Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1537 Assessment?

On the soft lawn, the baby girl, who is not yet good at walking, is crawling around like a lively puppy.

Whenever she tried to crawl further, her mother would grab her ankles and drag her back.

Even though her clothes were covered with dust and grass clippings, she didn't care, and even enjoyed it, trying to "escape" repeatedly.

The child's father was talking in a low voice with a middle-aged and elderly man who looked like the child's ancestor.

The mother of the child, while tirelessly battling wits with the little baby girl, turned back from time to time to join in the conversation.

The young father is so strong that he hardly looks like a human being. He must be a hunter? However, he was not seen wearing armor, so he might be a heavy manual laborer such as a blacksmith.

The tall mother looks like a model? As for the old man, he had the aura of being in a high position.

It's such an unpredictable family, but the harmonious atmosphere is the same as that of other families strolling and playing in the park, harmonious and warm.

The passers-by who were attracted by their unusual physiques couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Occupation, status, etc. are not important.

On the day off, I took my little baby girl to the park to play, and they must have talked about some daily interesting things about the children, or light topics such as what to eat for dinner.

"Of course it's not normal. In the past month or two, the intensity of ancient dragon activity has indeed decreased significantly. But the problem is that the activity of ordinary monsters has also decreased. You should know what this means."

Yamos looked at the figure of Little Muti crawling around with a calm expression.

"Indeed." Gordon crossed his arms, "If the source of the trouble disappeared, it would be normal for the ancient dragons to calm down, but it would be strange for the frightened ordinary monsters to immediately calm down.

This feeling is more like feeling that the harsh winter is approaching, hiding in a nest and hibernating. "

"Well, two months ago, I discovered something was wrong when I was tracking Xialong in the Alcris area. The velociraptor group migrated and hid in the deepest part of the dense forest.

Later, I went to Bokai Village for some business and chatted with the hunters there.

It turned out that the situation was similar in the Snowy Mountains.

The snow lion group, which is supposed to be conserving energy for the winter, has actually reduced the frequency of hunting. "

"Bokai Village? Is everything okay there?" Hayata asked worriedly.

Yamos knew that Hayata had special feelings for Bokai Village, so he nodded and said: "A month or two ago, a collapsing dragon appeared on the Snowy Mountains."

"Collapse Dragon?!!"

Yamos pressed his palms and signaled Hayata to calm down, "Don't worry, that collapsing dragon was already dealt with before I was sent to Bokai Village by the guild.

Today's Bokai Village can be said to be a gathering of strong people.

Jean, who came back from the New World, resident hunter Keo, rising star Mi Moli, and Rosie and Edirika who came to help after Keo asked for help.

The collapsing dragon was dealt with without causing much trouble. "

Hayata breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Hearing several familiar names, Gordon scratched his chin, "Senior Yamos, you said that Benglong had been eliminated before you went to Bokai Village.

So you didn't go there for that collapsing dragon?

Is there any monster that can't be solved even by the lineup that successfully hunts the collapse dragon, and it still requires you, the eight-star hunter, to take action? "

Yamos was silent for a few seconds, glanced around, and after confirming that no one nearby could hear them, he reached out to hug Muti and covered her ears.

"You misunderstood. The guild sent me there not for hunting, but for other confidential tasks."

"Mutty is only over a year old." Gordon was speechless.

"But she can already speak some simple words. There is a risk of accidentally letting things slip." Yamos looked calm.

"Okay." Seeing Yamos' cautious look, Gordon Hayata also sat up straighter.

"I went to Bokai Village because of a secret commission from the great elder. Regarding this commission, there is a list.

All members of your Silverside team are on this list, so they have the authority to know. It is a 'taboo' matter, so be careful to avoid leaking it. "

Gordon and Hayata nodded in unison.

“The guild’s top brass believes that the ancient dragon turmoil in the Old Continent is directly related to the ‘taboo’ in the ruins of ancient Shulet City.

Considering the worst-case scenario, the guild leaders planned to organize a group of hunters to prepare for a possible battle.

That's where that list came from. "

"Who else is on the list besides us? Can you reveal this?" Gordon asked tentatively.

"No." Yamos spoke at a volume that was barely audible. "The final list has not yet been confirmed. Those on the list must pass some kind of assessment before they can be confirmed to be retained."

"Assessment" Hayata raised her head and looked at Yamos with surprise in her eyes.

In her impression, Master Yamos was a rule-abiding to the point of rigidity. Engaging in fraud for personal gain was really not something he would do.

But if it wasn't for the purpose of "explaining the questions", why did you mention the assessment?

Yamos glanced at her, "Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with cheating, you and Gordon are the only two people on the list who don't need to participate in the assessment.

That's why I'm telling you this.

If you can figure out the key, just think about it yourself. If you can't figure it out, it's okay. It's just that you will find out a few days later.

The only thing you need to remember is that whether you have guessed the content of the assessment or not, do not reveal this matter, even to your teammates on the same team.

The assessment must be carried out without any knowledge to be meaningful. Telling them in advance will harm them. "

Gordon asked tentatively: "So you specifically told us this because..."

"The guild leader asked me to remind you." Amos answered very straightforwardly, "You will be summoned one after another in the next few days, and you two may have noticed something through some clues.

There are many acquaintances on your list, and it is easy to affect the assessment results when communicating with each other. We must try to avoid this situation."

Hayata listened with an expression of "as expected".

She felt strange since Amos started "sharing secrets". Her master has never been a person who can't keep secrets, otherwise he wouldn't even cover little Muti's ears.

It turned out that it was the guild leader's intention, no wonder.

After saying that, Amos no longer paid attention to the two of them, and teased little Muti who was shaking his head in dissatisfaction.

"The fact that we two don't need to take the test means that we have proven ourselves in some cases? But Anxier and Fengying haven't."

Gordon folded his arms and lowered his head, analyzing to himself, "At the same time, it is related to the 'taboo', and he went to the Pokai Village specifically.

Ah, I know."

Gordon and Hayata looked at each other, and they already had the answer in their hearts.

There is only one thing related to the "taboo" that only the two of them have come into contact with.

That is the "taboo skull" found in the ruins of Lingfeng that year.

From the professor, I learned that it was the remains of some kind of "taboo". Not to mention ordinary people, even strong-willed hunters may go crazy after contacting it.

Its corrosiveness is far higher than those red dragon materials.

And Gene told them that he accidentally dug out a kind of black bone in the ice cave behind the Pokai Village. At that time, he almost went crazy and rested for a long time before he recovered.

According to his description, it feels very similar to the feeling of contacting the "taboo skull".

In this way, everything can be connected.

The "forbidden skull" of the Lingfeng ruins, the "black block" of the Pokai village, and the "taboo" in the ancient city of Shulet should all come from the same source.

The assessment item should be to touch the "black block"? If you can take the initiative to get rid of the erosion, it means that you have the most basic qualifications to stand in front of the "taboo".

If you can't even do this, it's better not to participate.

Gordon wanted to confirm his guess with Amos, but saw the latter shook his head, "Don't ask me, you just think you have thought of it.

Remember, don't tell anyone."

". You don't have to cover Muti's ears when you say this, right?"

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