Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1489 Barubare's Fastest

Suspended on a slipway above the lava lake.

The Isana, which has been carefully restored by Tulong craftsmen, has a brand new look.

Cracked and loose boards were replaced one by one.

The bright red hull also became bright again with a repaint.

Even the ship's crossbows, artillery, and even the dragon-shooting gun at the bow were restored to normal usable condition after repeated maintenance by craftsmen.

Because this time, the positioning of the Isana is no longer an "adventure ship", but more of a "battleship" that fights ancient dragon species.

The craftsmen also removed the propulsion propeller at the stern and replaced it with a trial high-power steam propulsion engine, and installed a sharp ramming angle at the bow.

This makes this "big whale", which was originally quite cute, become much more powerful.

After that, the craftsmen used the slide rails and ropes scattered throughout the village to move the Isana to a position near the airship entrance and exit.

The huge airbag, which has been tested many times to prevent leakage, is firmly fixed to the hull of the ship by cables.

As the "very fresh" special gas was injected, the air bag gradually expanded. When only two-thirds of the way was injected, the ship's hull showed signs of breaking away from the gravity of the earth and rising into the air.

The craftsmen temporarily stopped the injection of gas, tied the hull to the ground with anchor hooks and cables, and began loading supplies.

The most important ones are burning fossil carbon and clean water, followed by ammunition, a small amount of food and medicine supplies, and ballast that can be used to adjust the quality and stability of the hull and can be discarded at any time when needed.

While shipping supplies, craftsmen are also adjusting the quantity and distribution of gas in the airbag little by little until the two reach a relative balance.

When only two ropes are needed to secure the Isana steadily in mid-air, all preparations before setting sail are completed.

Hayata and Sophia boarded the airship one after another. Before they could retract the gangway, Isana also jumped on.

"Why did you come up?"

"Are you going too?"

The two asked in unison.

"Isn't that natural!" Isana put her hands on her hips, "Captain and the others are in trouble, how could we not help them!"

Seeing what Sophia was about to say, Isana interrupted first, "Did you see the modifications on the ship? Did you see the new engine?

The latest technology in Nagulli Village! Only we know how to use it!

Weigh anchor quickly! Let’s go! "

Perhaps because it is rich in iron or other metallic minerals, the sand and gravel in this wasteland shows a rusty brown-red color.

Under the scorching sun, the air seemed to be filled with a metallic smell.

Gordon and Suda stood on a piece of sandstone, looking at the not-too-huge canyon in front of them.

"The total length of the canyon is nearly one thousand meters. The widest area in the center of the canyon is about eighty meters. The height of the cliffs on both sides is more than forty meters.

It is indeed the best place to set up an ambush. "Gordon put down the telescope and commented.

"Yes." The old hunter nodded, "The entire canyon is very long and narrow, and the middle area is shaped like a pocket.

If we can introduce the Yuanyuan Dragon into it, we can seal both ends of the canyon.

Unless its flying ability is good enough to climb vertically, it will be trapped and die in this canyon.


"The distance is too far." Gordon sighed after taking the words.

In the past two days, they had repeatedly inspected the northern stone forest and the eastern canyon several times.

The conclusion reached was still the same as that night.

The canyon in front of them is a perfect battlefield for an ambush, but without suitable transportation, it is almost impossible for the hunters to lead the Yuanyuan Dragon all the way here.

"The location needs to be decided as soon as possible, and the craftsmen will also need time to arrange it." Suda reminded at the side.

Gordon frowned.

There has been no news from Hayata and the others, so he should take a desperate gamble and let the craftsmen drive directly to the canyon.

Or should we seek stability and choose that stone forest as the decisive battleground?

As I was struggling in my heart, a sharp bird song came from the air.

A peregrine falcon with snow-white wings landed on his shoulder.

"It's the president's Peregrine Falcon. Is there any news?" Suda and Gordon looked at each other.

The latter quickly took off a small metal mailbox from Peregrine Falcon's leg, opened it and glanced at it quickly, a smile appeared on his face.

He handed the letter to Su Da, "It seems there is no need to discuss it any further, the decisive battle location is set in this canyon.

A letter came from Naguli Village. The Isana has been prepared and is about to set sail. According to the date mentioned on the letter, it will be tomorrow at the latest. If it is faster, it may arrive in Balubare tonight. "

Su Da checked the letter and smiled.

"Isana? I see. Is the airship you mentioned turned out to be the big whale that the president is obsessed with?"

At the same time, Balubare stopped at the oasis.

The Isana almost drifted with its tail and stopped suddenly above the oasis lake.

The conspicuous hull that resembled a large whale and the ridiculous speed that did not resemble an airship attracted the attention of a large number of Balubare people.

Pandan, dizzy, half climbed and half rolled down the gangway.

After landing on the ground, one of them lost his balance and almost fell. He quickly used his paws to support his body. After staggering forward for a few steps, he finally lost control of his center of gravity and fell to the ground with a "bia".

"I'm going to vomit, meow."

Sophia, who followed closely behind, also looked pale. She covered her mouth and ran a few steps to a dwarf palm tree. She couldn't help it anymore and spit out a rainbow.

Hayata's condition was slightly better, but her steps were still a little shaky.

After returning to the ground, she took a long time to regain her chaotic sense of balance.

"We have to find a chance to trick Anshil into trying this meow." Xianglan, who had recovered a little, climbed up with difficulty, shook off the sand on her fur, and meowed softly.

Hayata tapped her head lightly, "Don't do that, he will die."

"One by one, is it so exaggerated?"

After skillfully maneuvering the airship to complete the mooring and fixing the hull with a cable anchor hook, Isana came over with a swagger, "We just tested the high-speed cruise, not the full speed, not to mention that we haven't driven overload yet."

While wiping the corners of her mouth with a towel, Sophia walked out from behind the dwarf palm tree and said faintly: "That's because you are the driver.

Next time, let someone else drive you?"

"Well, I won't let others drive the new Isana! The captain and the uncle in charge of processing won't let me!"

Hayata handed the water bag to Sophia, "It's really exaggerated.

Although the straight-line distance from here to Naguli Village is not too far, you still have to fly over the inland sea.

Even if there is a tailwind, a conventional airship will take two days, and a high-speed airship will take at least one and a half days. How long did it take us this time?"

Sophia took out her pocket watch and took a look.

"Twenty-two hours. It's a record."

"But then again, it's running at high speed all the time. Is there really no problem with that prototype engine?" Hayata asked with some concern.

"Of course there is no problem! This is the latest technology developed by my father!" Isana proudly put her hands on her hips.

"But, I seem to smell something burning, meow?" Xianglan sniffed around, "Meow? Is the engine on the left side of the stern smoking, meow?"

Isana shook her hands, "Ahaha, don't make such a joke, how can it be... Shit!"

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