Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1364 The Way of the Wild

The monitor of the research class is a guy who pursues speed and efficiency.

I had heard Master Gordon and Alva talk about this before. Today, Feng Ying finally realized its meaning.

It's really fast.

Go back to your residence, pick up a weapon, and equip yourself with armor.

He has completed the task delegation process and prepared various items such as sleds and supplies for travel.

When Feng Ying arrived at the agreed meeting point, he had already taken the time to measure Xiao Zi's body data.

"The body length is 1,960 centimeters, which is close to the level of the species' limit individual. The number of claws and teeth has also been fully grown, and the cryogenic secretion glands are abnormally developed.

If it weren't for the fact that the end of the tailbone was a little soft, I wouldn't have believed it was less than six years old.

Judging from the population average, this developmental state is no longer 'excellent', but 'abnormal'.

Um? Do you mean that the abnormal development of cryogenic gland points only occurred after being seriously injured by the ice dragon attack?

It's really an interesting phenomenon. It's a pity that this was not noticed earlier. Otherwise, someone should be sent to observe and record this process.

The most special research object is obviously around me, but I didn't find it, eh——. "

After exchanging a few words with Xuanxuan, the face of the research class monitor showed not regret, but sadness.

"I feel like the middle-aged dragon version of Alva."

Feng Ying was tying the lasso of the sleigh to Amber, while muttering to herself, "But speaking of which, this person seems to be the object of Alva's admiration?

Aibo won't be like this in the future, right?

Hello! The sled is harnessed, do you still want to go? "

"Wait a minute, give me five more minutes."

As he said that, the Draconian scholar quickly measured and recorded the purple wind-drifting dragon's tail length, ankle bone dimensions, wingspan membrane width and other detailed data for later comparison.

"Ah, you're doing this too, right?" Feng Ying rolled her eyes.

That guy Alvar kept shouting "Five minutes!" "Last five minutes!" "This time it's really the last five minutes!" But as long as he didn't resort to force, he wouldn't move at all.

However, what she didn't expect was.

The leader of the research class was so fast that he finished the measurement work within five minutes, packed up his books and books, and got on the sled.

"No wonder you are the monitor of the research class!" Feng Ying patted the middle-aged scholar's shoulder hard, as if "I recognize you."

The monitor of the research class smiled at her and didn't care about her behavior.

"Let's go!" Feng Ying shouted.

Amber roared and accelerated, pulling the sled to speed on the thick and soft snow.

There were only two people on the sled, Feng Ying, the leader of the research team, and a mushroom. The amount of supplies was not much, only a few days' worth, so Amber ran easily.

The wonder of the snow forest with white snow and black trees turned into a blurry afterimage, flying backwards.

The ice jackals wandering among the bushes in the snow were alarmed. They lowered their bodies and let out a demonstrative roar, but were thrown away by the sled in the blink of an eye.

Feng Ying laughed, stretched out her hand, and made a rude gesture at them.

The giant purple shadow swooped down and passed very low above the heads of the group of ice wolves.

The extremely cold frost covered the beasts, and in the blink of an eye, the unruly ice wolves were frozen into ice sculptures in the snow forest.

"Ah! Don't do such a dangerous thing, Xiao Zi!" Xuanxu, who was lying on the dragon's back, hit Fei Long on the head with the flute hammer he carried.

At her urging, the purple wind-drifting dragon let out a long roar, passed through the blockade of the cedar canopy, which was not dense, and climbed into the sky.

"Wow! You can really fly on a dragon." Feng Ying on the sled raised her head and cast envious eyes into the air.

Pterodactyls can also fly. The winter pterodactyls at Yuechen Stronghold have been trained very well, but is it the same feeling to hang under a pterodactyl and soar in the sky on a flying dragon? !

Furthermore, the time and energy cost of domesticating pterosaurs in batches and carefully cultivating a flying dragon from eggs are not at the same level.

Not everyone can raise a ferocious and proud flying dragon.

Xuanxu, who was born in Hong Leong Shuhai, has mastered many skills that ordinary people cannot understand. It is impossible for ordinary people to think of it and it is extremely difficult to achieve it.

While Feng Ying looked up at the sky, the leader of the research class kept his eyes fixed on the ice jackals frozen into ice sculptures until they disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

"I see. No wonder Miss Xuanxuan never leaves." He muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Feng Ying asked curiously.

"That purple wind-drifting dragon is more dangerous than I thought before. I was too careless just now." Looking up at the giant shadow soaring in the sky, the research class monitor exhaled.

“When I was measuring its body data just now, Miss Xuanxuan kept holding its head. I just thought it was because of the ‘deep love between mother and daughter’, so we stayed together and never separated.

Now it seems that Miss Xuanxuan is suppressing Feng Piaolong's desire to attack. "


The Draconian scholar pushed up his glasses and said, "How do we tame pterosaurs? Do you know this?"

"Well, Master Gordon seems to have told me that the first step is to rely on beatings? Beating them until they are afraid and dare not attack humans again is the first step."

"Well, that's right. To put it bluntly, this step is to castrate the wild pterosaurs. Compared with wild pterosaurs, the pterosaurs domesticated by the survey team are stronger and larger, but they will not be as aggressive. They are used to being fed.

However, Miss Xuanxu's way of training Fengdiaolong, or in other words, the way of taming animals of the people of the Sea of ​​Trees, is completely different.

When the wind-drifting dragon was just two or three meters long and started to grow sharp teeth, Miss Xuanxuan took it to live in the wild.

Although she doesn't know how she did it, as a human, she actually taught the flying dragon how to fly, how to hunt, and even how to fight other large monsters.

Because of this, under the influence of the Earth Crying Dragon, after leaving the ancient tree forest, even if it was expelled by the tribe because of its abnormal skin color, it could survive well alone in the wild without adapting at all.

Even speaking of aggression, it may be more aggressive than ordinary wild individuals.

But no other Fengdiao dragon dared to resist the Ice Dragon, only it rushed forward. "

"That's right."

"The same goes for the ice wolves that were frozen into ice sculptures just now. They were not for hunting, and they have nothing to do with self-defense.

It simply killed them at will with a playful mentality. Even among the flying dragons, only the worst-charactered individuals would do this.

Would you allow your toothhound to pounce on an elf deer passing by in the woods and kill it, just for fun? "

Feng Ying was stunned, "Well, then I might beat it."

"Right? This is our conventional thinking, but Miss Xuanxuan was just angry at the dangerous behavior of the purple wind drifting dragon flying at low altitude, so she urged it to climb up quickly and return to high altitude.

She was aware of all this, and even actively encouraged all of this, in order to train the purple wind-drifting dragon into a true king of the air. "

"Xuanxu was called evil by you"

“I can’t say it’s evil, I can only say that we, who grew up in a civilized society, have different moral concepts and ways of thinking than the people in the sea of ​​​​shu, who prey on the weak.

Miss Xuanxuan has paid great attention to these.

While the wind-drifting dragon was recovering from its injuries, she stayed with her every step of the way. After the former recovered, she took it to live in the snow forest some distance away from Yuechen.

Just to prevent the purple wind drifting dragon from being unable to suppress its ferocity and causing an attack. "

Hearing what the monitor of the research class said, Feng Ying couldn't help but recall that when Xiao Zi just woke up, Xuan Xuan only left for a short time before it became restless.

At the time, I thought it was just too clingy to its "mother", but now it seems that it might have wanted to bite someone.

"But then again, Xiao Zi is quite obedient in front of us?" Feng Ying rubbed her smooth chin.

".That's because it knows that you can easily chop off its head."

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