Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1407 Feasibility Report

After a period of silence, the professor still did not dare to approve Ansir's crazy plan immediately.

It sounds absurd to actively create a plague.

More importantly, he has limited knowledge of the Hazak and the special plague formed by the symbiosis of fungal spores and miasma microorganisms.

If there is a problem in any link, a biochemical crisis will come, and no one will laugh.

Most hunters are opposed.

However, the leader of the third group, who usually gives people a calm and calm impression, voted in favor of this crazy plan.

The reason is simple.

The research base has been wandering in the wild for nearly 30 years. When it comes to understanding the Miasma Valley and Hazak, no one in the entire investigation team can compare with her.

She put down her pipe and said, "You all know that the miasma in the Miasma Valley is composed of some microorganisms. This kind of creature is afraid of high temperature and light.

They can be easily dispersed by fire. When exposed to sunlight, these microorganisms will die and lose their activity in a very short time.

Do you know why the Coral Plateau is right above the Miasma Valley but has never been affected by the miasma?

It is because the rising miasma immediately loses its activity after contacting the sunlight and becomes pure nutrients.

That's right, the miasma that feeds countless coral polyps in the Coral Plateau is actually the miasma that has been "inactivated" by the sun.

So this kind of miasma is not as terrible as you think."

After making this conclusion, she paused for a second, and then continued: "Next, let's talk about the miasma released by the corpse dragon.

That kind of miasma is different from the miasma naturally formed in the Miasma Valley. This is If you are talking about this, Miss Feng Ying should know about it. "


Feng Ying, who had fought a close battle with the Misty Hazak Dragon, nodded quickly, "The miasma attached to the Hazak Dragon is blue-gray, while the miasma in the canyon is dark yellow."

"That's right. The blue-gray miasma released by the Hazak Dragon has a much stronger erosion ability than the ordinary miasma naturally formed in the valley, and is directly under its command.

Take the Paralysis Thief Dragon as an example. The Paralysis Thief Dragon, which has long been accustomed to the environment of the Miasma Valley, can ignore the ordinary miasma environment.

But the miasma of the Hazak Dragon can still erode them, plunder their lives and turn them into food, feeding back to the Hazak Dragon.

It can even be understood that this special miasma is part of the 'organ' of the Hazak Dragon's body, and those microorganisms are also a special kind of body cells. "

"Is this blue-gray miasma released directly by the Hazak Dragon also afraid of fire and sunlight?" Julius quickly grasped the key.

"Of course, this is also the main reason why the Hazak Dragon cannot leave the Miasma Valley, and the appearance of a certain fungus has completely changed this situation."

The leader of the third group looked at Feng Ying, "About two years ago, Master Yuanye discovered the existence of this fungus in the Miasma Valley.

After investigation by Miss Feng Ying, it was confirmed that the fungus and the Hazak Dragon had reached a certain wonderful symbiotic relationship.

After combining with the spores of those fungi, the weakness of the Hazak Dragon's fear of sunlight was largely compensated.

This also enabled the Hazak Dragon to leave the Miasma Valley and survive in the outside world.

We regard it as a special individual and name it - Misty Hazak Dragon.

Well, that's what Mr. Ansel wants to 'cultivate'."

".I see." Julius looked at Ansel thoughtfully.

When they heard Ansel describe his plan before, they were still a little confused, but now they understand the reason.

Well, this guy is a dangerous person. I have to put a number on his file and remind the guild to pay more attention to him.

"But according to my subsequent research, the combination of spores and miasma is not that close." The leader of the third group changed the subject.

"The scary thing about the Misty Miasma Hado is that it can release spores on a large scale. The spores parasitize on flowers, trees, and even animals, forming countless spore sacs.

After the spore sacs mature, they further spray spores into the environment, making the air full of spores, like fog. This is the origin of the "fog" in the term "mist miasma".

The existence of spore mist will greatly increase the ability of the Misty Miasma Hado to release and control miasma.

But the spores are just parasitic on it, not like miasma, which is a part of its body.

The relationship between spores and miasma is like a glove and a hand. Without the glove, the hand can still move, but it has lost some functions and protection.

And a glove without a hand is just a piece of cloth on the ground."

When the professor heard this, a flash of understanding flashed under the heavy glasses.

"I just want to ask you a question. If the Misty Miasma Hazrat dies, the miasma combined with the spores will also lose its activity, right?"

"Yes, the microorganisms that form the miasma will be inactivated, and the spores will just turn back into ordinary spores.

I have done experiments on this.

The spore samples combined with the miasma will naturally lose their activity if they are away from the Misty Miasma Hazrat for a period of time.

Just like cutting off a hand, what if the glove is still on the severed hand? Can it still move on its own? "

The professor pondered for a moment, "In this case, the feasibility of this plan is relatively high.

If we encounter the worst case scenario, the plague has a tendency to spread outside the island, we will directly kill the Miasma Corpse Dragon.

Prevent the spread of the disease from the root."

The professor looked up at Ansir, "But to be honest, I am still not very reassured.

I allow you to go to the Miasma Valley to collect spore samples, but after that, I will personally check those spore samples.

After repeatedly confirming that there is no problem, we can start the "cultivation" of Corpse Dragon. "

"Of course. "Ansel shrugged.

For him, this was just a plan that he came up with temporarily.

If it is feasible, then it would be the best.

If the risk is too high and the plan is eventually terminated, there is nothing to regret, it is just a waste of time.

It is better to say that with the professor who personally established the Crazy Dragon Disease Research Institute and scholars who have in-depth research and understanding of various epidemics and microorganisms to check, he can safely implement this plan.

"In this case, the matter of taking spore samples will be handed over to your Silver Edge team."

The professor was interrupted by Ansel halfway through his words.

"No need. It will take at least a week to go back and forth to the Miasma Valley. It is too wasteful for the whole team to go there. I can just take some samples. I can go alone."

"I'll go with you." Gale leaned over, "We took off the 'clothes' of the Misty Miasma Corpse Dragon with our own hands. It's safer for two people to go."


"By the way. "Gordon said at this time, "If you go to the Miasma Valley, don't forget to go to the research base and bring the Miasma-resistant stone.

If you have to hunt the Corpse Hazak in the end, the Miasma-resistant stone is the key. "

"Okay." Anxier raised his chin and agreed.

He turned to Fengying and said, "Let Mushroom follow us this time. They are the natives of the Miasma Valley and should be able to help a lot."

Fengying asked Mushroom for his opinion. After seeing the latter nodded, she said reluctantly, "You have to take good care of it."

Seeing that Anxier's itinerary was confirmed, Gordon grinned again and asked with a smile:

"When the two of you go to the Miasma Valley, we can't just wait here. Do you have any other crooked ideas?"


Anxier said casually, "Didn't we find the Nergigante? Nergigante has the habit of preying on ancient dragons, and its breath will make other ancient dragons feel fearful and uneasy.

Look around, there should be a lot of thorns left where Nergigante is active, collect those thorns and stick them all over the island.

Well, no one should sleep. ”


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