Feng Ying carefully took care of the strain inoculated on the corpse dragon.

The other hunters were also doing their best to stir up trouble among the ancient dragons gathered in this gathering place of demons.

The Flame Queen Dragon had a fight with the Furious Tyrannosaurus that came to the lava zone in pursuit of something. Before the two "crazy women" could decide the winner, the noise of the fight attracted the Flame King Dragon that was wandering in the wasteland back.

Under the mixed doubles of the husband and wife, the Furious Tyrannosaurus was seriously injured and retreated.

Before the injury was healed, Feng Ying led it to the western area of ​​the miasma zone to fight against the Sulfur Slasher Dragon that might affect the evolution of the corpse dragon.

Life was busy and fulfilling.

The timely rescue of the Flame King Dragon won a lot of favor from the Flame Queen Dragon, and the stench of the retreat bomb on its body had almost dissipated, so it was finally allowed to return to its nest deep in the lava zone.

But when the two flame monarchs returned to the nest, they found that their home had been sneaked into during the battle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The smell of the Nergigante rushed straight into their noses.

Considering the special function of those bone spines, the furious Flame Queen Dragon slapped the scale powder and prepared to purify everything with fire.

At this moment, the roar of the nearby Nergigante attracted their attention.

When the furious Flame Queen Dragon and Flame King Dragon found the damned Nergigante, it was fighting with an "insignificant little creature".

Flame Queen Dragon didn't bother to care about that. After confirming that the breath of the Nergigante in front of it was exactly the same as those messy things in the nest, it rushed up with a howl and slapped the Nergigante viciously.

What happened next was natural.

When the day passed, a new lava lake was added to the lava zone.

An elegantly shaped dark blue curved horn broke off and sank to the bottom of the lake.

From then on, whenever the Nergigante detected the aura of the Nergigante, the Flame Queen Dragon, who could not bear the humiliation of having its horn broken, would roar and rush over.

This also led to the Flame Queen Dragon and the Flame King Dragon frequently going to the forest area and waving flames.

The Steel Dragon, who had already identified the forest area as his territory, could not tolerate such provocative behavior, but he really could not defeat this "unreasonable" evil couple.

So, he activated his ability to control the sky and summoned lingering winds and rainstorms to the forest area.

Relying on the suppression of the storm and rainstorm, the Steel Dragon, who had the advantage of time and place, was finally able to fight the Flame King Dragon and the Flame Queen Dragon on equal terms.

However, the impact of this storm was far more than that.

The ice and snow area and the coral area close to the forest area, and even the entire Demon Gathering Land, were seriously affected.

The Ice Curse Dragon and the Dark Wave Dragon, who were disturbed, also came here angrily.

Before they could have a conflict with the steel dragon, they suddenly found that each other's breath was so familiar.

You came to my doorstep to take a bath and defecate? !

You came to my house to cause destruction? !

Wildfires, rainstorms, strong winds, thunderstorms, hail

Various extreme celestial phenomena were staged one after another on this innocent land.

The Nergigante, with its mind full of "fighting! cool!", also joined the ancient dragon's round dance, and the situation became more chaotic as it rushed around.

It no longer mattered who started the melee.

No one of the proud ancient dragon species would bow their heads first.

Driving other beings except themselves out of "their own territory" has become the common goal of every ancient dragon.

On the deck of the Azure Star.

Gordon, wearing a rainproof cloak, looked at the chaotic and terrifying celestial phenomenon in the Demon Gathering Land, which seemed like the end of the world, through the sky covered by heavy rain.

"Unbelievable. Did we really cause this?"

"We did it? You think too highly of us."

The professor said calmly, "Including the three-dimensional areas of caves, canyons, and mountains, there are only six ancient dragons gathered in two or three thousand square kilometers of land.

With this density, even if we do nothing, they will sooner or later break out into a war.

We just slightly accelerated the process."

Different from the professor's calmness, Julius seemed worried, "Is it terrible? This is just the beginning. What is really terrible is the subsequent ecological collapse and the chain reaction with the meteorological environment.

This is the power of the ancient dragon species. They are mobile natural disasters.

Therefore, the guild will do its best to lead the ancient dragon species away, let them spread all over the place, and minimize contact between individuals.

I dare not imagine what terrible subsequent effects this kind of thing will cause if it happens in the Old World.

I can't even imagine what to do to quell such chaos."

"This is not what we need to worry about." Ansel put down the telescope.

There was even a hint of joy in his eyes, "If it's not chaotic enough, how can we lure out that 'Dragon King'?"

"Meow ha ha ha!"

Xianglan, who didn't even wear a cloak, ran out of the cabin and jumped around excitedly.

Hayata, who followed closely behind, looked helpless, and skillfully held it down and carried it back to the cabin.

I didn't expect that this guy's outrageous plan would be accomplished in less than half a month.

"Let's go back to the cabin first." The professor pressed down the rain-proof hat, "In this case, it's too unwise to enter the Demon Gathering Land again.

We have done everything we can, and the next thing is to wait."

Several people followed the professor back to the cabin.

They took off their wet cloaks and hats and went to the stove in the restaurant to warm themselves for a while.

Feng Ying, who was squatting here waiting for dinner, suddenly raised her hand, "Professor! I have a question!"

"Go ahead."

"The island has been in such a mess, do we still need to bring the Hazak into the melee?"

"Are you developing feelings?" An Xier teased.

Feng Ying did not deny it, but scratched her cheek awkwardly.

The professor pondered, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Letting the ancient dragons fight is just a means.

Destroying the ecology of the Demon Gathering Land and attracting the Dragon King to appear is the ultimate goal.

As for whether to let the Hazak join the melee, from the current situation, there is no need for it for the time being.

No need to guide it, if it wants to stay in the miasma zone, let it stay.

This chaos will not continue forever. If we wait until these ancient dragons are tired and dispersed, and the ecology of the Demon Gathering Land has not collapsed.

It will not be too late to lure the Hazak out."

"Okay!" Feng Ying nodded vigorously.

After drying the moisture on his clothes, Gordon stood up. "From the current chaotic situation, the Dragon King may show up at any time.

Should we be ready for battle?

Including the rest of the heavy crossbow team, various bombs for giant creatures, special ammunition, etc."


The professor pushed the thick glasses, "A few days ago, I sent a messenger to Xingchen to deliver a letter.

In terms of time, the transport airship carrying supplies and personnel will arrive in the nearby airspace in the next few days."

Gordon couldn't help but grin when he heard it.

They have been in this gathering place for more than two months. They have been hunting large monsters and provoking ancient dragons. Isn't it just to wait for the day of the decisive battle?

He is not the only one who is excited.

The hunters exchanged glances, and they all have some expectations.

The professor glanced at everyone, "Don't be so anxious. Even if you really want to fight, you have to wait until the 'Dragon King' fights those ancient dragons.

Six ancient dragon species, hehe. Maybe we don't even need to take action."

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