Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1367: Rebellion

Just as Feng Ying expected, the purple wind dragon, which lost its speed advantage and was forced to fight in close combat, was soon suppressed by the leader wind dragon.

It bit, scratched, flapped its wings and sprayed frozen liquid desperately, trying to fight back.

Unfortunately, these efforts were difficult to work in the face of the absolute physical difference.

The body length of the purple wind dragon is less than 20 meters, which is considered very large among the wild wind dragons.

However, the body length of the leader wind dragon reached a record-breaking 23 meters, and the difference in body length between the two was nearly 20%.

This does not mean that the leader is 20% stronger than the challenger.

Compared with humans, Xiao Zi is like a tall young man of more than 190 cm. Walking on the busy streets of the city, there is almost no one taller than her.

The leader wind dragon is a giant with a height of 230 cm and a sturdy physique. 190 cm can only reach his chest.

The size difference between Julius and Gordon is not that big. If the two wrestled, the former would definitely be beaten to death by the latter.

After secondary development, the developed cryogenic glands that are no different from the special individual called "Frost Wing Wind Drifting Dragon" are the only remaining advantage of the purple wind drifting dragon.

Unfortunately, the wind drifting dragon is a race that controls frost and wind, and has excellent resistance to cold air and freezing.

For the leader wind drifting dragon, the extremely cold cryogenic liquid fell on its body, forming a thick layer of ice frost, which made it quite uncomfortable, but it could not stop its actions.

The challenger was soon stepped on by its giant claws.

The 蛱蛱 could no longer bear it, and the flash bomb was fired.

At this time, Feng Ying also slid down the hillside, entered the valley, and ran towards the area where the wind drifting dragons gathered.

A strong light burst.

Many of the wind drifting dragons gathered here were dizzy by the strong light and fell into panic.

The leader targeted by the 蛱蛱 was also temporarily deprived of vision.

But it was not as panicked as the other wind dragons.

It stretched its neck and let out a series of piercing roars. Under the suppression of these roars, the chaotic wind dragons calmed down a little.

At the same time, it spread its frost wings, turned its body violently, and swept its wide dragon wings and long tail to the surroundings to prevent the enemy from approaching secretly.

Now not only Feng Ying who was approaching, but also the distant Zhui and the research class leader were a little stunned.

This wind dragon actually had experience in dealing with blindness under strong flashes?

"Fought it with hunters? No, I want to help!" Zhui just stood up and was pulled back by the research class leader.

"That may not be the experience gained from fighting hunters." The research class leader held her down hard, "The original habitat of the wind dragon was the coral plateau, where the dizzy birds lived.

You are not strong enough, and rushing into the encirclement of the dragon group will only become a burden. Don't worry, Miss Feng Ying is very strong, there will be no problem."

Saying this, the research class leader couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Before setting off, they subconsciously thought that there were only a few remnants of defeated soldiers left in the Frozen Canyon, and there would not be any strong leaders, just a pile of loose sand.

With Xiao Zi's strength, she could easily suppress them. Even if something unexpected happened, Feng Ying would be a reliable insurance.

They never thought that an alien tribe would invade and occupy the Frozen Canyon.

Not to mention Feng Ying, even if it was Gordon, it would be impossible to kill the leader surrounded by dozens of large flying dragons.

They should have scouted in advance.

While the leader was guarding against the sneak attacker, the purple wind dragon struggled to get up, leaned sideways, and hit the leader hard, knocking him back several steps.

Feng Ying, who passed through the chaotic dragon group and came close, shouted "Beautiful!".

She was about to draw her weapon, before the other wind dragons could react, to launch a righteous sneak attack, and then run away with Xiao Zi.

Unexpectedly, the purple wind dragon suddenly stretched its head, grabbed the back of her armor, and then shook its head hard.

Before she could use Kinsect Rescue, she was thrown into a pile of snow in the distance.

Perhaps because of her impaired vision or because Feng Ying was small and inconspicuous, the group of wind dragons surrounding her didn't even notice her.

The purple wind dragon roared, spread its wings, lowered its body, and stared at the leader of the wind dragons who gradually recovered his vision.


Feng Ying climbed out of the snow pile, her mind full of question marks.

No? You still want to fight?

On the hillside in the distance, the eyes of the wind dragon widened.

Her understanding of the wind dragons and the behavior habits of various wild animals was much deeper than Feng Ying's.

Xiao Zi's actions did not seem to be a challenge or provocation, but more like saying.

I'm not easy to mess with either.

"It's trying to ask to join the tribe." The head of the research class whispered.

Of course, the wind dragon also saw this.

In the wild, young wild animals wandering alone sometimes run to challenge the leader of a tribe in a fit of rage.

Generally speaking, there are only two results.

If they succeed by chance, they will subdue other individuals in the group and become the new leader.

Or they will be expelled or even killed if they are defeated.

Only in very rare cases will the third situation happen.

The young beast that was beaten up showed its own value and surrendered. The leader will have a small chance to accept it as a new member of the group.

There is a premise that the lone beast is not yet sexually mature, or even relatively young.

Adult wanderers will not be treated like this.

The purple wind drifting dragon, which has long reached the adult standard but is still just a "child" physically, meets this standard.

The leader Feng Piaolong also seemed a little stunned.

A menacing growl came from the thick chest, and it surrounded the young challenger, sniffing carefully and observing at the same time.

When he came to the back of his legs, he sniffed carefully and didn't even care when his tail was slapped.

Is this a kid? !

The leader, Feng Piaolong, turned back to the challenger.

It stared into the challenger's eyes, growled, and moved its head closer.

The purple wind-drifting dragon held its neck, but as the leader continued to approach and press it, it finally lowered its head and looked away.


The leader, the Wind-Drifting Dragon, let out a low cry again. It flapped its wings, spraying some freezing liquid on the purple Wind-Drifting Dragon, and then turned around and left.

"Oh! I've been accepted!" The monitor of the research class was a little excited. He took photos and sketched, quickly recording this rare scene.

Xuanxu looked like he was struck by lightning.

The leader of the research class glanced at her sideways and said: "Fengdiaolong is a typical social creature. For them, integrating into the group is an instinct engraved in their souls.

It is also a good thing for this ethnic group to accept it. "


"Does it make any difference to you whether you become the leader of the group or a member of the group? You can still come here to accompany it as an observer.

Well, by the way, I can also monitor this group of Fengdiao dragons, and if an unexpected situation occurs, I can also warn Yuechen in time. "

"Huh? That's right!" Hearing what the monitor of the research class said, Xuanxuan suddenly figured it out and her expression became happy again.

The baby finally doesn’t have to wander anymore!

After the leader left, most of the wind-drifting dragons dispersed, but a few stayed and got closer to this new member with a slightly different color.

I don’t know if I want to get familiar with him or if I want to bully him.

The purple wind-drifting dragon chased and bit them to drive them away, looking like "I'm super fierce".

After driving away the weak ones, the purple Fengdiaolong raised his head and looked at the leader Fengdiaolong who was entrenched on the top of the canyon cliff.

After a moment, it withdrew its gaze and rubbed its claws, which were not sharp enough, with the solid ice and rocks in the canyon.

A low growl of unknown meaning echoed deep in its throat.

Feng Ying, who was squatting in the snowdrift, noticed this scene. She smacked her lips and shook her head, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, you're confused, this guy is rebellious."


Regarding the habits of the wind-drifting dragons here, we refer to the wolves to a certain extent. However, after all, they are flying dragons, and their IQs will be higher, so their behaviors will be more complex.

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