The airship landed in a clearing among the mountains and forests.

Fish Roe carried two children on his back and got off the airboat, while Pork Chop struggled to drag down a huge package filled with souvenirs they bought from Tangia Port.

After bidding farewell to the captain of the airboat, Pig Chop held the cart and took a deep breath of the slightly humid air.

This is the breath of midsummer in Xiuret and the breath of hometown.

The roe tail flicked gently.

The feeling of this mountain forest is quite similar to that of an ancient tree forest.

The same lush vegetation, the same humidity and heat, the same proximity to the sea.

The biggest difference is the difference between hills and plains, and the energy of the earth's veins.


Pork Chop's beard trembled, and a certain uneasy feeling disappeared from his heart in an instant.

"There seems to be something wrong, meow."

Caviar looked at the pork chop in confusion, wondering what it was referring to.

It didn't sense any danger.

After feeling it carefully for a moment, Zhupai shook his head and said, "It's okay, meow. Maybe it's because I haven't come back for too long, so I'm a little nervous, meow."

Pork Chop touched the pocket filled with slime mold bombs on his waist and felt calm.

Even if there is any danger, it is confident enough to protect the safety of the family.

"Let's go, meow, we're very close to the tribe's stronghold, meow." Piglet picked up the package that was larger than the whole cat, got on all fours, and started running through the mountains and forests.

Zhizi also adjusted the sling of the swaddle and followed closely behind.

After running like this for a while, Pork Chop suddenly stopped, and Fish Roe also pulled out the cat's fork cautiously.

There is movement ahead.

There was a rustling sound in the dense bushes, and under the vigilant gazes of Piggy and the others, an Ellu emerged.

It had no clothes on, was holding a cat's claw staff, and the hair on its body was a little messy. It looked like a wild Ellu.

The wild Ellu, who was missing an ear, stared at them closely, seeming very nervous.

When it was collecting fruits from the tree, it saw these two strange Ellu from a distance. They must be Ellu, right? Come all the way towards the camp.

If it were a passing trip, the goal would not be so clear.

They came just for the camp.

Although the armor on Pork Chop's body and the size that was more than a circle larger than ordinary Ellu made it a little scared, it still ran over and intercepted the two "uninvited guests."

"It's okay, meow." Pig Chop said to the fish roe, signaling it to put away its weapon.

At the same time, he took off his helmet and said hello to the Ellu, "It's me, meow."

Elu, who was missing an ear, was stunned for two seconds and finally recognized it, "It's the young master of Pig Chop, Meow!"

It jumped happily on the spot, and then meowed loudly, calling for its companions.

Not long after, two more Ellu came out.

They gathered around Pork Chop and worked together to lift the huge package all the way to the camp.

This is a fairly small cave. The top of the cave is semi-open-air, and sunlight can penetrate through it to provide lighting for the cave.

Of course, such a structure may also attract flying dragons or large strange birds to build nests here.

So, the Elu planted vines and thorns outside the cave roof to hide the entrance to the cave roof.

In this way, the lighting in the cave will be affected, but the safety will be greatly improved.

Looking at the dense cat paw prints made with ore paint on the outer wall of the cave, as well as some large and small cat-shaped stone sculptures, Pork Chop looked nostalgic.

This is where it grew up.

Caviar looked around curiously.

Before coming to the Old World, it had always thought that Ellu lived together with humans in large settlements called "towns".

I was always worried that it would be difficult for me to integrate as someone from the mountains.

Suddenly, Yuzi felt something, and when he turned around, he found that a little Ellu curiously grabbed his tail, which was much longer than Ellu.

The tail moved to the left, little Ellu pounced to the left, moved to the right, and it pounced to the right again.

Young Dettel would also play this game.

The feeling of this place is really similar to that of the Deters' camp.

My worries seemed to be unnecessary.


A blouse-covered Ellu with milky-white fur rushed out of the cave camp and hugged Pig Chop.

After hugging her hard for a few seconds, she couldn't stop stroking and patting her again.

