[Stand still] The greatsword wedged in and pried open the shell on the head of the Jue Silver Dragon.

The moment the blade came into contact with the blood of the ancient dragon, the dragon-attribute energy exploded, and the large piece of shell flew off.

The blood immediately stained the side of the Jue Silver Dragon.

And it also lost its balance in this unexpected heavy blow and fell to the ground from midair.

At the same time, Gordon, who had landed, rolled back and adjusted his position. As he stood up, he immediately raised the greatsword and entered a charging posture.

Using the recoil of the projectile to enhance the shooting, Gordon used the Old World Greatsword to complete the preparation of the real charging slash at an incomprehensible speed.

The greatsword swung down and fell heavily on the damaged part of the Jue Silver Dragon's shell, tearing open a wound with blood and flesh turned outward.

Then, he immediately moved aside.

Feng Ying, who was flying under the traction of the Kinsect, roared and fell down with a huge axe.

"Untie it!"

The wound was further enlarged, and a large amount of thick dragon blood gushed out of the wound.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The next second after the dull sound of the cannon.

A huge crossbow bullet as thick as an adult's arm, with a shrill sound of breaking wind, whistled past her ears.

The sensitive ear tips could even feel the burning heat from the gunpowder.

Three bullets were nailed into the wound on Jue Yinlong's head one after another. After noticing that they were three Lv3 armor-piercing grenades, Feng Ying couldn't help but swear.

When she dismantled the giant axe without thinking and returned to the sword and shield mode, the three armor-piercing grenades with specially adjusted fuse lengths exploded together.

Within a distance of less than two meters, the power of three Lv3 armor-piercing grenades detonating at the same time was enough to injure a fully armed hunter. If he was hit by the flying shrapnel, it would not be surprising to be seriously injured or even killed.

Fortunately, Feng Ying brought the big shield in front of her in time and resisted the sweeping explosion.

The tiny shrapnel fell on the shield with a crackling sound, and Feng Ying, who was shrinking her body, cursed in her heart.

Damn it, precise defense can not only be used to defend against monsters, but also against teammates, right?

If another swordsman was here, I would kill you first!

Although she complained, Feng Ying also knew that Anxiel had calculated it well, and the timing of the explosion was just stuck at a level that she could barely react to.

And the impact of the armor-piercing grenade detonation can not only be used to stun monsters, but also help her in certain circumstances.

Under the precise defense, the explosion impacted Feng Ying, and the muscles of her arms and legs were as tight as a fully drawn bowstring.

The shield and the slashing sword recombined into a giant axe, and she roared and chopped it down.

"Super! Solution!"

Feng Ying, who had chopped out two super solutions in a very short period of time, felt that her whole person was sublimated.

Go back and settle with Anxiel? What account? Do you think it's okay to nail the armor-piercing grenade directly on my shield next time?

Although it was very enjoyable, Feng Ying, who had exploded twice in a very short period of time, knew that if she continued like this, even if her body could bear it, her shield and axe would overheat.

She had to temporarily give up her position.

Hayata, who had been waiting for a long time, slid to the front of Jue Yinlong, held her breath and concentrated, and slowly put the sword blade surrounded by red sword energy into the scabbard.

At this moment, the fallen Jue Yinlong suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shone with scorching blood.

The blue-green wing membrane, which was originally as pure as the sky, also turned into a dirty blood red as the infection deepened.

It almost jumped up from the ground, and its wings spread wide, raising a dark wind pressure, pushing the hunters around it back again and again.

Only Hayata unsheathed the blade at the moment when the black wind attacked, and chopped the black wind into pieces with the Iai Slash, and then immediately put the sword back into the scabbard.

At the same time, he slid forward continuously to shorten the distance between himself and the original Jue Yinlong.

The scabbard in her hand seemed to burst, trembling violently. This attack of divine power injected all the sword energy she had accumulated since the beginning of the war.

How could she give up easily?

Jue Yinlong obviously felt the threat of this attack.

The blood-red dragon pupils stared at the swordsman in front of him. It raised its upper body, turned lightly, and turned into blood-red wings and folded them up, like the cloak of a vampire in the kingdom legend, wrapping its body.

This was obviously a preparatory action for some kind of attack.

"Be careful!" Gordon couldn't help but shout.

Feng Ying was also ready for emergency assistance.

Hayata exhaled lightly, and the courage state was activated.

The blade and scabbard that were originally trembling violently also calmed down, and she stared at the opponent in front of her quietly.

This sword condensed all the skills she had accumulated over the years.

Just like when Master Puxian used the sword to cut the breath of the Thunder Dragon.

Whether it was dragon wings, dragon claws, that kind of blood-colored light cannon attack, or any other moves.

She was absolutely sure that she could cut everything that stood in the way of this sword in half.


With an inaudible crisp sound, the extremely cold ice blade wrapped with the materialized sword energy like glass popped out of the scabbard.

Cut three dazzling arcs of light on the retina of everyone.

Divine Power Iai!

However, at the moment when this extremely sharp slash fell, the Jue Silver Dragon, which was standing on the spot like a gargoyle with its wings draped over, suddenly disappeared.

Even Ansir, who had the best dynamic vision among the people present and could easily lock the trajectory of the crossbow bullet, failed to capture the route of Jue Silver Dragon's movement.

It just ignored the space and moved dozens of meters away in an instant.

The Divine Power Iai, which poured all its sword energy, fell meaninglessly in the air.

Even though she didn't scream like Feng Ying when her super release failed, Hayata's expression couldn't help but twisted instantly.

With her personality, she wanted to swear.

**! How could this happen? !

"Be careful!"

The sound of breaking wind came, and Jue Yinlong teleported again to the side of Hayata.

Because of the failure of the divine power, Hayata was temporarily distracted, and her body moved reflexively.

She stepped and turned around, avoiding the sudden attack with a sharp move.

The dragon wings that were closed together were like a huge lance, piercing the place where she stood a second ago, and a huge pit was pierced on the solid brick and stone ground.

"What kind of damn speed is this"

Gordon, who had seen more than one "taboo", gritted his teeth and said, "Pause the offensive, maneuver, and confirm its changes!"

Of course, he also wanted to continue the attack, but as the infection deepened, Jue Yinlong obviously gained some new abilities, and continuing the previous offensive rhythm would likely put everyone in danger.

He was about to call Feng Ying to lead the charge, trying to contain Jue Yinlong from the front, and several figures flew and moved into the battlefield.

In this world, only hunters from Yanhuo Village would act like this.

Lieyan took the lead and came to Jue Yinlong. Before his feet even touched the ground, his whole body turned into a high-speed rotating drill and rushed towards his opponent.

Jue Yinlong reacted quickly, raising one of his dragon wings to block the attack and flip her away, and then the other wing blade pierced out like a spear.

Lieyan released the Kinsect again and moved in the air.

Before she could stand firm after landing on the ground, Jue Yinlong swung a blood-colored light ball and blasted at her.

Shuiyun arrived in time and put up a large shield to withstand the attack. Huoya also shot continuously in another direction to distract Jue Yinlong.

Ni Tai, who replaced the bulky hunting horn and held a one-handed sword in his hand, passed by Gordon.

"Please take a good rest. Leave the exploration work to us!"

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