Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1533 Silver Knight

Faced with the bloody explosion, Gordon and his companions, who were injured to varying degrees, retreated with difficulty.

The Kingdom Knights, who were the reserve team, broke in in time. With their cover and the help of the Fang Hound, Silver Edge and his companions finally withdrew safely from the battlefield.

Just as the Flame Hunters were preparing to take turns to fight a war of attrition with the Duke Silver Dragon, someone discovered something unusual.

The Duke Silver Dragon did not pursue, but stayed where it was. Its panting appearance made it easy for people to conclude that "it was in a state of exhaustion."

However, things did not seem to be that simple.

The hunters noticed that its muscles were very tight, and its claws and even its tail stinger were firmly dunked into the ground.

It seemed to be struggling with something.

This was not the performance of fatigue. If you have to describe it, it was more like a monster trying to break free after stepping into a paralysis trap.

"It still retains consciousness!" Fiorina shouted excitedly, "It's still fighting the gnawing bugs!"

Ansel hesitated for less than half a second before pulling the trigger again, and at the same time took over from Gordon who was busy adjusting his state, and loudly issued an order, "Continue to attack!"

No one can guarantee whether the original Jue Silver Dragon, which has been eroded into such a ghostly appearance, still has a chance to get rid of the control of the gnawing bugs. What if it can't?

This is the best attack opportunity that Gordon and his team have fought hard to get. If they miss it, they can wait for Jue Silver Dragon to recover some physical strength and then attack with this intensity again.

Lieyan, whose strength is almost second only to Gordon, is another matter. Shuiyun Huoya and the others may not be able to stop it.

They can't bet the outcome of the battle on Jue Silver Dragon's willpower.

What's more, judging from the previous situation, attacking Jue Silver Dragon and continuously consuming its life energy may be the best way to help it get rid of control.


Just now, Gordon and his men were fighting with Jue Yinlong in close combat. The difficult-to-handle Pork Chop was the first to come out from underground, and he threw several slime bombs at Jue Yinlong.

The violent explosion almost blew up the panting Jue Yinlong.

Lieyan followed closely and rushed into the battlefield.

She was not like the Kingdom Knights, who worshipped and fantasized about the so-called Silver Knights.

In her opinion, as long as they were evil monsters that threatened human survival, there was nothing that could not be killed.

What? The Wind God and the Thunder God can leave, the Dark Abyss Dragon can leave, and the Heavenly Dragon can leave, but you, the original Jue Yinlong, can't leave?

She pulled the silkworm, leaped and moved, and in the blink of an eye, she came to the motionless Jue Yinlong.

With a wave of the two swords, the ghost-human transformation [Beast] (Beast Soul Possessed [Evil Wolf]) was activated.

The blood-colored fighting spirit was boiling and surging all over her body, and her eyes flashed a terrifying red light.

In this state, she looked no more "kind" than the deeply infected Jue Yin Long, coupled with the same origin of the Gnat-Born Virus and the Dragon Madness of [Fallen].

If the original Jue Yin Long was conscious, the first person he would chase would be her.

I don't know whether it was stimulated by the breath of the flames or the result of the will of the Gnat-Born Virus.

Jue Yin Long suddenly spread its ominous giant wings and burst into loud roars.

Then, it flapped its wings and rose into the air, and the blood-red light covering its body became brighter and brighter.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lie Yan shuddered and turned to run, waving his arms and shouting to his companions who were chasing him, "Retreat! Retreat!"

Jue Yin Long, who came into the air, slowly waved his wings.

One after another, blood-red light balls condensed by gnawing insects fell like hail.

When each blood-red light ball fell to the ground, it would cause a violent explosion that was no less than a barrel bomb, blowing countless deep pits on the ground.

The aftermath of the explosion turned into a blood-colored arc of light, which continued to spread around.

The Fire Hunters no longer cared about saving Kinsects, and desperately ran towards the edge of the battlefield to avoid the large-scale attack from the Jue Silver Dragon in the air.

When they retreated to the edge of the battlefield in a dusty state, using some broken walls as shelters and hiding inside, the Jue Silver Dragon's attack continued.

Feng Ying couldn't help but shout to An Xier, "Is the supernova ready? Blow it down!"

