Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1503: Hypertrophic gnawing insects

The head-smashed corpse fell to the ground, still twitching violently as if it had been electrocuted.

"Crack, crack--."

As if pests were gnawing at leaves, a numbing sound came from inside the corpse.

The Primordial Silver Dragon retracted its wing claws stained with poisonous blood as if it had been prepared, and stepped back a few steps.

Soon, several large lumps appeared on the body of the Explosive Scale Dragon.

With a few "pop!" sounds, these sacs burst open, and blood splashed everywhere. Several blood-colored giant worms as big as an adult drilled out of the corpse.

The mouthparts full of sharp teeth used to drill into the flesh opened and closed, as if silently hissing, and also as if sniffing something.

The Primordial Silver Dragon squatted quietly on the side, as if patiently observing.

The worms kept twisting, and finally drilled out completely from the corpse. The membrane wrapped around them stretched out, and after contacting the air, it quickly became wide and flexible.

Those were blood-colored wings, with a familiar, weird and disgusting beauty.

Feng Ying in the attic in the distance put down the telescope, blinked, and raised it again, comparing the size of the explosive dragon's body and taking a closer look.

She turned back in disbelief, "What the hell is that thing? It's a gnawing insect? So big?!

Wasn't the largest one in the past the size of a pot lid? This one is almost two meters long, right?!"

"Hmm!" Lieyan nodded heavily.

Fiorina lowered her voice and explained, "These were also discovered in the past two years. Researcher Bahari called them 'hypertrophic individuals'.

After the adult gnawing insects absorbed enough life energy, they further developed.

The largest individual discovered so far can reach three meters in length. The toxicity and reproductive capacity of these individuals are far above ordinary gnawing insects."

"Oh my god. If this continues, there won't be gnawing insects as big as flying dragons?"

Feng Ying imagined the scene and shuddered.

"!!" Lieyan slapped Feng Ying's arm, and pointed in the direction of the Explosive Scale Dragon's body and let out a light cry.

Feng Ying quickly raised the telescope.

I saw those enlarged gnawing insects waving their wings and floating into the air.

The shiny scale powder containing a large amount of viruses was scattered all around.

If it weren't for the disgusting scene of them crawling out of the Explosive Scale Dragon's body just a few minutes ago, these things would even look quite elegant.

However, this "elegance" only lasted for a very short few seconds.

As they rose into the air, they suddenly showed their ferocious nature, flapping their wings faster and rushing towards the Original Lord Silver Dragon not far away.

The Original Lord Silver Dragon stared at them coldly, when these evil creatures were about to pounce on it.

The dragon wings covered with silver bone armor slashed out, and in the blink of an eye, the fat gnawing insects were chopped into blood mist all over the sky.

With a flick of the dragon wings, like a swordsman swinging a sword, the blood stains on the wing claws were thrown away.

The original silver dragon stared at the corpse that was no longer twitching for a moment, and after confirming that no more gnawing insects had come out, it flapped its wings and rushed into the air, disappearing in the clouds in the blink of an eye.

After confirming that the original silver dragon had gone far away, Feng Ying and the other two also came down from the attic where they were hiding and came to the corpse that exuded a strong bloody smell.

"That original silver dragon is really clearing out gnawing insects." Feng Ying kicked the flesh and blood of the gnawing insects that were chopped into pieces at her feet, "I'm starting to feel reluctant to hit that guy."

"That's because it killed an infected explosive scale dragon this time."

Lieyan spoke rarely, "But not long ago, we found a rigid beast that was killed by it that was not infected with the gnawing insect virus.

This silver knight is becoming more and more irritable."

Feng Ying was speechless.

She understood what Lieyan meant. If it continued like this, the human villages in the epidemic area would also become its "cleaning" target.

Feng Ying and the other two, who had completed this investigation mission, returned to the front-line base of Elgard.

