Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1348 Entering the Destroying Lotus Tribulation Pearl Cannon!

The hunters kept their eyes on the ground.

Even in the sea, if a giant creature with a body length of more than thirty meters and a weight of hundreds of tons swims under the water, some ripples and tracks can always be seen.

What's more, quicksand just flows like water, not a real liquid.

The moving path of the mysterious ancient dragon under the sand is very clear, so there is no need to worry about it suddenly jumping out of the ground and launching a surprise attack.

It is moving away from the hunters.

"Is that guy going to run away?" Gene yelled and was about to chase him, but Gordon stopped him.


Gordon put away his weapon and stared at the trail away.

"Don't forget that we are on an isolated island. If it really wants to escape, it will only dive deeper and penetrate into the earth's veins, instead of moving farther away from the ground like this."

To be honest, Gordon couldn't figure out why the other party did this.

To distance yourself?

But since it's not about escaping, why should we keep distance?

There was no time to think about it, no matter what the monster wanted to do, it was right for them to try their best to stop it.

"Follow me!"

The hunters ran faster, bypassing the quicksand area and surrounding the target.

The mysterious ancient dragon that was crawling underground didn't leave too far. When it came to the edge of the basin, it emerged from the ground.

The four limbs grasp the ground to stand firm, and the palm-shaped wings are raised upward as if to hold something up.

The air above its head became distorted, and it was obviously preparing some kind of powerful move.

Gordon was shocked when he saw this, and finally realized the other party's intention.

The reason why it distanced itself was to buy time for the attack to charge up and avoid the attack being interrupted by the hunters again.

keep going?

No, it's too late.

A huge air mass with a diameter of more than 20 meters is taking shape on the head of the mysterious ancient dragon. It can be prepared in a few seconds at most.

There was quicksand blocking the road ahead. This time was not enough for them to get in front of the mysterious ancient dragon, let alone launch a powerful attack to interrupt it.

Back off? Put some distance?

Nope either.

The mysterious ancient dragon didn't emerge from the surface until it reached the edge of the basin, which meant that its next attack would most likely cover the entire basin area.

There is no point in using this little time to retreat.

Faced with this situation, there is no other choice but to take a gamble on defense.

"Hardening medicine! Defend in place!" Gordon yelled, inserting the sword into the ground, and put his shoulders against the sword face to enter a defensive posture.

Ted also smashed down his big shield, "Stand behind me!"

There is no point in being pretentious at this time. In critical situations, it is the defender's responsibility to bear the attack for his companions.

Gene and Maca lowered their center of gravity and stood behind Ted back to back to assist him in solid defense.

As a shooter, Oshula, who had the lightest armor, was protected by them at the end.

Ignoring Gordon's scolding, Feng Ying accelerated a few steps and came to Gordon. She set up her shield, swayed the worm silk to help fix it, and entered a fully charged defensive posture.

Gordon subconsciously wanted to carry her back behind him, but found that the latter was standing firm and motionless.

Hayata came to him, and after the two looked at each other helplessly, they stretched out their hands to touch Feng Ying's back.

After taking the sclerosing drug, they did everything they could, and the next result could only be left to luck.


With a sharp neighing sound, the mysterious ancient dragon released the giant air ball that looked suffocating.

The moment the air mass hit the ground, all sounds in the world disappeared.

The invisible shock wave spread to all directions, enveloping the hunters dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when the shock wave hit, Xianglan suddenly emerged from the ground. It held up a particularly huge recovery honey insect and hit Feng Ying hard.

Thick honeydew wrapped around Feng Ying's body like amber covering insects. After finishing all this, Pandan was thrown away by the oncoming shock wave before she could burrow into the ground.

Unlike the previous air column strafing, the impact of the air mass was similar to the explosion of a bomb, and it only existed for a short moment.

But it was this momentary burst of energy that created a huge crater like a meteorite in the center of the basin.

The only good thing is that even the mysterious ancient dragon himself cannot perfectly control the landing point of this air ball.

This prevented the air mass from falling directly on the heads of the hunters, blowing them together with the gravel on the ground into an indistinguishable puddle.

However, even if it is just the impact of the air mass detonating, the power is still astonishing.

The arm holding the shield hung down, and Ted collapsed to the ground, losing consciousness.

Maka tried to hold him up, but her confused brain couldn't control her limbs at all. She couldn't even maintain the most basic standing position, and her hands and feet went limp and she knelt down.

Jean, who was heavily armored and still wearing half-damaged clothes, was in slightly better condition, but he was still coughing up blood and his steps were shaky.

Only Oshula, who was protected by them at the rear, still had the possibility to continue fighting.

On the other side, Gordon stood up slowly, leaning on his sword.

Sharp tinnitus filled his brain, and blood dripped from his mouth and nose.

It was like there was something heavy pressing on his chest, and the irritating nausea could not be dissipated. He shook his head vigorously, and his thoughts became clearer.

Good news, he's still alive, better news, he's still moving.

The injury was less severe than expected.

The protective stone worn around his neck shone with light.

Is it protected by elves? This time my luck was not bad.


The pork chop emerged from the ground and inserted a healing chimney.

After taking a deep breath of the medicinal mist, Gordon felt better and his mind finally returned to consciousness.

He glanced around to confirm the status of his companions.

The alcohol team was in a bad state. Except for the light crossbowman Oshula, they basically lost their combat effectiveness.

Ted was even more motionless, and his life and death were unknown, which was disturbing.

Hayata's condition was similar to his own. He was seriously injured, but he still retained his ability to move. He just needed some time to relax.

Feng Ying's condition was surprisingly good. Although she also looked dizzy and dizzy, she still managed to remain standing.

This meant that the shock to her brain was not too severe.

They are also the defenders at the forefront. Even if Ted and the others are closer to the impact point of the air mass explosion, the gap should not be so big.

Is it Pandan’s credit?

After swallowing a secret medicine, taking a few deep breaths to adjust his breath, Gordon stood up straight with his sword in hand.

Suppressing the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart, he said in a hoarse voice: "Pig Chop, take Amber to evacuate the wounded."

Pig Chop nodded, dragged Pandan up motionless in the sand, then mounted Amber and rushed towards the direction of the alcohol team.

The physical strength of ancient dragon species is bottomless.

Looking at the hunters who had not yet fallen, the mysterious ancient dragon that had just released a powerful attack once again gathered its wing limbs in front of it.

The vibrating power is condensing and will soon turn into a giant air column that will shatter everything and shoot out.

Without any time to breathe, Oshula spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, set up the Ice Fish Dragon launcher, and fired with all his strength.

Gordon and others also gritted their teeth and launched a charge.

This attack by the mysterious ancient dragon must be interrupted, otherwise further attrition or even sacrifice is almost inevitable.

But it seems it's too late.

At this moment, a stream of fire came from a distance and accurately hit the head of the mysterious ancient dragon.

The golden-red fireball that exploded was like a miniature sun, enveloping half of the mysterious ancient dragon's body.

The impact of the explosion opened the ring of wing limbs, and the mysterious ancient dragon, who was also in bad condition, staggered back several steps.

The air column that was about to condense also dissipated.

"Supernova?" Gordon looked at the direction of the attack in surprise, "Ancil?!"

Maka and Jean were supporting each other, and Maka, who was a little confused, even muttered "Dad?".

Several figures rushed into the battlefield.

"Suppression with fire! Suppression with fire! It's all gone like this, why are you still waiting for a chance to make a basket?!

Has it become a form that can’t be used for anything except diffusion bombs? ah? ! "

Cursing, Gale pressed the drum of a mechanical dragon bullet into the crossbow chamber, raised the muzzle, and shouted.


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