Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1501: Death Struggle

The Swallowing Abyss Dragon used its head and flippers to push the ground and turned over with difficulty.

Even though this would only cause blood and internal organs to flow out of the big hole in its abdomen faster, the pride of the ancient dragon species would not allow it to die in such a miserable way.

The losses on the human side were not small.

In the previous sucking attack, at least six or seven people were sucked into the belly of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon. After the big explosion just now, these victims had no chance of survival.

The heavy crossbows at the bottom of the canyon were completely destroyed, and the artillery on the top of the canyon also overturned in the sucking attack and could not continue to fire.

Only the hunters still retained their combat effectiveness.

The upper hunters held up their weapons and slowly gathered forward.

Many elite hunters who still had the strength to fight also slid down from the top of the canyon through ropes, ready to join the siege.

When there were only thirty or forty meters left to the Swallowing Abyss Dragon, Gordon raised his hand and made a gesture.

Everyone stopped and stood guard.

This battle is a foregone conclusion, and the monsters that counterattack before dying are often the most ferocious and crazy. Too many hunters have died in the mouths of seriously injured and dying monsters because of carelessness.

What's more, they are facing an ancient dragon, so it is not too careful.

"Are you going to attack?" Hayata looked at Gordon.

Gordon came to the opposite side of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon, stared at the dragon pupil, and whispered while confronting it: "No hurry, you go to the Dragon Spear and prepare to start."

Hayata nodded, moved back into the blind spot of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon, and left quietly.

"Swordsmen evacuate, archers keep a safe distance, and attack from a distance!" Gordon suddenly raised his voice and shouted to give orders.

Among the hunters who gathered around, many swordsmen felt deeply regretful because they lost the opportunity to cut the ancient dragon twice with their own hands.

Fortunately, as a nine-star hunter, Gordon has enough prestige, and the other party is also thinking about his own life, so no one disobeyed.

"Attack the wound!" Musa pulled out an extra-thick arrow from the quiver behind him and shot the arrowhead across the ground.

The sparks caused by the friction between metal and rock lit the fuse on the arrow shaft that boosted the gunpowder tube.

Amid the sparks, he drew his bow and arrow, pulled the bowstring to its full length, and released the bowstring the moment the gunpowder was ignited.

The dragon arrow, with a sharp whistle that broke through the air, pierced straight into the distant Swallowing Abyss Dragon.

His attack seemed to be a signal for the archers to open fire.

Countless arrows and crossbow bullets were splashed at the Swallowing Abyss Dragon from all directions.

Even though most of them were bounced off by the latter's rock-like shell, a few successfully penetrated the wound of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon and caused damage.

The Swallowing Abyss Dragon roared silently.

It tried to fire sand bullets to fight back, but the lung tubes that were shattered in the explosion could not provide the necessary high pressure at all.

A small amount of yellow sand mixed with blood and meat was sprayed out from the vents on both sides of its body. It fell to the ground after only blowing out more than ten meters, and could not pose any threat to the hunters in the distance.

Forget about the most threatening sucking attack. Its lungs were almost blown to pieces. Even if it was just ordinary breathing, a lot of blood foam would flow into the trachea.

A gleam of ferocity flashed in the gradually dissipating dragon pupils of the Swallowing Abyss Dragon.

It still has one last weapon.

"Roar, boom, boom!"

Its flippers, which were not suitable for walking on rocky ground, pounced on the ground, and it slowly moved, and its speed became faster and faster.

"The last charge?"

Gordon, who understood what the Swallowing Abyss Dragon wanted to do, lifted the restrictions on his protective gear, and the terrifying aura of the "Ancient Dragon Killer" rose.

The Swallowing Abyss Dragon, whose consciousness had become blurred, paused, and it subconsciously adjusted its direction and rushed straight towards Gordon.

At the edge of the battlefield, a young hunter opened his eyes and exclaimed loudly, "Could it be that the 'brave man' really wants to charge the dragon chariot?!"

Gordon's mouth twitched fiercely.

He was ready to go back and teach the young great swordsman a lesson.

Charging to kill the dragon chariot is a last resort. Why would he risk his life with a giant ancient dragon that was charging to the death? !

Under the slightly disappointed gazes of some hot-blooded young people with not very good brains, Gordon turned and ran, running wildly in the direction of the dragon-striking spear.

Attracted by the breath, the Swallowing Abyss Dragon gave up the idea of ​​rushing around, limping, but still chasing behind him with full momentum.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and the dragon-striking spear covered by the camouflage cloth was also in sight.

In the last few dozen meters, Gordon suddenly changed direction.

Blood flowed while running at full speed, and his internal organs were all over the ground. The Swallowing Abyss Dragon, which was already in a dying state, had no ability to turn around, and had no intention of turning around.

With its mind blurred, it had forgotten its purpose. It rushed forward as hard as it could in the last moments of its life, as if it was going to smash death.

Until it collided with the two dragon-striking spears that thrust out.

For the people of Barubare, the successful hunting of the Swallowing Dragon was undoubtedly a great joy.

The passage to the northern Rexara region was opened, and the mobile city trapped in the middle of the desert was finally able to go to Reke Bay for supplies and goods trading before the end of the monsoon season.

However, this battle brought more than just joy.

Even though all aspects had been prepared as much as possible, many people still died in the Swallowing Abyss in this battle.

Most of them were elite hunters in Barubare, and there were also a few craftsmen responsible for transporting and debugging weapons.

The residents of Barubare held a grand funeral for them and the victims of the previous dragon-striking fleet.

According to local customs, the bodies of the victims will be wrapped in white cloth and buried deep in the sand of the oasis.

Unfortunately, only a few bodies can be found.

Amid the cries and sobs of relatives and friends, only their belongings can be buried in the oasis.


Gordon exhaled, "This kind of scene is really hard to get used to no matter how many times you experience it.

It is an honor to die for your hometown, but no one will be happy about it."

Hayata pursed her lips and did not respond.

She had stayed in Barubare for a period of time, and she felt more deeply about this funeral than Gordon.

Even among the victims whose bodies were gone, there were predecessors who had taken care of her in the past.

"The desert will bury everything, and it will also remember everything." The old man came over.

The iconic wide-brimmed hat was gone, but his face still had the same generous smile as usual, "It is the responsibility of all of us to carry the will of the sacrificed and move forward."

"Captain, don't talk about these big principles at this time." Isana crossed her arms and sighed heavily.

The old man smiled and patted her head, "Are you still sad about the Isana?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Isana said unhappily: "That is the ship that carries the important memories of 'our brigade'.

It feels like the diary that has been treasured for many years has been burned!"

Hayata on the side also nodded sadly.

The old man raised the corner of his mouth and talked about a seemingly unrelated topic.

"The Swallowing Abyss Dragon is indeed an ancient dragon. Even in such an explosion, the damage was only to the soft tissues such as flesh and internal organs, and the most critical spine and ribs were almost intact.

The processing manager has seen it and said that using the spine as the keel, combined with high-quality knotty cloud hardwood, can build a best ship that is not inferior to the Rocklak's "Fengshan Maru".

What do you think about naming the ship "New Isana"?

If you think it's too simple, you can also call it "Invincible Isana" or "Super Isana."

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