Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1447 Pot Explosion Bomb!

"Hey, meow!"

Zhu Chop took out a huge earthenware jar that was taller than the whole cat from the backpack beside Liefeng.

This jar was much thicker than the ordinary water storage jar. The mouth of the jar was sealed, and there was a fuse as long as a finger on the top.

It looked like a strange bomb barrel.

This was an explosive called "pot bomb", which was originally a secret weapon of the New World Qimian tribe. Because Zhu Chop had a good relationship with the king of the Qimian tribe, he specially asked for the formula.

Zhu Chop rarely used this thing, because in most cases, throwing bombs were more flexible and easy to use.

But the pot bomb also has its advantages. When dealing with huge monsters, the continuous killing effect of the pot bomb is amazing.

For this battle, Zhu Chop specially adjusted the formula of the pot bomb, adding many strange combustion aids and explosives, which increased the power of the pot bomb by more than one level.

The disadvantage is that the stability is slightly lower than the original version. In order to avoid exploding halfway through the ignition, Zhu Chop had to order a larger and heavier clay pot as a container.

This makes this pot bomb more than twice as heavy as the regular version. People like Xianglan who are not strong enough may not be able to lift it.

Putting the pot bomb in Babaka's hand, Zhu Chop half of his body got into Liefeng's backpack and continued to search.

"Gaka Gaka!" Looking at the smooth body of the new version of the pot bomb in his arms, Babaka made a dissatisfied roar.

What about the most important totem pattern? What about the carvings and decorations that symbolize power? !

"Those will only destroy the integrity and reduce the firmness of the pot!" Zhu Chop said as he took out another pot bomb, and his feet swayed a few steps before he stood firm.

"The charge is the key, the appearance is irrelevant!"

"Ka Ka!" Babaka jumped to his feet and retorted.

In this regard, as a member of the Qimian tribe, it seems particularly persistent.

Gale, who came to Liefeng to exchange ammunition, heard the two little guys arguing and took out a box of bright red oil paint from somewhere.

He dipped his finger in the paint and quickly drew a few lines on the faces of Pig Chop and Babaka.

He grabbed Pig Chop's paw, dipped it in the paint, and stamped a bunch of cat paw prints on the can of the pot bomb like a stamp.

"This totem is called 'The Power of Meow'. It has to recognize it when it is brought to the king of the strange face tribe. Okay, come on, hurry up!"

He smeared the remaining paint on his face twice, gave them a thumbs up, picked up the ammunition box, turned around and ran away.


Pig Chop was still a little stunned, but Babaka seemed to be injected with chicken blood. He raised the heavy pot bomb over his head and charged towards the red dragon without fear.

Pig Chop's beard trembled, and he quickly picked up his pot bomb and chased after it.

The two little guys got under the red dragon and moved with it, waiting for the opportunity.

Gordon, who was in the front, fought and retreated with Feng Ying's cooperation, and finally led the red dragon to the vicinity of the trap area.

The crosshairs of Anshil's crosshairs also aimed at the explosives buried by Pig Chop on the top of the cave, but he did not pull the trigger immediately.

They all knew that they had to create a flaw.

Otherwise, with the reaction and speed of the red dragon, the few seconds from the explosion to the falling rocks were enough for it to escape from danger.

"Start meow!"

Under the red dragon, near the chest, Pig Chop and Babaka drew the fuse of the pot bomb together.

The short fuse burned out in almost a blink of an eye, and soon, a large amount of hot sparks sprayed out of the pot bomb, and it sprayed higher and higher.

If it was normal, just light the fuse of the pot bomb and run.

But at this time, neither Pork Chop nor Babaka put down the pot bomb, but raised it as high as possible, aiming the erupting sparks at the red dragon's chest.

The heat and light from below attracted the red dragon's attention.

Just as it was about to lower its head, Gordon and Feng Ying launched a fierce attack without regard for their lives.

The pot bomb is different from ordinary explosives. It is essentially more like fireworks used to celebrate festivals, causing casualties through the continuous ejection of high-temperature flames and sparks.

At the beginning of ignition, the power of the pot bomb is very ordinary.

But as time goes by, after the charge in the pot bomb is completely ignited, the ejected sparks will become more and more dense, and the temperature of the flame will become higher and higher.

If the user is brave enough, he can also hold the pot bomb and chase the monster to aim at a certain position and continue to spray.

If the monster does not resist or move, the flames of the pot bomb are enough to burn through the scales of many large monsters in the nearly half-minute spraying time, and it is not surprising that the internal organs are even burned.

But this time the opponent is the red dragon.

Even the enhanced version of the pot bomb is unlikely to seriously injure the former.

However, as long as the red dragon reveals a flaw due to the severe pain, their goal will be achieved.

Gordon waved his greatsword and almost got close to the tip of the red dragon's nose.

What they need to do now is to contain the red dragon, so that Pork Chop and Babaka have the opportunity to continue to spray the red dragon's chest with pot bombs, causing unbearable pain.

Seeing that the hunters have already squeezed to his mouth, the red dragon temporarily ignored the hot pain in his chest and opened his huge mouth to bite.

Gordon, who was well prepared, used a special knife-sheathing posture (brave return) to spin backwards to avoid it.

Seeing that the red dragon was about to bite empty, he turned his head and followed closely with another bite.

Gordon, who was not going to retreat any further, blocked the dragon's teeth with a smooth posture, and then took advantage of the momentum to swing the greatsword down and launched a powerful counterattack.

"Really charged slash!"

[Stand still] The sword slashed at the tip of the red dragon's nose, and the dragon-attribute energy exploded as the blade tore through the flesh.

Even for the red dragon, the power of this sword was not pleasant.

It howled angrily, and the energy flames in its mouth gathered, and it was about to give Gordon a taste of its own medicine.

Another figure leaped up from behind Gordon.

Using the axe handle as a pry bar, Feng Ying, who jumped into the air with an axe, swung the energy-filled giant axe and chopped it down.

"Super! Release!"

The high-speed rotating hot axe blade slammed into the top of the red dragon's head, smashing the red dragon's head down, and even holding back the half-prepared energy flames.

The energy stored in the bottle exploded in one breath, along the red dragon's neck and back, triggering a series of explosions.

Gordon and Feng Ying's successive heavy blows bought the pig chop nearly ten seconds.

Under the continuous spray of two sets of pot bombs, the high temperature enough to melt steel penetrated the scales and burned the red dragon's chest.

It howled in pain, stood up, and while getting rid of the attack from below, it was also ready to strike hard at the hunters.

The light of the energy flame gathered in its mouth again.

"Now, meow!" Pig Chop, holding the pot bomb high, meowed loudly.

Long before it warned, Ansir, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, had already pulled the trigger.

A flame bomb accurately hit the fuse left by Pig Chop on the top of the cave.

The extremely short fuse burned out instantly, and with a series of dull explosions, thousands of tons of rock broke away from the rock wall and fell towards the red dragon directly below.

The red dragon, who was preparing to exhale, noticed the movement from above, and quickly stopped exhaling, trying to dodge the falling rocks.

However, the posture of standing up was not suitable for it to move. As soon as it took a step, the falling boulder knocked it to the ground.

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