Fiorina will be responsible for reporting to Admiral Gareas. Feng Ying and Lie Yan are also relaxed. They are arm in arm and ready to go to the tavern to eat rabbit dumplings.

Then they bumped into Gale who was eating big chunks of meat and drinking big gulps of wine in the tavern.

Seeing the two of them, Gale waved to them.

Feng Ying and Lie Yan looked at each other. After half a second of hesitation, Feng Ying decided to change her mind first and trotted towards Gale's table.

"Come on, come on!"

Lie Yan hesitated for two seconds longer than her and decided to change his taste.

After muttering "Sorry, Huo Ya, I betrayed you, but I want to take protein today!", he snatched the menu from Feng Ying's hand.

The two ordered stewed, grilled and fried meat randomly, and knocked on the table in anticipation.

If Anxier or Hayata were here, they might scold and correct their rude behavior, but now Gale is sitting at the table.

It's not certain who is more rude.

There were not many people in the tavern, and the food and drinks were served quickly. Gale, who was sitting awkwardly, held his cheeks and watched the two people eat without restraint.

Until the two of them were a little full, he called two glasses of beer and pushed them in front of them, and asked lazily: "How is it, did you see the silver dragon this time?"

"The original silver dragon," Lieyan corrected in a low voice.

Gale waved his hand indifferently, "It's the same!"

Feng Ying took a few gulps of wine to wash down the meat blocking her throat, wiped her mouth and said: "I saw it, and I saw it hunt a Explosive Scale Dragon with my own eyes."

"Yo? How lucky are you? We haven't encountered this in other groups!"

Gale cheered up and sat up straighter, "Quick! Tell me in detail!"

Feng Ying told them everything about their trip in detail, while Lie Yan nodded beside her.

"From your description, the original Silver Dragon is indeed a type that is good at using its body to attack, just like the Nergigante." Gale rubbed his chin.

Feng Ying discovered that Gale’s focus was somewhat different from theirs.

"Sister Gale, aren't you curious about how those enlarged rodents grew to such a big size?"

There was an obvious expression of disgust on Gale's face, "I don't care how they eat so much fat, just shoot them when they encounter them.

Let's just stop thinking so much and leave those complicated matters to people with good brains to deal with.

Besides, the guy in my family keeps taking the bugs with their wings off to where they live, saying he wants to observe more and do some experiments.

From those as thick as fingers, to those as thick as carrots, to those as thick as arms, wouldn't he also be able to bring back bugs as thick as one person when pinched?

Then kick him out and sleep with the insects.”

"It shouldn't be possible, right?" Lie Yan whispered: "Hypertrophied individuals are difficult to catch, and generally they can only be seen on high-risk monsters or even infected ancient dragon species.

Brother Bahari has been trying to get a few for dissection, but he hasn't been able to get one. "

"It's so complicated." Gale curled his lips, "If you ask me, you should just go find that Silver Dragon and give it a good beating first.

If you are half dead, try to communicate and see if you can coexist peacefully.

With the ancient dragon's IQ, he should be able to communicate. "

"With your IQ, I don't think you can communicate." A somewhat sarcastic voice sounded from behind Gale.

Anhil came over.

Gale rolled his eyes and turned away, "Have you finished studying the bugs with thick arms?"

Ancil ignored her, "I just listened to Miss Fiolena's report at Admiral Gareas's place. It seems that the situation is worse than we expected.

To solve this epidemic, the power of the original Jue Silver Dragon may be the key.

We can't continue to wait and see like this. We have to take the initiative and get in touch with it. "

"After going around in circles for a long time, it's still not the way I said." Gale smacked his lips.

Feng Ying looked a little excited, "It's good to take the initiative, when?"

The corners of Ancier's lips raised, "Suppressing and subduing an ancient dragon is much more difficult than simply hunting. We need to increase our combat power.

Things on Balubare's side should be almost done. I sent a letter to Gordon and the others.

When they arrive, we'll go meet the Silver Knight. "

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