Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1386 A healthy angel?

Chapter 1386 A healthy angel?

The blue-black giant beast dragged its tired steps onto the beach.

Blood flowed from the wound that would never heal. The excessively high body temperature and the energy consumed by the long journey across the sea made it extremely hungry and weak.

Creatures like the Tyrannosaurus have almost no so-called "fat". In order to maintain basic body functions, it has begun to digest its own muscles.

This makes it, which should be as strong as a mountain of muscles, look extremely thin, even skinny.

If it continues like this, in a few days at most, this powerful creature that can compete with ancient dragon species will use up its last vestige of life due to its own excessive metabolism.

At this moment, a rancid smell of blood penetrated its nostrils.

A trace of red light flashed in the turbid and dim eyes that had completely lost consciousness.

It's food!


High-intensity dragon energy escaped, and the excited roar suppressed the sound of waves hitting the rocks.

Strongly corrosive saliva mixed with stomach acid flowed all over the ground, and the evil beast that devoured everything crashed into the dense forest full of life in front of him.

"Tsk, how can you be so thin?" Feng Ying smacked her lips and put down the telescope, "Don't hunt this Terror Tyrannosaurus, or it will be killed by other monsters.

Should we help it get some food and let it regain its strength first? "

Gordon looked strange, "Are you actually worried that the Dino Tyrannosaurus wouldn't be able to hunt food? As long as it had one breath left, it could easily bite off the neck of the Salamander.

Not to mention that this guy seems to be a special individual who has lived to his age, and his aggression is really no joke. "

The professor stroked his beard and took over the conversation happily: "The metabolism of an ordinary Tyrannosaurus is terrifying enough, let alone an angry ghoul that has fought against hunger and survived to this day.

There is no shortage of 'food' in the Guiding Land. Believe it or not, it won't even take a week for it to return to its normal size.

In up to ten days, its muscles will swell to the point where the skin will burst. By then, its weight will be twice as much as it is now.

With sufficient food supply, the Angry Tyrannosaurus at its peak can viciously bite off a few pieces of meat even if it collides with an ancient dragon.

If the opponent is of a weaker breed, it is not impossible to win.

According to the data of the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau, there are very few cases of ancient dragon species being bitten to death by Terror Tyrannosaurus, but it is not completely absent.”

"So we don't need to worry about that Tyrannosaurus Rex and let it eat freely?" Feng Ying picked up her crab claws again.

"You can't ignore it completely. You must at least understand its active position."

Gordon looked at the direction where the Tyrannosaurus disappeared, "If necessary, we can even actively induce it to a certain area and let it help us destroy the ecology of that area.

It can continue to eat as long as there is prey in the nearby area.

Compared with us who are tired and need to rest, it is much more efficient. "

"Moreover, once the Dragon King wakes up, it can also share our hatred." Ancier said with a smile: "A rampaging and angry Dread Tyrannosaurus is much more conspicuous than us.

This is the first time that I feel that the Dino Tyrannosaurus, which is notorious as the "eating devil", is actually quite cute. "

A smile appeared on the face of Julius beside him, "Leave it to us to track and lure the Tyrannosaurus.

These are what our writing is good at. "

The professor shook his head, "We are short of manpower now. We are just tracking the Tyrannosaurus Rex. If we want to confirm its whereabouts, there is no need for you to come.

Team Penhead continues its original mission. As for Tyrannosaurus Gordon, I remember that the hunting cats in your team are quite powerful, right?

Are they up to the job? "


Gordon pointed at Pandan, who was trying to break off the crab legs from the seaside crab. "One of them is enough. Letting the pork chop follow is a waste of combat power."

"Hot meow——!"

Burnt by the hot crab shell, Pandan screamed and jumped up, licking the red flesh pads with tears in her eyes.

Hayata came over helplessly and helped it break off the crab legs.

".Is it really reliable?"

The professor's impression of this silver Ellu was only that it was "enemies with Fengying" and "greedy", and he didn't seem very reassured.

Gordon's smile was also a little awkward, "Don't look at it like this, it has also received full covert team training, and it is actually very good at this aspect of work."

"Okay, let's put it on the insect guide cage and set off as soon as possible. If the Dread Tyrannosaurus runs too far, it might get lost."

Gordon nodded and shouted: "Panglan! Come here!"

"Meow?" Holding the crab leg that was more than half her own length, Xianglan turned her head without knowing why.

"Hurry up and finish your meal. I've been fishing for the past few days. It's time to arrange some work for you."

Gordon waved his hand and said, "Go after the Dino Rex, keep tracking it, record its route of action, and remember to report back every night."

"Meow meow meow?!"

The other side of the continent.

The battle to hunt the black wolf bird went smoothly.

In order to avoid destroying the material too much, the two light crossbowmen deliberately avoided key parts such as the head and wings, focusing on both legs throughout the process, knocking it down repeatedly.

Then Maka, the insect stick wielder, took action and smashed its neck bones.

Thanks to their care, key material was preserved intact.

The nightmare scene that Oshura had fought five peach-haired beast kings for a set of armor finally did not reappear.

The materials for the black feather crossbow were successfully collected.

After a day and night of flying, the three returned to the Star Base with the materials.

Gale was still trying to persuade Oshura, "These materials must be left over if you only make a light crossbow. Don't you really consider making another one?

The black wolf bird's shin guard is so great! It is super light, effectively improves shooting accuracy (see through +2), and also has a protection that increases the power of penetrating bullets."

Oshura, who was troubled by it, finally compromised.

At least they are all dark colors, and they are edge parts like shin guards, so the combination is not too abrupt.

The protection enhanced by penetrating bullets also expands her tactical options. At worst, she can make dragon-breaking leg guards and use them interchangeably depending on the situation.

The three of them came to the processing house with laughter, placed the order, and were about to go to Maoshan Pavilion for a good drink when they met Ted who had been waiting here for a long time.

Just as Gale was about to make a few jokes, Ted stood up and spoke first: "The special investigation team sent a letter saying that they need manpower support. The commander-in-chief asked how we are preparing. What do you think?" Gale's smile faded, and she frowned, "Maka and I are of course no problem, but you and Oshura's change of clothes is not yet completed. Today we just hunted the simplest black wolf bird, and there are also broken dragons and red lotus explosive dragons. Besides, it takes time to make equipment. If we go there like this, isn't it too risky?" Ted seemed a little excited, "I thought so at first, but the letter from there said that they found a good place called 'Demon Gathering Land', where there are many powerful monsters. There have been sightings of broken dragons and explosive dragons, and there may be special individuals! I thought that we might go there first to help , and collect materials at the same time.

After collecting all the materials, send them back to the stars with a pterosaur, and let the processing house speed up the production. When they are done, use the airship to deliver supplies!

Wouldn't this save us from running back and forth? "

Maka looked at him with a squint, "I think you just can't settle down, right?"

Ted, whose mind was poked, didn't care. He shouted, "It's an island full of powerful monsters! I heard that Gordon and his team have hunted dozens of them!

So are you going or not!"



Some readers said that since the Demon Gathering Land has been opened, Mengbao can be reproduced, so it feels better to forget it - the birth of this monster is too unexpected, and it has been described enough. It is a bit cumbersome to brush it again.

Also, some readers mentioned another set of equipment suitable for Ted. This really makes me feel quite suitable. Consider it first.

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