Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1468 Is sixty old?

Ernest swung his sledgehammer and smashed the head of the herbivorous dragon in front of him.

Under his careful control, there was no scene of blood and brains flying everywhere, and the herbivorous dragon's head still kept its shape intact.

Putting down the sledgehammer, the old hunter stretched his waist.

He complained to himself, "Should we use a lighter weapon? It's really tiring to run around with a sledgehammer on my back just to get some raw meat."

Alas. I am still getting old. I would never have had such an idea before. "

After muttering a few words, the old hunter put away his weapons and began to peel them off.

The one he chose as his target was an old herbivorous dragon. He walked very slowly, and he easily caught up with him.

This kind of herbivorous dragon is big, but the meat is rough, and it is definitely not as delicious as those cubs.

But as long as they are serious hunters, no one will hunt cubs for reasons such as taste.

What's more, the big old dragon also has much more meat. As long as it is cooked for a while, or made into bacon or sausage, it will also be delicious.

Skillfully peel the skin, remove the meat, cut off large pieces of raw meat as quickly as possible, and then stack it on the cart like stacking bricks.

His speed was very fast, and in just a quarter of an hour, the raw meat on the carriage was piled up like a hill.

The remaining parts, such as the meat at the corners and the internal organs in the water, are left in place. Soon, a "scavenger" will come over and take care of them.

"Let's go, let's go."

Ernest jumped on the cart and shouted and urged Bobo (Mammoth) who was pulling the cart.

Bobo started walking slowly, and slowly accelerated as he twitched the reins.

If he stayed here for too long, the strong smell of blood would attract predators. Although he wasn't afraid of those, they would still be a problem.

Unfortunately, his luck didn't seem to be very good today.

Not far away, Ernest heard a series of "chirping" sounds that sounded like birds, but more hoarse.

Several blue velociraptors came in groups, attracted by the smell of blood.

These greedy guys did not go to the corpse, but directly surrounded the cart transporting the raw meat.

After all, the corpse is there and can't run away. They still prefer to attack "prey" that can move.

The old hunter sighed, stopped the panicked and growling Bobo, and jumped out of the car with a sledgehammer on his back.

"There's obviously more meat left on the corpse side."

Ernest was preparing for a quick battle when a strange howling sound came from far to near with rapid footsteps.

Even the blue velociraptors' attention was attracted, and they all stopped and turned to look in the direction of the sound.


A majestic man wearing an ordinary short coat, a blue velociraptor helmet, and a hunter's knife in his hand ran down the hillside and charged towards the blue velociraptors.

Ernest, who had never seen such a scene in his life, couldn't help but curse.

"What the hell is this?"

A blue velociraptor hissed, its thighs leaped up with force, and its dagger-like claws seemed to want to disembowel the incoming attacker.

The attacker did not dodge. At the moment when the attack was about to come, he suddenly raised his arm shield and knocked the blue velociraptor to the ground. He then crushed its slender cervical vertebrae with one foot and continued to move forward.

The "fleeting" of their companions made the other two blue velociraptors hesitate, but the visitor obviously did not intend to give them time to think.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the second Blue Velociraptor, sideways dodged the Blue Velociraptor's bite, turned around and slashed at the Blue Velociraptor's neck with his sword.

No, it might be more accurate to say it was chopped or smashed.

The sharpness of the hunter's knife was not enough to kill the blue velociraptor with one blow.

But as long as the power is strong enough, anything is possible.

The neck of the blue velociraptor was broken together with the hunter's knife, which was only repaired on the appearance level.

The headless corpse twitched and fell to the ground.

The remaining blue velociraptor turned around and tried to run away, but it was a pity that it was too late.

The visitor stalked after it, clamped its tail with both hands, roared and dragged it to the ground, then pounced on it, held it down, and smashed its head with its arm shield.

In a barbaric way, he killed three blue velociraptors in a blink of an eye, and the giant man, who was covered in blood, burst into laughter.

Ernest obviously recognized who it was.

Pick up a small stone and hit it on the visitor's helmet, making a "clang" sound.

Ernest scolded with a dark face: "Who taught you to enter the hunting ground looking like this?!"

After taking some effort, Gordon took off his helmet and came to Ernest with a smile. He hugged the latter and patted him hard on the back.

"I'm back!"

Ernest, who was originally angry, softened his expression.

Pushing Gordon away who was more than a head taller than him, he scolded: "You are in your early thirties, why are you still acting like this?"

Gordon winked and smiled, "I just can't act recklessly outside, so I'm going to indulge myself when I get back here."

He suddenly understood Feng Ying somewhat.

When I follow them, I always think that guy is stupid.

It is difficult to associate her with "the legendary hunter "White Wind" who is famous in the mainland".

But I heard Aiden and the others say that when Feng Ying led the team, it was not like that.

With a laugh of "Hey", Gordon hung his helmet on his waist and picked up the broken sword blade again.

"Instructor, do you still want to strip these blue velociraptor materials?"

Ernest glanced at him and said, "You can't waste it. You can exchange it for some money. You are responsible for keeping watch."

Gordon shrugged and looked around. After the instructor finished collecting the materials, the two of them sat on the cart together.

With a shout, Bobo, who was pulling the cart, started to move.

The wheels turned creakingly, and after a few seconds of silence, Gordon suddenly said, "You used to pull the cart by yourself.

They also always say that it is troublesome to control Bobo and the herbivorous dragon, so it is better to do it yourself. "

Ernest held the reins in vain, his expression as usual, "Yeah, I'm getting old too, and I'm not as strong as before."

If someone else were here, listening to these words, they might feel the helplessness of a hero in his twilight years.

But Gordon felt that this old guy was acting weak again.

Is sixty very old? The Samantabhadra master of Yanhuo Village and the grand leader are all in their seventies and almost eighties.

He turned his head and looked at the old instructor carefully, "You have no strength? Why do I think you can still crack open Gu Long's head?"

"It's not that exaggerated." Ernest waved his hand.

"Tell me the truth, how many stars are you?"


Ernest pondered for two seconds, "It doesn't matter, you already have nine stars, there is nothing to hide.

Before I came to Kokot Village, I had just been promoted to eight stars.

In the early years, he would be assigned by the Great Elder to perform some difficult tasks, but in the past ten years, this has been very rare. "

"Tsk, I knew it. In other words, if you continued to develop, you would have reached nine stars by now, right?"

Ernest looked at Gordon, "That's not necessarily true. Among the current active hunters in the guild, there are more than a dozen eight-star hunters. Do you know how many nine-star hunters there are?"


"Only you."

Gordon really didn't expect this answer, "Is it true?"

“There’s no need to lie to you, it’s rare for multiple nine-star hunters to appear in one era.

The Nine Star before you was a contemporary of mine, and you are very familiar with it, Master Campbell. It’s a pity that he was seriously injured and retired not long after he became Nine Star.

The person who preceded him was a lady from the dragon tribe, who also retired a few years after Master Campbell retired.

When the two Nine Stars were serving at the same time, everyone said with emotion that this was a golden age, but it was a pity.

As for the earlier generation, it was Master Samantabhadra in Yanhuo Village. "

Ernest sighed, "If you want to become a nine-star hunter, talent, hard work, and luck are all indispensable.

You have never been stuck by that threshold, so you don’t know what it feels like.

It seems like the steps are there, but I can't get up them. "

Gordon didn't answer.

If you say "I really don't feel it" at this time, you're afraid you'll get beaten.

"So, why do people like you come to a small village with nothing like Kokot Village to stay for a long time?" Gordon asked the question he really wanted to ask.

Ernest looked at him deeply.

"You should have already guessed the answer to this question, right?"

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