Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1497 Forced Landing

Relying on the overload engine, Isana forcibly escaped the swallowing attack of the swallow dragon, and after pulling away from the swallow dragon by nearly a thousand meters, she turned off the overload mode.

Amid the strange sound of "clang clang", a cloud of black smoke came out of the engine on the left and it completely stopped.

The engine on the right was still able to operate normally, but under the unbalanced thrust, Isana had to constantly adjust the hull posture to prevent the airship from circling in place.

The swallow dragon howled and chased after it.

Its movements seemed slow, but that was only relative to its size.

In anger, the swallow dragon flying at full speed was even a little faster than the Isana with the help of a single engine.

Now no one dared to mention slowing down and bringing the swallow dragon a little closer.

If the earth dragons had not replaced the Isana with a new engine, the speed of this airship might not be faster than the swallow dragon.

"Wait until it enters the effective range of the rapid-fire gun, and then fire freely!" Gordon piled several drums of ammunition next to the rapid-fire gun and issued such an order.


"Got it!"

"Isana! Maintain the highest speed. We will inevitably have to slow down when we land. If we don't ensure a safe distance, we will be shot down when we land!"

Isana, who was concentrating on controlling the airship to maintain balance, had no time to reply, but it can be seen from the fact that she pushed the remaining right engine power to the top that she listened.

The speed of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon was still increasing.

After just two or three minutes, the distance between it and the Isana entered the effective range of the rapid-fire gun.

The two shooters fired without hesitation.

A series of shells continued to bombard the Swallowing Abyss Dragon's head.

The carapace here is obviously much weaker than the back, and the eyes, mouth and nose and other vital parts are also concentrated here.

Facing the attack of the rapid-fire gun, the Swallowing Abyss Dragon had to turn its head and use its huge shovel-like chin to block the shells.

"The attack worked!" Musa said excitedly, "Change the magazine quickly! Let's continue the attack!"

Gordon said nothing, "clang" unloaded the empty magazine, picked up the new magazine with one hand, and hung it on the magazine bay.

Shaking his hands that were numb from the recoil, Musa suddenly reacted.

I just urged the nine-star master hunter, "brave" Gordon, to change his magazine? This is something I can brag about for half my life!

Daughter! Dad has made a difference!

"Clang clang clang!"

A faint black smoke came out of the only remaining propulsion engine.

After the overload just now and several minutes of full-power flight, this engine also began to malfunction, and the speed of the Isana dropped slightly.

Seemingly noticing this, the Swallowing Abyss Dragon, which was chasing after the Isana, roared and flapped its fins violently.


It is not good at flying fast, but with a raging anger, it might as well try hard.

The distance between the two was getting shorter and shorter, and they were about to enter the range of the swallowing dragon's sucking attack.

It had already opened its huge mouth.

The shooters operated the rapid-fire cannons and poured shells into the swallowing dragon's mouth desperately.

But the swallowing dragon ignored their attacks, slightly raised its body, and the wind surged again.

The Isana was like being pulled by an invisible rope, and its speed dropped significantly.

Once it was caught by the airflow of the swallowing dragon's sucking attack again, the Isana, whose engine was scrapped and malfunctioned, would be unable to escape.

At the last moment, Isana gritted her teeth and started the overload again.

With a loud "boom!", the right engine exploded again, pushing the Isana forward for a distance, and then completely stopped running.

However, thanks to this overload, the Isana shook off the turbulence and successfully escaped from the range of the swallowing dragon's sucking attack.

On the contrary, the swallowing dragon slowed down its pursuit in order to carry out the sucking attack, and the distance between the two widened a little.

"Take it!" The shooter Leihana, who was operating the rapid-fire cannon, released the trigger and gave the shooting position to Hayata.

He grabbed a heavy crossbow that he had picked up casually from the deck beside him.

After a little aiming, he pulled the trigger of the heavy crossbow hard.

The supernova that he had begged from the pork chop flew out of the barrel, and under the airflow, it flew towards the distant Swallowing Dragon at an extraordinary speed.

If this supernova could penetrate into the body of the Swallowing Dragon with the airflow of the suction attack, it would probably cause considerable damage.

Unfortunately, the distance was too far. The supernova exploded into a large ball of fire when it was still tens of meters away from the Swallowing Dragon.

The Swallowing Dragon was frightened by the fire and the explosion, and the suction attack was interrupted.

The Isana took this opportunity to increase the distance again, and the canyon decisive battlefield, which was their destination, was also in sight.

"Everyone hold on! Prepare for an emergency landing!" Isana shouted, pushing the steering wheel forward.

The airship tilted downward at a radical angle that would never appear in a regular landing process, diving towards the center of the canyon.

The hull shook violently, the shooters stopped firing, and Gordon threw the ammunition box in his arms aside, holding on to the railing beside him with all his strength to stabilize his body.

Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters

The ground was getting closer and closer.

When there were only fifty meters left to the ground, Isana pulled the steering wheel with all her strength, the flaps on both sides of the hull opened, the hull suddenly lifted up, and the falling speed dropped sharply.

Gordon, who was trying to stabilize his body, suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

—— If I didn't die in the mouth of the monster, but died in the crash of the airship, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?


One second before landing, the Isana finally managed to level out, maintaining the forced landing posture with the bow slightly tilted up.

The belly of the “big whale” rubbed violently against the ground, and gravel, wood chips, and sparks flew everywhere, plowing a long gully on the ground, but the most dangerous rollover was not caused.

The forced landing was successful!

Before the hull could completely stop, everyone on the ship rushed to jump off the deck.

Hayata was holding Xianglan in her hand, and Gordon was holding Isana, who was cheering loudly. They didn’t care about anything else and ran desperately towards the distance.

Just a few seconds later, the Swallowing Abyss Dragon fell from the sky like a falling mountain and smashed into the Isana.

The red whale was smashed into pieces in one go.

Isana's cheers turned into screams, "Ahhhh! My Isana!"

After putting Isana on the ground, Gordon shouted loudly without comforting her and asking her to go to a safe place quickly:

"The battle begins!"

"Boom!" A violent explosion sounded.

The explosives buried on both sides of the canyon pass were detonated, and the rock walls collapsed, blocking the entrance and exit of the canyon.

The Swallowing Abyss Dragon, which was venting its anger on the wreckage of Isana, turned its head suddenly.

It realized that something was wrong.

With its size and take-off angle, it was very difficult to leave this closed canyon.

But it didn't have the concept of "trap" in its mind.

After all, it was the "ferocious god of the dry sea".


A sharp horn sounded.

The shooters rushed out of their hiding places and came to their respective gun positions.

Another sharp whistle.

The heavy crossbows located in various parts of the decisive battlefield fired restraining bombs at the same time.

Crossbow arrows thicker than spears penetrated the flanks of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon, as well as the joints at the base of its limbs.

The capstan rotated at high speed, and the ropes tightened, binding it firmly in place.

The cannon at the top of the canyon slid on the rails and came to the most suitable position, with the muzzle facing down and locking onto the target.

Gordon grinned, but did not draw his sword as he did in the past.

"The hunt begins!"

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