Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1476: Obvious Personal Style

The third princess had only two requirements for gifts, one was that they had to be rare, and the other was that they had to be good-looking.

The things Feng Ying brought back obviously met the requirements, especially the ancient amber and the dark dragon's veil, which made her love them.

She walked back with a little jump.

After sending the third princess away, Anxier looked at Feng Ying with a strange expression, "Do you know how much money you can get for the things you gave away if you give them to Jessica to help her run them?

At least"

Feng Ying decisively covered her ears, "I don't want to know!

I gave them all away on impulse. Actually, giving the amber and the veil should be sincere enough."

Gail picked up the jewelry box given by the third princess next to Feng Ying, opened it and took a look, and subconsciously burst into swear words.

"What the hell is a legendary amulet?! She's not losing out, right?

The hunter who dug this amulet is probably not too high-level. If you sell it for a large sum of money, you'll be worry-free for the rest of your life.

But if it's a high-level hunter, I'm afraid he won't be willing to sell it no matter how much money he offers. Just laugh if you have the chance."

"Well, that makes sense."

Feng Ying thought about it. If the third princess took those gifts and wanted to exchange this amulet with her, she would definitely not be happy.

In that case, there's no need to worry about it.

An Xier took the amulet, admired it for a while, and then gave it back to Feng Ying, "By the way, there's something I almost forgot to tell you."

"You have a few more things you 'almost forgot'." Feng Ying muttered softly.

An Xier ignored her and continued, "There is still more than one day left before the gathering.

If you want, you can go to the hunter training camp outside the city. The students there are looking forward to your visit.

Hua Li is also here. She is the chief of their class."

"Training camp? Little Hua Li? She is not a genius." Feng Ying was stunned for a moment before she reacted, "Oh yes, if you calculate her age, she should be sixteen years old, so it is normal for her to be in training."

Gail was on the side, smiling and saying strange things like "The young students are so enthusiastic" and "This feeling of being in the spotlight is really unbearable."

Feng Ying knew she was trying to lure her, but she still took the bait.

"Okay, then I'll go there and treat it as going to see Little Hua Li!"

"So, you just came here like this?"

Hilda pushed her glasses without prescription and stared at Feng Ying.

Feng Ying felt uncomfortable being stared at, and looked down at herself. There was nothing strange about her.

Hilda sighed silently.

If possible, she would rather Gordon or Hayata come.

It's not because they are stronger or have a higher hunter level.

It's mainly because the things they master are slightly more versatile, and the students can benefit from them more easily.

As for Feng Ying, her personal style is too obvious.

Feng Ying is a petite, agile, and strong physical talent. She has only seen one person like her in her life.

In addition, it is very difficult to master transformable weapons such as shield axes, and they are always the weapons of niche hunters.

And the flame secrets and wireworm skills that constitute its core combat system

What on earth can this guy learn for ordinary students?

Precision defense?

No, that is practical, but too difficult. If students imitate it randomly, it is easy to get into trouble.

In comparison, the fact that this guy came to the training camp wearing an exaggerated ancient dragon material armor doesn't seem to be that important.

Hilda's constantly changing expression made Feng Ying feel confused.

What do you mean? You don't welcome me so much? Then I leave?

After thinking for a long time, Hilda sighed again without finding any good entry point.

She called a staff member, "Go find Huali and tell her someone is looking for her."

Fengying and Hilda waited for a while with their eyes wide open. Outside the door, a hurried sound of footsteps came from far away.

Huali, who was always meticulous, even forgot to knock on the door.

She rushed in and hugged Fengying, "Sister Fengying!"

Fengying was still a little confused when she was hugged.

In her impression, Huali was still a little girl who could only hug her legs. How come she is so big now? She is half a head taller than herself.

But she still subconsciously reached out and rubbed Huali's head.

Even if she was more like a younger sister in the eyes of others.

Hilda smiled at the scene of the two people's reunion, but there was a hint of obscurity in her eyes that no one noticed.

Feng Ying is still very young and doesn't realize some things. She will wait a few more years.

Hilda took off her glasses and gently patted her forehead to stop herself from thinking about things.

When you get older, you tend to think about things that are not worth thinking about.

Noticing Hilda's actions, Feng Ying was speechless. She let go of the pear and looked at the former, "No way? Is my visit so troublesome for you?"

Hilda certainly couldn't explain the misunderstanding.

She adjusted her mood and stared at Feng Ying and said, "Tell me yourself, do you have anything suitable to show to the students as an example?"

"I, I can demonstrate how to solve it. I mean, 'Super High Output Attribute Liberation Slash'." Feng Ying didn't seem to be so confident.

"But it's better for me to open the red shield in advance and save the bottles, otherwise it will always look unsatisfactory if it's like a set of gymnastics."

Hilda rolled her eyes, "The weapon on display is also a shield axe. Do you think there will be so many students suitable for using shield axes in the future?"


Huali next to her heard what they were discussing.

She said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Sister Feng Ying is so powerful, why can't she show off?

Just two random steps and two swings of the sword were enough to shock those ignorant guys. "


Hilda's eyes lit up.

Huali's words made her realize that she seemed to have gone into a misunderstanding.

Feng Ying's personal style is too obvious, which makes her always think about which of those "special things" are suitable for display without misleading the students.

But in fact, Feng Ying doesn't need to show those "special things" at all.

Whether it's Precision Defense (GP), various super aerial solutions, or the kind of high-mobility shield that defense expert Altman marvels at.

They are all based on Feng Ying's extraordinary physical fitness.

Strength, flexibility, pace, reaction speed, coordination.

Wouldn't it be better to just let Feng Ying show these?

Although among a thousand hunters, you may not be able to find a talented monster like Feng Ying who can push the strength and flexibility to the limit at the same time.

But the students don’t know!

They will only feel that as long as they train hard, they can become like this in the future.

Even if it doesn't take many years, they will realize that it's not that they don't work hard, but that some people are too weird.

But the sweat shed in the past few years is definitely real. Isn't that what the instructors want to see?

Hilda had an idea and stood up from the table, "I'll change your outfit in a while, and I'll have someone find you the most common hunter suit.

I’ll get you a pair of ‘Advanced Hunting Knife (Ore-type initial blade hand sword)’. That thing is strong enough and can be used easily. "

"What if it breaks accidentally?" Feng Ying asked smoothly.

"Then, even if you are great, you don't have to pay for it anyway. Just show off your physical fitness to your heart's content. Hehe, let those students open their eyes."

"Do you want to take off the protective stone too?" With a show-off mentality, Feng Ying took out the legendary protective stone she had just acquired from her collar with a sincere look.

Of course Hilda, who was well-informed, could see the gold content of this protective stone, and her expression twisted for a moment.

"Put it away! Don't be seen by the students."

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