"Mother, meow, I'm back, meow."

After speaking softly, Pig Chop introduced Yu Zie, "This is my mother, Qiqiya Meow."

Then he turned to his mother and said coquettishly: "This is my wife, her name is Yu Zie Miao."

The fish roe that had just relaxed tensed up again. It bowed somewhat cautiously and greeted Qiqiya.

Chichia smiled broadly.

Tall, with shiny hair, and very cute, he made a good first impression on his "exotic" daughter-in-law.

Then its eyes froze.

When Yu Zhi bowed down, he noticed the two kittens on his back.

Subconsciously looking at the pork chop.

Pig Chop scratched his ears in embarrassment, "It's my little one, Meow. He's just ten days old."


Qiqiya, who was wise and calm in the hearts of her tribe, screamed and rushed over.

My son has become unimportant.

After holding the two kittens that had just opened their eyes and licking them for a long time, Qiqiya said to an Ellu: "Get the steak leader back, meow!"

The Ellu nodded quickly, got into the forest and ran away.

Qikiya held the children and took Yuzi into the cave camp.

She also took out various dried fish, sausages, mushrooms, dried fruits and other foods to entertain.

Although Yuzi was also hungry, he only ate a little out of modesty.

This made Qiqiya have some misunderstandings, thinking that Yuzi was a child from the city. After listening to the pork chop biting the sausage briefly talking about the origin of Yuzi.

He stuffed a pile of dried fish into its hands.

Swallowing the minced meat in his mouth, Pork Chop said vaguely: "It feels that the tribe has changed a lot from before, meow?"

Qikiya said while teasing the kitten: "The tribe has developed well in recent years, meow.

We also regularly take some mountain products that humans like, such as matsutake, to sell in the city, and then exchange them for some daily necessities, meow.

The price given to us by the Sterling Chamber of Commerce is quite good, meow."

Pork Chop paused, which should be because Anshil greeted him before going to the New World.

Qiqiya continued, "Later, several small tribes nearby also attached themselves to us. Now there are four fixed camps in the tribe, and this is the largest one.

After returning to my hometown to see your uncle a few years ago, we established contact between the two sides. Some cats will go there, and cats from there will also come here.

There are also many young cats who are influenced by you and run to the city to become hunting cats.

I heard from some of those who came back that you are quite famous now."

"No, not really." Facing his mother's teasing question, Zhu Chai was a little embarrassed.

After briefly explaining the situation in the tribe, Qiqiya chatted with Yu Zi for a long time.

Zhu Chai realized that his mother seemed to know everything. She stayed in the camp most of the time, but she could even talk to Yu Zi about fishing techniques.


An Ailu with brown and black stripes on his body rushed into the camp, looking around excitedly, "Where are my grandchildren?"

It saw the kitten in Qiqiya's arms with sharp eyes and ran over.

As for Pork Chop, it didn't pay much attention.

Pork Chop said to Fish Roe awkwardly: "This is my father meow, his name is Niu Chop meow."

Fish Roe nodded a little stunned, it finally knew where Pork Chop's habit of saying "I" came from.

It wasn't until Qiqiya kicked him away that Niu Chop turned his attention to Pork Chop and the others.

"Taller meow, and stronger meow." Niu Chop hugged his arms and nodded heavily.

Pork Chop introduced Fish Roe to it, and Niu Chop, who was still in an excited state, grabbed Fish Roe's paw and shook it vigorously a few times.

"Welcome meow! Just treat this place as your home meow!"

After greeting, it looked at Pork Chop again, "Have you named the child meow?"

"Not yet meow."

"This is it meow." Beef Chop held up its paw again, "The mother is called Fish Roe meow, so the child should be called Fish Chop meow.

But there are two children. The big one is called Fish Chop, and the small one is called Chicken Chop meow? Or Fish Chop meow?"

Qikiya grabbed a piece of firewood and smashed it hard on Beef Chop's face, baring his fangs.

"Get lost meow!"

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