Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1405 The Returning Person

At the same time as the ancient dragons gathered in the Demon Gathering Land.

Starting from the Star Base, the fleet returning to the Old Continent finally crossed the vast ocean and arrived at Tangia Port in the south of the continent.

This is not only the largest seaport in the southern part of the continent, but also a transportation hub where many airship routes intersect.

There are even flights directly to Xiqi Country.

From here, you can go to almost any city in the Old Continent.

The fleet stopped at the dock, and the gangway had just been lowered, and the people on the ship had not had time to walk down.

A guild envoy wearing "Guild Knight x" armor had already taken the lead to meet him.

Appointed by the Great Elder, he had been waiting at the port for many days.

The first person to walk out of the cabin was Evelyn, holding her son's hand. When she saw the envoy's face clearly, she was slightly stunned.

"Kut'Aiz? Didn't they say the situation here is tense? The Great Elder was willing to send you here to pick up the ship?"

"Ms. Evelyn, Mr. Feddy, long time no see." The guild envoy with the title of "One-armed Kut'Aiz" raised the brim of his wide-brimmed hat and nodded to Evelyn and others.

"The situation is very tense, yes. All cities, fortresses, and strongholds are actively preparing for war.

But 'those guys' have not directly attacked large settlements yet, so we can still move around."

Evelin nodded her chin to show her understanding.

Jean, who was following Evelyn and her husband, jumped out and asked anxiously: "What about Pokai Village? Is it okay there? Has it been attacked?"

Kut'Aiz thought for a while and shook his head: "Pokai Village in the Frasia region? There shouldn't be any. So far, there has been no reports of villages being attacked by monsters about Pokai Village."

"That's good, that's good!" Gene patted his chest, and his heart, which had been hanging for almost a month, was finally put down.

"Moga Village? Is everything okay there?" Az also asked.

They were not the only ones who had similar questions. More and more hunters came out of the cabin and surrounded Kut Aiz to ask questions.

Although Kut Aiz had a headache, he could only be patient and answer them one by one.

These hunters came back from the New World for support, and it was a reasonable request to know the situation in their hometown.

But you have to know that the members of the investigation team withdrawn to the Old World are not just hunters, but also more than 200 craftsmen, scholars, logistics personnel, etc.

He couldn't reply to so many people one by one, but fortunately he was not the only guild member who came to connect.

As a guild knight directly under the guild headquarters, his main task this time was to convey instructions to these dozens of elite hunters who came back from the New World.

Handing a roll of parchment to Evelyn, Kut Eze said, "This is the list of hunters who will come back to support in the letter sent back by the commander-in-chief of the investigation team. Please confirm whether there is any error." Evelyn took the list and carefully checked it. "No problem, four upper hunters and twenty-eight elite hunters of three to five stars are all present." "Okay." Kut Eze nodded and handed over another list. "This is the decision made by the guild's top leaders after careful consideration. Please follow the instructions on this list to support various places." Evelyn took the list, quickly glanced at it, and smiled and said, "I thought everyone had to return to East Doruma to report before making arrangements. It turns out that the support location has been arranged in advance? This saves a lot of time." Kut Eze shrugged, "Of course, it can save several days. The elder is not someone who cares about those procedures and etiquette. In extraordinary times, efficiency is the most important thing." Gene also came over and took a few glances. Then they were somewhat surprised to find that the support locations arranged for the hunters on the list were basically some remote villages and small towns.

Rather than supporting major fortresses and cities as they had previously guessed.

Understanding the hunters' doubts, Kut Aiz, the guild envoy, explained: "I just said that we are in a stage where the storm is about to come, but it has not really come yet.

Affected by certain factors, 'those beings' are very restless, which has caused a large-scale monster riot.

Large cities have walls as fortifications and enough hunters to protect them, so ordinary monsters cannot pose a threat to them.

So far, the attacks and casualties have mainly concentrated in those scattered villages, towns and other small settlements. The guild must also consider those villages and towns."

"It should be so."

Feddy nodded, and then asked: "If the unrest escalates later and there are too many monsters to handle, what should we do?"

Kut Aiz replied: "The elder means that if the chaos escalates further, escort the villagers to the nearest city for refuge, so as to minimize casualties.

At that time, the hunters may have other tasks arranged."

"I understand." Evelyn responded.

Then unfolded the list and began to read out loud the arrangements for the support locations of the hunters.

After all the hunters confirmed their missions, Kut Aiz continued, "We have already informed Tangia Port in advance.

You can take the airship for free to your respective support locations.

I'm sorry that I didn't arrange any time for you to rest. The safety of those villages and towns is in your hands."

Az boarded a small airship with a lot of bags and fish eggs.

He didn't like the feeling of floating in the sky. He preferred taking a boat to an airship.

Not only is it safer, but you can also fish along the way.

But now is not the time to be willful, and he is eager to return home, so it is faster to take the airship.

That's right, the village that the guild arranged for him to support is his hometown - Moga Village.

In theory, there is no need to arrange a high-level hunter to garrison a small village like Moga Village with a population of less than 100.

However, the information sent back by the hot air balloon of the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau mentioned that there was a "huge shadow" accompanied by seaquakes and abnormal waves in the waters near Moga Village and the isolated island.

After Kut Aiz passed this information to him, the free and easy smile on Az's face disappeared.

Even after boarding the airship, he always looked solemn.

"God of the Deep Sea, are you also becoming uneasy?"

Noticing his heavy mood, Yu Zi stretched out his claws and patted Az's knees comfortingly.

Az came back to his senses from talking to himself and rubbed Yu Zi's head apologetically.

"It's okay. When we get to Moga Village, you must taste our local specialty fish.

I'll tell you, Yu Zi, the most special thing here is not fish, but taro!

It's filling and nutritious, and it's a specialty of our Moga Village when it's cooked with seafood!"

Yu Zi nodded obediently.

After staring at Yu Zi for a few seconds, Azi sighed again, "I only found out on the way back. It was too late. I should have left you in the New World.

Damn it, the next time I see a pork chop, I must crush it to death!"

Listening to Azi's pointed words, Yu Zi became shy.

"By the way, how many months is the gestation period of Deter?"

"Three or three months, meow."

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