurt a little, as if someone had punched her in the face.

Feng Ying cursed and was about to complain about "that guy An Xil", but suddenly realized that this could not come from the latter.

My mood suddenly became a little heavy.

Fortunately, she is very good at regulating her emotions. If you feel unhappy, just vent it out!

The energy in the bottle is full, and the opponent is right in front of you!

Throwing a strange power pill into her mouth, Feng Ying launched a head-on charge towards the mysterious ancient dragon.

As if feeling her determination, a glowing blue light emerged from the gap in the carapace of [Nether Lamp Nether Fire], and the shawl made of Nether Lamp Dragon Nether Veil began to dance wildly.

The invisible energy field spread out, and the electric light and heat wrapped around the imperial gold shield, axe, sword and shield became more intense and dazzling.

The eyes of the mysterious ancient dragon are closed tightly, but its perception of breath is very keen.

He turned his attention away from Gordon, whose aura was most fearful to him, for a moment.

Keeping a close eye on the shield and ax user who was approaching quickly, the mysterious ancient dragon roared angrily, raised its front paws, and stomped heavily on the ground.

Unstable vibrating energy erupted from under its sharp claws. The rocky ground as a carrier was like water surface slapped by a palm. Sharp rock ridges rose from the ground and lifted forward layer by layer.

Feng Ying was sure of avoiding the attack from the rock ridge, but she decided to take a little risk this time.

Insert the sword into the shield and turn it into a giant axe, further speeding up the charge.

Just when the approaching rock ridge was about to lift her off, she took the lead and released the flying insect to take off. She kicked her legs on the rapidly rising rock pillar and jumped higher into the air.

However, the mysterious ancient dragon seemed to have expected that she would jump over the rock ridge and charge directly towards her.

The wings are folded in front of the body, the tentacles are formed into a ring, and the twisted air mass condenses into shape in an instant. The next second it will turn into a terrifying air column that destroys everything and shoots out.

But Feng Ying had no intention of interrupting the offensive. She chewed the strange power pill and poured all her strength into the axe.

This was like sending her to death. It was obvious that before her giant ax fell, a giant air column would blast out, blowing her into a ball of blood mist.

The premise is that she is alone.

Another figure took the lead and inserted itself in front of the mysterious ancient dragon.

Gordon, who guessed Fengying's thoughts when she launched her charge, immediately activated courage mode.

In the low voice, with almost no indication of preparation time, he drew his sword and charged up the sword at high speed, slashing on the side of the mysterious ancient dragon's head.

He chopped off the head of the mysterious ancient dragon, interrupting the former's attack preparations and forcibly gaining this precious second or two.

Feng Ying waved her giant ax and slashed down.

"Super! Solution!"

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