Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1480: The city that is invisible on the map

Since the Great Elder has repeatedly stressed that the situation is urgent, Gordon and the others will naturally not waste too much time.

After reporting the team status of the three tasks to the guild manager, after completing the registration, they quickly started a series of preparations before the hunt.

For the most important part of intelligence collection, scholars from the guild and Gulong Observation Bureau have already investigated and summarized it in advance, saving them a lot of time.

Although most of this information is based on local legends and eyewitness oral accounts of such unconfirmed information, it is better than knowing nothing.

That night, they boarded the airboat and headed toward their respective destinations overnight.

On the airship, Gordon noticed that Hayata was not in a good mood.

She was staying alone in her room, silently taking care of her sword.

This doesn't mean anything. As long as she has nothing to do, she will always take out her treasured weapons one by one for maintenance.

But this time, judging from her absent-minded wiping movements and the behavior of oiling the same knife twice, her attention was obviously not on the weapon in her hand.

"Miss your daughter?" Gordon sat down next to her.

After a few seconds, Hayata, who was feeling a little empty, came to his senses and stopped wiping the knife with oil for the third time. "Well, I always feel something, and I can't stop."

Gordon knew what she meant.

This vacation is not short, but it is not long.

If possible, she would like to stay in Minagard for a few more days, at least until Master Yamos comes back and meet him before leaving. While communicating with Master Yamos in the New World, he really wants to see little Muti.

Little Muti is learning to walk and is gradually learning to speak.

It was only two days ago that she called "Mom" for the first time, but it made her happy for a long time. But just before boarding the airship, she was called by her daughter again, obviously she didn't want to be separated from her.

But they had no choice but to leave little Muti at Anhir's house and ask someone to take care of him.

It must have been this incident that broke through her emotions.

Gordon sighed silently and put his arm around her shoulders.

If they were civilians, they might have fewer worries in this regard.

If they are ordinary hunters with two stars and three stars, and they don't accept missions for several months or even years, the guild won't bother them, and it won't have any practical impact.

But they are high-level hunters, nine-star and eight-star hunters who stand at the top of the pyramid.

Accepting the admiration of everyone, enjoying the best resources, the reward for one mission is worth several years of hard work for ordinary people.

Just sell some rare materials that you don't need to the guild, and the money you get is a huge amount of money that ordinary people can't imagine.

Then of course they have to bear more.

When a certain place asks them for help and says, "Save us! Countless people are dying and being injured!", can they refuse on the grounds of "I'm sorry, but I want to spend more time with my children"?

Of course not

This is not the so-called "moral kidnapping", this is responsibility and obligation.

Even if Muti grows up in the future, from a child's perspective, he will be unable to understand, accept, reject, and even hate the profession of hunter.

Just like instructor Hilda's daughter

All they could say was sorry.

Gordon doesn't need to explain these truths, Hayata certainly understands them.

She just needed some time to adjust her emotions.

He raised his face, blinked, and took a deep breath.

Even though her eyes were still a little red, she finally had a less forced smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

On the edge of the desert, next to an oasis.

Countless brightly colored buildings stand tall.

But if you get closer and take a closer look, you will find that these are not "buildings".

Instead, there are various tents, shacks, caravans, and even large sand boats, large and small, that can be easily disassembled or moved.

They appear to be chaotic, but in fact they are arranged into streets and markets in a very orderly manner.

A prosperous market gathering goods from all over the world, attracting tourists and merchants.

This is the "city that cannot be seen on the map" - Balubare.

In an area where residential tents and caravans were concentrated, a man with a tired face opened the curtain of his caravan and jumped out of the car.

“It’s time to go to work again”

"Come on daddy!"

The sound of cheering from his daughter coming from the caravan behind him cheered him up, and the tiredness on his face dissipated a lot.

He tightened the straps of the slightly skewed Blue Fire Dragon armor and walked towards the tallest building in the center of Balubare, surrounded by the street market.

Along the way, people kept saying hello to him.

It can be seen that as a high-ranking local hunter in Balubare, the man is quite popular.

The only thing that gave him a headache was that everyone didn't like to call him by his name, but liked to call him the nickname that had followed him since childhood - Crow.

As a death bird, crows symbolize "death" in folk customs and religions in many places.

From this perspective, it seems like a very handsome nickname.

At least, that's how it seems to many teenagers.

It's a pity that the man is called "Crow", not because he "brings the death announcement to monsters" or because he is "a mysterious hunter in pitch black armor".

Simply because he has been an unlucky person since he was a child.

Even though he has become a respected high-level hunter through his unremitting efforts, he still cannot offset the villagers' first impression of him being "ridden with bad luck".

It was nothing more than an unlucky child, an unlucky teenager, an unlucky young hunter, and now an unlucky upper hunter.


"Boss, same as always."

The man stopped and bought a roll for breakfast at a roadside stall.

The hot wheat rolls were rolled with freshly baked grilled meat and sprinkled with a handful of local compound spices.

This was his favorite food!

Especially the golden spice powder, which was the essence of this roll. The name of the city "Balu Bare" was named after this kind of spice.

He held the roll in front of him and took a deep breath.

The boss took care of his acquaintance and sprinkled more "Balu Bare" on him. The pungent spicy smell penetrated his nostrils.

Before he could enjoy it, he sneezed violently.

All the grilled meat in the roll fell to the ground. When the wind blew, it was covered with sand, eliminating all possibilities of picking it up quickly and shaking it to eat.


"As expected of you, Mr. Crow." The boss couldn't hold it in any longer.


The man who was constantly reminded that he was an unlucky guy sighed helplessly.

The greatest good fortune in his life should be that he had a childhood sweetheart who later became his wife and gave birth to a lovely daughter.

Thinking about it this way, he was only unlucky on weekdays, but he was quite lucky at critical moments, wasn't he?

After comforting himself, he stuffed the roll with gravy and spice powder into his mouth and continued to move forward.

Finally, he came to the exaggerated building, or the huge sand ship.

This is the meeting place of the Balubare Guild.

He pushed the door open and entered.

There were waves of greetings of "Crow is here." "Good morning, Crow!" again.

He came to an office on the second floor of the meeting place.

In the office, the old man wearing an orange-red wide-brimmed hat raised his head and greeted him with a smile.

"Unlucky Musa, how's your luck today?"

Musa's shoulders slumped, "President, you might as well call me Crow."

ps1. The character of Musa comes from the book friend "Crow", the unlucky setting emm, and then the seven-year-old daughter of this book friend shot the big thief dragon with a bow, which is awesome!

ps2. In the game, the leader of the brigade was once the secretary of the Balubare Guild, and later became the leader of the brigade after retirement.

Here, just treat it as being rehired and becoming the president of Balubare. In this era, it should be reasonable to rehire an experienced and well-connected old guy to be the president.

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