Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1518 Emergency Dispatch

Wait for Gale and Feng Ying to come back with Lucika, who has solved their own problems in a sense.

Before he could share the good news with everyone, he was taken to the hospital by Ansir and Hayata.

After careful inspection along the way, the results given by the edge are somewhat strange.

"There are almost no traces of the 'curse' on Miss Gale, even less obvious than those on Mr. Ancil and Miss Hayata.

Miss Feng Ying is the complete opposite. If the 'curse' was brought by a certain object, did you sleep with that object on your pillow? "

"." Feng Ying looked away guiltily.

When she was alone in the room, she would often put on the [Dragon Pattern] outfit and look pretty in front of the mirror.

Just when Hayata raised her eyebrows and was about to grab Feng Ying's pointed ears and teach her a lesson, Yan continued:

"But the strange thing is that although Miss Feng Ying's 'curse' is much stronger than Mr. Gordon's, she is not affected at all.

Also, unlike Mr. Gordon, who relied on his own will and strong vitality to resist.

It's more like a symbiosis?

At first, I even doubted whether the source of this 'curse' aura was Miss Feng Ying herself. "

Feng Ying's curiosity almost burst out of her nostrils, "Doctor Yan, how did you see this forbidden, I mean cursed aura?"

His eyes were long and narrow, giving the impression of being squinted. He adjusted his glasses and thought for a moment, "To be precise, it's not seeing, but more of a feeling.

Maybe it's because my perception is more acute. "

Gail doesn't care about the principles, she only cares about the results, "Let me just say, we two get along very well. Only by following me can we have good food to eat. It won't hurt me!"


Anhil covered her mouth with his hand, "She often says crazy things, please don't pay attention."

After a moment of silence, he nodded.

Everyone has their own secrets, and the same goes for patients. Since it has nothing to do with his body, he has no intention of asking more questions.

"All in all, both of you are equally healthy, and the breath of the 'curse' has not affected either of you.

However, we still ask you to be more careful and come to me at any time if you feel anything unusual.

Although I cannot completely eradicate these curses, I may be able to find some ways to alleviate them. "

After solemnly thanking Dr. You Fang along the way, the group left the clinic.

I came to the tavern and found a deserted corner.

Ancil's eyes fell on the crossbow wrapped in ancient cloth behind Gale, "Have you used this crossbow recently?"

"Yes." Gale didn't hide anything, "I shot a few cunning dog dragons in the wild to try my hand.

It's really great! "

"Tsk." Gordon smacked his lips.

Why was it okay for Gale to use that crossbow in actual combat, but he had problems training with the [Dragon Strike] sword?

Is it really like Gale said, because she has a better relationship with the crossbow?

Should I also try to make friends with [Dragon Strike]?

But the "friend" was locked in the box, and the key was still in Hayatana. They might not be able to see each other again in a short time.

Sighing, Gordon interrupted Ancil's repeated warnings to Gale and the others to be "cautious and vigilant" and "don't act recklessly", and asked: "How did you gain from going out this time?"

Gale, who had long been impatient with Ancier's preaching, turned around with a "Whoops!" "How did you know that I dug up the red jade of the female fire dragon?"

Gordon was stunned.

Even at their level, it is still exciting to dig up treasures like rubies.

"Oh, after all, we still took advantage of Lucika. She hunted the female fire dragon by herself, but she said she had no use for the material of the female fire dragon, so she let us take it.

Who would have thought, I just dug two knives casually, hahahahaha! "

Feng Ying's face was full of jealousy, and she didn't find anything valuable.

Ancier didn't care about the value of ruby, his focus was elsewhere, "You said Lucica hunted the female fire dragon alone?

How did she perform this time? "

To be honest, Anhir didn't have much hope when he asked this question.

In his opinion, it is difficult for people like Lucika who cannot control their emotions to become truly excellent hunters.

"It's great! No, I should say, it's fucking great! Change it to a suitable set of equipment and run it in for a while. I think it's almost a high-level combat power!"


Anhil was really surprised this time. It was true that he didn't try to educate Lucika, but the latter's problems could not be corrected with a few words of reprimand.

Does Gale still have this ability?

It wasn't until he learned the full story of the hunt from Feng Ying that he realized that Gale had no intention of solving Lucika's psychological problems.

"This is not the way to solve the problem." Ancier's expression became serious, "No matter what kind of weapon it is, losing control and being reckless will only have disadvantages.

Perhaps the light crossbow is more flexible and can cover up her shortcomings to a certain extent, but that is just a cover up, not a solution. "

"Then can you come up with a solution?" Gale rolled his eyes and asked back.

Anhil choked.

"The door is blocked, but she's not allowed to climb through the window and try? Of course I know what's wrong with her. If she gets greedy one day, a dead monster won't be surprised.

But at least changing to a flexible light crossbow can increase her chances of survival, right?

Besides, she was just reckless in that state, not stupid. After experiencing a few dangers and injuries, she will slowly summarize something.

If she can't summarize, just bury her. Who hasn't gone through this?

According to you, she should just retire and stop being a hunter. Go ask her if she is willing? "

Under the shocked gaze of Gordon and others, Anxiel fell silent.

Even Anxiel himself didn't expect that he would be persuaded by Gale in a "reasoning" way one day.

"Lucika was very happy on the way back." Feng Ying whispered on the side: "She said that she is finally not a burden now."

Anxiel sighed and said nothing more.

Many times, one's own safety and life are not the most important.

Seeing that the atmosphere became a little heavy, Feng Ying tentatively said: "We can't just sit here, otherwise, order some food first? "

At this moment, a young knight with a conspicuous bright red hair ran into the tavern.

After looking around and noticing the location of Gordon and the others, he quickened his pace and ran over.

"Mr. Gordon, and everyone else, there is an emergency. The admiral asks you to hurry over."

After exchanging glances, Gordon and the others put down the menus and followed the young knight to the castle where Admiral Galeas was.

Several hunters from Yanhuo Village, including Lieyan, were also there.

Admiral Galeas's expression was serious and gloomy. He did not greet everyone as usual. He said, "Recently, I sent the Kingdom Knights' Special Forces to continue monitoring and tracking the Original Lord Silver Dragon.

Not long ago, they were attacked by the Original Lord Silver Dragon.

The special forces are dealing with it under the leadership of Captain Selvagina, and asked Fukumoto Rabbit to come back to report the situation.

In view of the hostility and aggressiveness of the Original Lord Silver Dragon towards humans, we decided to advance the combat operation. "

At this point, Admiral Gareas paused for a moment, and then continued: "Selvagina and Lepachi of the special forces team are members of the original combat team.

The original combat process may be disrupted.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say it, I still ask everyone to set off as soon as possible to urgently support the special forces team. "

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