Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1394 Hot Spring Golden Monkey?

Chapter 1394 Hot Spring Golden Monkey?

Deep in the dense forest, a scratching bird poked its head into a fire dragon's nest.

Its target, of course, was the two round eggs in the dragon's nest.

Among the many species of flying dragons, the fire dragon couple can be regarded as model parents.

It stands to reason that during the incubation period, at least one of the male and female fire dragons will stay in the nest to protect the offspring.

But for some reason, the owner of this dragon's nest has not returned for several days, and the greedy scratching bird seized this opportunity.

The delicious food that made it salivate was right in front of it.

After carefully looking around and confirming that there was no danger nearby, the scratching bird approached the two huge eggs.

Its claws covered with wrinkles stretched out, firmly clamped one of the giant eggs, and used its hooked beak to help it hug the giant egg.

It pecked twice impatiently, and the smooth and hard eggshell did not break immediately.

The scratching bird tilted its head, as if it realized that it was not safe here, and tried to stop the desire to eat immediately, turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, it heard some strange noises.

Rumble, like thunder.

The next second, the terrifying tooth beast wrapped in lightning, jumped and approached between the crowns of the giant tree.

The small-brained egg thief stared at this scene in a daze, and before it could react, a huge fist arm shining with golden light fell from the sky.

It and the egg in its arms were smashed into a pool of broken pieces on the ground.

"Roar! Hu!"

The golden lion roared, and the huge palm covered with blood, broken bones and sticky egg liquid slammed into the chest, making a muffled "boom! boom!" like a war drum.

The casual killing calmed the boiling anger in its heart a little.

After a few deep breaths, the bloody smell of the scratching bird's tattered body aroused its appetite.

As an omnivorous creature, plant branches, leaves, fruits, meat, and even insects are all on their menu, and the meat of the scratching bird is no exception.

It squatted down, tore off a thigh from the tattered body of the scratching bird, and prepared to feast on it.

As for the fact that it was in the lair of the fire dragon at this time, it didn't care at all. Whether it was the "King of the Sky" or the "Queen of the Earth", it was just a snack in front of it.

The leg meat with a strong bloody smell was raised to its mouth, and the golden lion opened its big mouth with interlaced teeth and was about to bite it.

An inconspicuous small round ball was thrown out from the shadow of the tree, fell on its face, and broke.

The earthy yellow mist content splashed everywhere, sprinkled on the golden lion, and also covered the body of the scratching bird with a disgusting color.

At the same time, the stench that any creature with a sense of smell could not bear spread.


The golden lion screamed and threw the scratching bird leg in his hand far away.

He wiped his face and head, and shook it vigorously, trying to dispel the smell.

Unfortunately, it had no effect at all.

Even though most of the stinking substances were turned into ashes by the burning of high-voltage lightning, the remaining small part was enough to overwhelm it with its keen sense of smell.

Amidst the roaring and howling, the golden lion jumped out of the fire dragon's lair, stumbled into the forest, and ran away wildly.

Feng Ying pinched her nose and walked out of the woods, saying in a muffled voice, "This retreat bomb has too strong a smell."

"I told you not to use the retreat bomb, at most you can use the fertilizer bomb!"

Hayata had a handkerchief tied between her mouth and nose, and her tone was rarely filled with exasperation, "Liefeng and Amber are almost rolling their eyes!"

"Hey, haha"

Feng Ying argued awkwardly, "Isn't it that the retreat bomb is more powerful and has a better effect? ​​In this way, at least we don't have to worry about the golden lion finding a chance to eat."

Hayata slapped Feng Ying on the back of the head, "I'll support you later, and you can fight the golden lion alone. See if you can stand the smell!"

"I was wrong, sorry!"

"Meow meow!" Xianglan also took the opportunity to kick Feng Ying's knee.

Hayata snorted unhappily, took out the map and unfolded it, "It looks like it's heading north, where there are more waters nearby, and it may also want to go wash itself. Otherwise, it's unlikely to run all the way north. It's almost in the snowy mountain area, and the golden lion doesn't like the cold environment." "Then let's get rid of it in that area?" "Yes." Hayata nodded, hesitated for two seconds, and added, "Let's chase it first. As for the final decisive battle, we can wait until it takes a bath." "Okay." There was no need for guide insects to guide the way along the way. Not to mention the hunting partners with a keener sense of smell, even the two hunters could easily find the fleeing golden lion by following the stench of the retreat bomb. Walking out of the core area of ​​the forest with giant trees interlaced and lush branches and leaves, we came to the edge of the border with the snowy mountain area. There are still a lot of shrubs and various small trees here, but at least the view is much wider. Walking north for a while, the vegetation gradually became sparse, and the hard rock replaced the fertile humus soil. The air was filled with white misty warm water vapor, which was different from the scene Feng Ying had imagined, with ice and snow everywhere and howling cold winds.

Hayata saw her confusion, "During the initial exploration, you were not responsible for this area, so you don't know much about it.

There is a hot spring nearby, and the Golden Lion should have gone there. If we go further north, the temperature will drop quickly.

We didn't bring any cold-proof clothes or hot drinks, so it's better not to go deep into the snow-capped mountains."

Feng Ying nodded.

Without the cover of the trees, the two men became more cautious in their actions. They put on invisibility clothes and moved forward slowly relying on the cover of the terrain.

Finally, they saw the golden lion taking a bath in a hot spring pool with dark yellow spring water and a pungent smell of sulfur.

The smell of sulfur is certainly unpleasant, but compared to the smell of evacuated bombs, it is much "fresher".

Feng Ying, who was hiding behind a big rock, secretly took out her portable camera and took a photo of the golden lion bathing in the hot spring with the still bright stars and moonlight in the middle of the night.

"A scholar has offered a reward for the task of 'taking photos of golden monkeys in hot springs', so this should be a good deal, right?" Feng Ying muttered.

".This is the Golden Lion." Hayata put down the telescope, took out a bottle of ghost potion and drank it, "It's almost ready, let's prepare for the final battle.

Pandan, find a suitable place to set up a trap. Even if we can't control it for a long time, it will be enough for us to do a lot of things. "

"No problem!" Feng Ying geared up.

Xianglan nuzzled Hayata and ran away with the trap in her arms.

Just when the two of them were about to rush out from behind the big rock they were hiding in, they were about to surprise the golden lion who was soaking in the hot spring safely.

A chilling cold wave hit.

Hayata pressed down on Feng Ying's head, and the two of them wrapped themselves in their invisibility clothes and retreated behind the boulder.

The golden lion in the hot spring pool suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky.

A strong but elegant azure figure swooped in with the moonlight behind it.

When there were still dozens of meters away from the ground, the pair of giant frost-covered wings flapped and deftly changed into a swooping posture, hovering in mid-air above the hot spring pool.

The golden lion, covered in golden thunder, beat its chest continuously, raised its head, and was about to let out a menacing roar at the uninvited guest from the sky.

Frost-white breath of extreme cold fell from the sky.

Huge ice cubes rose from the ground, instantly freezing the hot spring pool with a temperature close to the boiling point, along with the golden lion.

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