Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1353 Return and Support

When Hayata returned home, she pulled out her dragon sword [Red Lotus] and made several gestures.

When he drew the sword, the sharp metal sound of the blade and scabbard, and the "whoosh" sound of the inverted-tooth blade breaking through the wind, made Gordon's scalp numb.

For a moment he suspected that Hayata was really going to draw his sword and kill him.

Fortunately, Hayata wasn't that crazy yet. After snorting at Gordon who raised her hands with a sneer on her face, she lowered her sword flat.

Gordon walked over knowingly and put his palm on the sword.

Nothing happened.

Hayata breathed a sigh of relief and was about to put away the weapon.

Gordon glanced at her, put his palm on the blade of the sword, and touched it gently.

The sharp blade easily broke through the calluses and skin between his palms, and blood flowed out, dyeing the blade of the Dragon Sword [Red Lotus] red.

Hayata was startled, and quickly dropped the dragon knife, took out a handkerchief to help him hold the wound, and ran to the storage box to get the recovery medicine.

Gordon looked at the wound on his palm, then looked at the still unresponsive Dragon Blade [Red Lotus].

He shook his palm and said, "It's okay."

"I know, I know, why don't you quickly put pressure on the wound!"

"Are you relieved now?"

"Come on and apply some medicine to stop the bleeding first!"

"Did something like this happen last night?"

At the wine table, Feng Ying giggled, "If you tell me, even if you grow scales, it's not a bad thing. Maybe you won't have to wear armor anymore!"

Hayata slapped her reproachfully.

Compared to Feng Ying's laughter, An Xil looked much more serious.

He looked at Gordon and said: "Hayata's concern is correct. Pay more attention to your own condition, whether it is physical or psychological. If there is any abnormality, don't ignore it."

"Yes, I understand."

Gordon responded casually and changed the subject, "Do you have any plans during this vacation?"

After the mission of hunting the Earthly Crying Dragon, the Commander-in-Chief granted the hunters half a month's leave. He would not assign tasks to them unless necessary.

It is used to relieve the fatigue accumulated from the high-intensity investigation missions and battles in the past period.

An Xil thought for a while and said, "I don't have any plans for the time being. Just try to rest as much as possible. After a while, I will probably be busy again."

"What are you busy with?" Gordon asked curiously.

Listening to Gordon's relaxed tone that had nothing to do with it, Ancier became angry. He said with a dark face: "Did someone forget that he left the task of managing the Yuechen stronghold to me?"

"Ahem." Gordon pretended not to hear, with a serious look on his face, "But if you say so, the investigation into the northeastern part of the mainland should also be on the agenda."

"Northeast?" Feng Ying reacted for a while before remembering, "Ah! Is it the warning from the ancient dragon people, the Dragon King or something?"

"Keep your voice down." Gordon glared at her, and after confirming that there was no one at the next table, he continued:

"The ancient dragon people only mentioned that the Dragon King was about to awaken, but did not specify the location. The clue about the 'northeast' was felt when he came into contact with the Mingbo Dragon.

Ming Bolong's reaction at that time was also very intense. There should be something in that direction that is worth investigating. "

"After the holiday, the Commander-in-Chief will make arrangements." Ancier took a sip of hot tea. "This matter will most likely fall on you in the end. After all, only you 'feel it'."

"Then I'll take a trip." Gordon was more positive. He was still keen on exploring the unknown.

Anhil nodded, "I went to Yuechen, and Gordon went to the northeast to investigate the unknown aura. Then there is a high probability that Hayata and Feng Ying will be guarded by the commander-in-chief in Xingchen.

Although the commander-in-chief looked very happy at the celebration banquet two days ago, he was actually very tense. He could be seen analyzing intelligence in the headquarters every day and night.

The warning from the ancient dragon people put a lot of pressure on him, and "

Ancier was silent for several seconds before continuing: "A secret message from the guild headquarters arrived just last night. It should be about the ancient dragon people's warning."

Feng Ying swallowed hard, stared and asked, "How did you know?"

"The quick communication channel between the New World Investigation Team and the guild headquarters was established with the help of the Sterling Chamber of Commerce. How do you think I know?"

"Okay, what's in the letter?"

"...I told you it was a secret message. If I had known the content, An Ye would have come to my door." Anxier replied angrily, crossed his arms and continued:

"But I can make a rough guess. From the perspective of the guild's senior management, they probably hope to withdraw part of the investigation team's strength and return to the old continent to defend themselves."

Gordon pondered, "So, indeed, the warning of the ancient dragon people did not specify whether it was the New World or the Old World, but only mentioned the unexplained 'at the end'.

There is also the title ‘Dragon King’, which matches up with some taboo legends of the Old World.”

"So, if I were the Great Elder, I would also feel that the ancient dragon people's warning was aimed at the Old Continent.

To put it bluntly, the New World Ancient Dragon Investigation Team is just a scientific research organization, and the mystery of the Ancient Dragon Crossing that was the purpose of its establishment has been solved.

Even if all operations are suspended and all personnel are withdrawn at the moment, it is just a pity. When the situation stabilizes in the future, the investigation activities can be restarted.

The Old Continent is the base camp of human civilization, with a population of hundreds of millions, and there is no room for loss. "

"It's useless to withdraw. There are only so many of us here." Feng Ying muttered.

"The population is not large, but the quality of the hunter group is amazing. There are more than forty elite hunters with three, four, and five stars. Even if we don't count the older generation of sword masters, there are thirteen high-level hunters.

What's even more rare is that all the high-level hunters in the investigation team have rich experience in fighting ancient dragons. There are no six-star "novices", and all the members are seven-star or higher.

In addition, Hayata and I are two eight-stars, and Gordon is a nine-star who has reached the top.

Oh, yes, Ted's application for promotion to eight stars has also been sent to the guild headquarters. There will be no problem in passing the review based on his record.

With the exception of East Doruma, it is impossible for any big city in the Old Continent to assemble such a force. Do you still think it is useless to withdraw it? "

"Huh? It's true that the investigation team's strength is a bit exaggerated."

"From what you say, should we prepare in advance to return to the Old Continent?" Hayata asked with a frown.

Gordon waved his hand, "Don't worry, the withdrawal of hundreds of people cannot be finalized with just one letter.

Even if the guild headquarters does send a withdrawal order, the specific implementation will definitely have to wait until the investigation of the northeastern sea is completed. "

"I think so too." Anhil nodded and said confidently: "But if you think so, your vacation may end early. The commander-in-chief may let you leave early to investigate the Northeastern sea."

Just as Anhir expected.

At noon that day, the commander-in-chief sent someone to find Gordon and others and asked them to go to the headquarters as soon as possible.

In the headquarters, the commander-in-chief crossed his arms and looked serious.

"A letter was sent from the guild headquarters. The content is very simple."

"Require us to withdraw to the Old Continent?" Ancier used a question, but his tone was quite certain.

The commander-in-chief's expression became a little strange, "I thought so too when I received the letter, but...

The guild headquarters asked us to prepare to launch an investigation into the unknown aura in the northeast of the New World. It also stated that a team would be sent to support the New World in the near future. "


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