Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1433 Arriving one after another

The Nergigante in front of him had changed as much as the last time he saw it.

It was covered with wounds, obviously caused by other ancient dragons or some powerful monsters in the Gathering Demon Land.

With its super strong self-healing ability, which could almost be regarded as a special ability, these wounds had basically healed.

Some particularly deep penetrating wounds, even if they were not completely healed, had long been squeezed by the developed muscles and would not affect its movement.

The more obvious change was the bone spines all over its body.

The bone spines of the Nergigante would constantly break, fall off, and regenerate in battle after battle.

Each new bone spine would be sharper and harder than the previous one.

Just like the one that gave the Dark Lantern the final blow.

The bone spines all over its body emitted a dazzling reflection like diamonds, and could even penetrate the [Epitaph] made of unknown alloys of ancient civilizations.

The guy in front of him had not reached that level yet, but it seemed that he was not too far away.

No wonder he ran over so hurriedly.

Did he take the "senior" aura of [Crazy Mark] as some kind of opportunity?

If he really thought so, it seemed right?

Gordon smiled grimly and raised his great sword, entered a smooth posture, and forcibly swung away the claws pressed down by the Destroyer Dragon. The counterattack of the True Charge Slash was released, and fiercely chopped at the head of the Destroyer Dragon.

As an "ancient dragon killer", the Destroyer Dragon with extremely rich combat experience reacted frighteningly fast.

It did not intend to dodge the attack, but swung its other front claw horizontally and slapped Gordon.

It was obviously to exchange injuries for injuries. With its self-healing ability, this exchange would never be a loss.

This is the fighting method that the Destroyer Dragon is used to.

Gordon, who had fought with the Destroyer Dragon many times, of course understood this. Logically, it was the most appropriate option to interrupt the attack and dodge at this time.

But his sword swinging action did not waver at all.

With a low shout, the [Unmovable] great sword chopped the Destroyer Dragon's forehead firmly.

The dark scales were shattered, the blood of the ancient dragon gushed out, and the high-intensity dragon-attribute energy hidden deep in the blade burst out.

The red arcs that jumped and swung were so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

The Exterminating Dragon howled wildly in pain, but didn't even take a step back. Its claws were about to swing Gordon away.

At this moment, Feng Ying took the lead and blocked the claws that were almost bigger than her.

As the shield hit the ground, countless insect silks swayed out, entangled and fixed the shield firmly, and the preparation for fully charged defense was completed in an instant.


The friction between the dragon claws and the metal shield surface made people's teeth ache.

Although it was a little hasty, she still took the blow steadily.

Gordon, who had long expected Feng Ying to provide assistance, smiled and raised his left arm, borrowed the projectile to strengthen the recoil of the shooting, and in a blink of an eye, he completed the preparation for the real power slash again.

Feng Ying also inserted the sword into the shield at the same time, and the weapon form changed rapidly, and the counterattack giant axe swung down.

"(Big) Unlock it!"

"Really charged slash!"

The charged axe and the greatsword swung at the top of the Nergigante at the same time.

The frost energy and the dragon-attributed black light shining with red lightning mixed together and exploded together.

Even the Nergigante, which dominated the physical strength, could not withstand such an attack of such intensity, and its hideous giant head was swung hard on the snow.

The thin snow could not dissolve such an impact, and the inertia was rebounded by the hard rock.

Under the violent shock, its brain buzzed.

The body lost control in an instant and fell to the ground.

The monster fell to the ground due to heavy injuries, which was undoubtedly the best time to attack.

In addition, the greatsword and shield axe are both heavy weapons with amazing explosive power. If the two cooperate well, there is even a good chance to complete the headlock.

Gordon just pulled up the greatsword and did not rush to launch an offensive.

Feng Ying also disassembled the great axe and returned to the more flexible sword and shield mode.

At the same time, a figure flew over.

He took advantage of the slope and leaped up, turning into a storm of sword blades, flying from the tail of the Nergigante all the way to the head.

Then he slid and slid to remove the excess inertia, and landed steadily beside Gordon and the others.

"Let's go, let's entangle it first." Julius said, and turned on the ghost transformation again, dancing wildly towards the fallen Nergigante.

Gordon nodded, and he and Feng Ying put away their weapons and prepared to call the pterosaur.

This was discussed in advance. There is a wide strait between the land of gathering demons and the continent where the valley of the netherworld is located. If you want to get across, you can only rely on pterosaurs to fly.

The flying speed of pterosaurs can't be compared with that of ancient dragons.

If you take off directly when you encounter the Nergigante, you will almost certainly be caught up and shot down by the former.

So another team must temporarily entangle the Nergigante, giving them a chance to keep a distance.

But just as Feng Ying blew the whistle, the acid pterosaur hovering in the air swooped down, ready to take them away.

Another roar came from the distant sky.

Gordon and the other man paused.

This is how the Demon Gathering Land is now. After this period of chaos, there are almost no two ancient dragons without hatred.

Especially the guy who makes trouble everywhere, the Exterminating Dragon.

The only reason why it was not killed by the other ancient dragons early is that it is strong enough.

The roars in the battle just now attracted someone nearby.

"It's the Flame Queen Dragon."

Aiden rushed over, and while cooperating with Julius to attack the Exterminating Dragon who was getting up, he quickly said: "I can't hear this voice wrong."

“Bang! Bang!”

The sound of light crossbows was heard in the distance.

Oshura and Gale from the Alcohol Team were bombarding the approaching Flame Queen Dragon, trying to intercept it.

If the Flame Queen Dragon and the Nergigante collided, they would be safe, but the subsequent induction plan would likely be disrupted.

However, the arrival of the Flame Queen Dragon meant that the Flame King Dragon was likely to follow closely behind.

Even if the Alcohol Team cooperated well and had the help of Gale, a temporary member, it was almost impossible to defeat the combined Flame Queen Dragon and the Flame King Dragon.

Feng Ying opened her mouth hesitantly, but before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Gordon in a low voice.

“Let’s go! There is no point in us staying here, there will only be more and more ancient dragons.”

As he said that, Gordon fired the hook without hesitation, hung under the swooping Acid Pterosaur, and took off into the air.

Feng Ying no longer hesitated and followed closely behind.

The Nergigante, who had climbed up, still stared at Gordon. It shook its head and waved its horns, repelling Julius and Aiden.

Then it spread its wings and prepared to take off, chasing Gordon and the others who had not yet flown far.

"Nadia!" Julius shouted.

Without his reminder, Nadia had already taken the lead in launching the flash bomb loaded on the projector, forcibly interrupting the Nergigante's take-off.

The Nergigante, which had temporarily lost its sight, swung and bit randomly.

Aiden seized the opportunity to launch the flying claws, risking being hit by those unpredictable attacks, and flew onto the side of the Nergigante's head.

Then he waved his steel claws and continuously attacked the eye sockets, ear holes and other vital parts of the Nergigante, forcing it to turn.

Gordon and Feng Ying took this opportunity to urge the Acid Winged Dragon to accelerate at full speed and fly towards the direction of the quiet canyon where the Red Dragon was.

On the ground, the furious Nergigante shook its head and threw Aiden away.

Aiden adjusted his posture in the air, landed on the ground, rolled a few times to release the force, stood up quickly, drew his sword and shield, and rushed towards the red-eyed Nergigante without fear.

Looking at the disciple charging bravely, Julius couldn't help but chuckle.

"Take it easy, our task is to entangle it for a while, don't let it get too angry, we have to let it chase Gordon later."

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