Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1463: Sensation and Calculation

After Gale's nonsense, the students' enthusiasm was completely aroused.

It was not until Hilda coughed a few times behind her that she remembered what she was doing and calmed down a little.

"Ahem, instructor Hilda is an instructor we respect very much. She said that since she is back, she hopes that we seniors can teach you something.

Then I know too much. Tell me, what do you want to learn?"

The students sitting around started to talk and quarrel again.

In fact, whether it is Hilda, the instructors, or Anshil Gale, they all know it very well.

It is almost impossible to teach students some skills that ordinary instructors cannot teach in a short time.

Those so-called "advanced skills", such as precise defense, are honed in actual combat, but they are not so easy to master.

The demonstration teaching of the two of them is more of a display than teaching.

Let the young people who have not yet been exposed to actual combat and are a little inflated realize that there are people beyond people and stimulate their training enthusiasm. This is what Hilda hopes to see.

Amidst the noise, the students' voices gradually converged.

——How to shoot quickly and accurately without aiming!

Gail's title of "Quick Strike" comes from her personal shooting style of almost never aiming and just shooting with the crossbow.

While the speed of shooting and the rate of fire are amazing, they can also ensure extremely high shooting accuracy.

If it is just regular unaimed rapid shooting, experienced shooters can basically do it.

But there are very few people who can really do it to her level.


The dangerous sights from Hilda, Ansil, and other shooting instructors made Gail sweat profusely.

Aiming well and shooting steadily are the foundation of all shooters, and are also what the instructors have always emphasized.

Her rapid shooting is more of a combination of talent and experience than a skill, which is not something that others can learn.

But it's so handsome!

On one side, she is holding the crossbow, facing the scope, and firing after locking carefully.

On the other side, she is rapidly unfolding her weapon and firing at will.

Both methods can accurately hit the target, and young shooters would certainly prefer to learn the latter.

The more amazing the rapid-fire skills that Gale showed now, the more the shooters' minds would fluctuate, and the less willing they would be to lay a solid foundation and aim properly.

Hilda was most worried about this, and she had specially reminded them before that the students were still laying the foundation, so don't teach them weird things.

Learning blind shooting from Gale and learning to rub bullets from Ansir, this batch of shooters is useless.

Seeing that the students were still making noises, Hilda was about to stand up and stop them.

But Gale suddenly turned around and gave her a "reassurance" gesture.

She glanced at the students who were making noises and pointed at the most noisy guy.

"You, come here!"

The boy scratched his head, and ran over with a smile in the envious eyes of other students.

Gale picked up the light crossbow prepared next to him, fired it casually, felt the recoil, confirmed the trajectory, and handed the light crossbow to the student after knowing it in his mind.

The student took the crossbow and held it skillfully and steadily, obviously a senior shooter.

He habitually checked the crossbow and the stored bullets, then looked at Gale in confusion.

"Point in any direction, don't fire."

The student did as he was told, pointing the muzzle towards a row of targets.

"If you fire now, where do you think it will hit?" Gale asked.

The student hesitated. Without aiming, it was difficult for him to determine the range of the crossbow bullets, so he could only vaguely estimate, "Between target number three and target number seven?"

"On the ground diagonally in front of target number four, um, the muzzle moved, and now it is on the ground directly in front of target number four, about three and a half meters away.

Fire and try."

The student pulled the trigger with some disbelief.

The crossbow bullets used for training had very little charge, and amid the muffled sound of the cannon, a cloud of dust rose from the sand and stone ground directly in front of target number four.

The position of the crater was just over three meters and less than four meters away from the target.

The student holding the crossbow stared, and the surrounding archery students became agitated. Even Hilda couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Experienced archers don't need to aim. They can roughly lock the position they want to hit by setting up the crossbow. This is partly due to experience and partly due to muscle habit.

This level of things can be done by archery instructors.

But Gale showed something else.

Due to the problem of observation angle, it is difficult for bystanders to accurately judge the landing point of other people's crossbow bullets, not to mention the influence of external factors such as recoil, wind direction and wind force.

But she did it. This is a talent that others can't learn.

"Lift the muzzle up a little, raise it a little more, a little to the left, a little lower, and fire."


The crossbow bullet hit the fourth target accurately.

Then, the student shot several more times under Gale's "control".

Without exception, they all hit the target accurately.

She waved her hand to send the still confused student back to the crowd, and crossed her arms to say to everyone: "You can't learn this.

Even Instructor Hilda can't learn it, so you should just practice aiming honestly!"

The students were silent, and many of them couldn't help but look at Hilda.

"I really can't do this." Instructor Hilda nodded generously.

She felt a little helpless. Gale's successful demonstration hit these children, but it was better than being too eager for quick success and destroying the foundation.

Fortunately, there was a more reliable one here.

Compared with Gale's intuitive talent of "I think this can be successful!", Anshil's set was more suitable for the students.

Hilda gave Anshil a look, and the latter nodded and walked out.

The students who were still doubting their lives a second ago immediately became noisy again.

"Senior Anxiel! Can you show me the legendary supernova!"

"Can the supernova really kill a flying dragon with one shot?"

"I heard that only a few shooters can master the use of the supernova. Is this true?"

"No, because he didn't bring it, and it's very expensive.

It can't kill a flying dragon, but it can severely damage it. Its power is about the same as that of the barrel bomb G.

It's true that only a few shooters can master it. That thing is not a detonating fuse, but a delayed fuse of Nema, but I can use it, hahahaha!"

Gail quickly answered the questions that Anxiel was too lazy to answer, and then stepped aside with a smile.

Anxiel glanced at the students condescendingly, and these noisy boys and girls suddenly quieted down.

How come this senior is scarier than the instructors?

After a few seconds of silence, when everyone shut up, Ansir said, "Shooting is a precise technique.

The target's movement, the trajectory of the crossbow arrow, the ambient temperature, the wind direction, the recoil, and even the shooter's heartbeat can all be calculated.

Feelings can be false, intuition can be deceiving, and the so-called talent is only a privilege for a very small number of people."

As he spoke, he did not forget to glance at Gale, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Calculate the lead time based on the speed of the monster's movement.

The trajectory arc, the influence of wind, the recoil, and all interference can be eliminated through calculation and adjustment.

When all the so-called 'accidental factors' are eliminated, the result is doomed when the trigger is pulled.

There is no other possibility except hitting the target accurately."


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