Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1412 Searching for fungi

The next day, Anxier did not bother the old predators as guides.

Last night, they had explained the situation inside the Miasma Valley very clearly. Mushrooms, who were born and raised in the deep valley, were also qualified for this job.

Originally, the leader of the third-term group also wanted to accompany them as a compiler, but was rejected by Anxier.

The latter's reason for refusal was also very direct. The danger of this "collection mission" was actually quite high.

He was worried that the leader of the third-term group, who rarely participated in field investigations in person on weekdays, was not smart enough. They did not bring tooth hounds, and pterosaurs were not useful in the canyon.

Once a chase occurred, this female scholar who did not like to wear shoes would have to be pulled by others.

The leader of the third-term group expressed deep regret, so he stuffed Ajian, who tried to sneak back to the research base to "take charge of the work", into the team, asking him to replace himself and assist the hunters in their actions.

This time Anxier did not refuse again.

The middle-aged scholar with a pigtail in front of him looked like a lazy and decadent guy. Well, in fact, he was.

But when it comes to the level of understanding of the Miasma Valley, Ajian of the Third Group is far superior to any other hunter.

In the past twenty years, he has entered the Miasma Valley at least eight hundred times, and has long honed a pair of hard feet that are essential for field investigators.

If he really encounters any danger, he can run back alone without the protection of himself and Gale.

"Let's get started."

Anxier grabbed the cable of the lifting device and jumped into the entrance to the Miasma Valley below, followed by Gale.

Ajian was dejected, but under the stern gaze of the leader of the Third Group, he could only sigh and follow.

With the help of the lifting device, they came to this underground world full of miasma and bones in just a few minutes.

The three people and two cats each put on a mask to filter the miasma, and as for the miasma stone, it was worn around Anxier's neck.

In this mission, the heavy crossbow he chose was the King Fang Cannon [Thunder] with a shield installed, and it also carried a large number of shotgun shells.

If he was chased by dangerous monsters including the Hazak, he would be responsible for covering the retreat.

"According to the plunderers, the Hazak has been quite well behaved recently." Gale spoke in a muffled voice under the double isolation of the filter mask and the mask of the strange face tribe, "Are we going directly to the Hazak's lair?"

Anshil adjusted his breathing frequency to adapt, "No, our purpose is not to cause trouble to the Hazak, but to find fungal samples.

In order to avoid trouble, we try to bypass the core area."

Mushroom also spoke: "The kind of fungus we are looking for is more common in the southeastern area of ​​the underground cave, meow, go directly there?"


"In that case, I recommend going this way." Ajian pointed in a direction, "Although it will take a detour of several kilometers, it can avoid the area where the Decapod Dragon is active frequently.

Although Decapod Dragons and the like should not pose a threat to you, it is always good to save some ammunition, isn't it?"

"That's right, the Miasma Valley is your territory, and the route planning is left to you." Anshil nodded at him.

"The lounge chair and hammock should be my territory," Ajian muttered, and ran.

The hunters followed closely behind him, and Gale laughed, "Hey? You're really not slow."

It turns out that it was a wise choice to bring Ajian with him.

It's true that Mushroom is a native of the Miasma Valley, but what he is really familiar with is the underground caves deep in the Miasma Valley, where sulfuric acid springs are everywhere.

As for the outer areas of the Miasma Valley, he is not too familiar with it.

Ajian is different. Before the passage was opened, few hunters came to the research base, and the investigation activities for the Miasma Valley could only be carried out by scholars like them.

In order to avoid encountering monsters, they summarized several safe routes.

On the way to the underground cave area, they didn't even encounter a large monster for nearly half a day.

At the entrance of the cave area, An Xier couldn't help but look at him a few more times, "This is not the first time you have led us.

When we came to the Miasma Valley before, the route you took us didn't seem to be so smooth?"

Ajian scratched his head, "Maybe we are lucky this time? Or is it because of some influence that large monsters rarely show up?

I can't say for sure, after all, it has been a while since I came here."

An Xier frowned when he heard this, but now he didn't have the time and energy to investigate these things in depth.

"Keep going, find the fungus species first."

The group continued to move forward.

Compared with the previous visit, the underground cave area has not changed much.

The same beauty, the same silence.

From here on, it is completely the territory of mushrooms, which lead everyone through various narrow tunnels and even cracks in the rocks.

It is fortunate that big guys like Gordon or Ted did not come, otherwise they would have been stuck halfway.

Reminded by the mushrooms, the hunters noticed that there are many fungi of various shapes growing next to stalactites, between cracks in the rocks, and even next to the sulfuric acid springs.

Although this cave area is quiet, it is by no means lifeless.

"Basically, these can't be eaten, meow. Otherwise, the best result is vomiting and diarrhea, and strange hallucinations, meow. As for the worst result..."

Mushroom, who was originally very excited and kept explaining, drooped his ears, "Many tribesmen left like this, meow."

Gail rubbed its head hard, "Let's not talk about that. Do you recognize the fungus that coexists with the Hazak?"

Mushroom nodded, "Of course, that kind of fungus is actually very common, and it can often be seen on animal corpses.

If the wound comes into contact with spores, it may also be infected, and then it is almost certain to die.

In order to reduce the possibility of infection with this fungus, the bodies of companions cannot be buried, but can only be cremated or placed in sulfuric acid springs to dissolve. "

Mushroom lowered its head again.

Gail pulled the corner of his mouth. This group of predators had lived too miserably in the past. No wonder there were only a few left in the entire tribe.

Ansel fell into deep thought.

Easy to grow on corpses. It stands to reason that in such a closed environment, spores are everywhere, and the Hazak covered with rotten flesh is easy to be infected.

Why didn't the Hazak get infected before? Is it because of the strong immune system of the ancient dragons?

After all, I have never heard of an ancient dragon dying of illness.

But how did the wound get infected later? Does it mean that the condition of "injury" must be met at the same time for the Hazak to be infected with this fungus?

If this is the case, it is estimated that it must be seriously injured and its own immunity will be greatly reduced before the spores will take advantage of it and become infected.

Ansel kept this guess and prepared to share it with scholars later.

The professor will find out the real reason.

"Found it, meow!"

Ansel, who was walking and thinking, was awakened by the sound of mushrooms.

Next to the stalactites, among the fungal plants that looked like giant dandelions, there was a bat corpse.

The highly rotten corpse was covered with silk cocoon-like vesicles, which were wrapped with pus-like liquid. It looked sticky and almost exactly the same as the fog hazak that I saw at the beginning.

"This is it, start sampling." Ansel took out a sturdy empty glass bottle.

"Oh my god." Gail's face wrinkled.

She was not afraid of dirt, but she really didn't want to touch this kind of corpse whose flesh and blood tissue was almost melted and covered with strange hairs.

Anxier, who was a bit of a germaphobe, was also full of resistance.

He looked at Ajian, who was in a trance, and then looked at Mushroom, who looked normal, and decisively handed the glass bottle to the latter.

"Mushroom, I give it to you. I'll treat you to a big meal later."

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