An Xier held the heavy crossbow, his finger lightly on the trigger, but did not pull it immediately. After carefully observing through the scope for a few seconds, he lowered the muzzle.

"It is not attacking us, but using this method to expel the gnawing insects that have invaded its body."

This conclusion is not difficult to draw.

The hunters have withdrawn from the attack range, and the Jue Silver Dragon's attack is still continuing. This behavior is meaningless.

Unless, killing the hunters is not its purpose, but the act of releasing the attack itself is.

This attack lasted for more than ten seconds, until it could no longer scatter more gnawing insects.

But the Silver Dragon seemed to be still not stopping. It folded its wings, and after a short period of gathering strength, it used itself as the source to detonate the remaining life energy in its body like suicide.

"Find shelter! Lie down!"

Fortunately, there was no shortage of shelters around, and the hunters and the kingdom knights just hid in the shelter and lay down.

The terrifying energy impact swept across the entire wide platform of nearly 10,000 square meters.

In the surging explosion wind, the tiny insect corpses mixed with dirty blood soaked every inch of the ground like a rainstorm, and it took a while to stop completely.

The sharp tinnitus filled everyone's mind. Behind a broken wall, Gordon shook his head and stood up with a little difficulty.

He made two gestures, then turned over and left the bunker, carefully approaching the broken "corpse" in the center of the venue.

Lieyan, Fengying, and Fiorina, who were not seriously injured and whose minds were still clear, also left the bunker and followed.

After almost destroying the gnawing insects and life energy in the body, the body of the Jue Silver Dragon returned to its original silver color.

It was just that the blood stains all over the body made it look completely different from the majestic feeling before.

Several huge holes were blown in its chest and abdomen, and even one of its dragon wings was broken by nearly half in the explosion.

However, the most surprising thing was that it actually still had a trace of breath left.

It was still alive? !

Gordon held the big sword in both hands and came to its head.

The blood color in the dragon's eyes had dissipated, and it returned to its original pure golden color.

The man and the dragon looked at each other quietly.

Looking at the giant blade stained with dragon blood, a trace of relief flashed in the eyes of the Duke Silver Dragon.

"Did you kill it?" Ansir asked as he came over with a heavy crossbow.

Lieyan rubbed the double blades eagerly, making a sharp "clang" sound.

"Please, please wait a moment!" Fiorina stretched out her hand anxiously.

Due to the shame and contradiction in her heart, she, who was always straightforward, even stuttered a little.

"The original Duke Silver Dragon... has overcome it, and purified the insects and viruses on its body with the "Extinction Sanction". It... It is still the noble Silver Knight!

We beg you, please... don't kill it!"

Ansir frowned.

Although the original Duke Silver Dragon only has one breath left, it will recover sooner or later with the recovery ability of the ancient dragon species.

Even the fallen shell and broken wings can be regenerated.

"You should also be able to see that this is not the first time it has been infected." Ansir said in a deep voice.

Facing Ansir's words, Fiorina fell silent.

The battle didn't last too long, and the speed at which the Silver Dragon adapted to the power of the virus was too fast.

Especially the ability similar to teleportation, which was not something that an individual who had just come into contact with this power could do.

The only possible explanation was that this original Silver Dragon had "fallen" before, and it was likely more than once.

Even if it got rid of the parasite and recovered its health, as long as it still existed in this world, the gnawing insects that had lost the best host, the Abyss Dragon, would not let it go.

"We will do our best to protect it." Selvagina came over with a greatsword, "just like it used to protect the kingdom."

"So did Lepachi!"


The old knight Arlo, who was old enough to be the ancestor of Gordon and others, lowered his head with many of the kingdom's knights.

Glancing at the immobile Silver Dragon on the ground, Gordon could even read a hint of human surprise in its eyes.

So he put away his greatsword and gave the other hunters a look.

Ansir shrugged and lowered the muzzle, and Lieyan also put away his two swords with a little regret.

"Just do as you wish. When it recovers, it may provide considerable help in clearing the plague."

Gordon grinned, "If you want the 'evil black knight' to not appear again, besides killing the Duke Silver Dragon, isn't it also a way to solve the insect plague?"


The knight who jumps back and forth between evil and sobriety is a bit bitter to think about (thinking)

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