Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1548 The Third Princess?

After settling his family, Pig Chop immediately took the airship back to East Doruma without any thoughts of being affectionate or resting for a while.

After learning about the current situation from Gordon, he first went to accept the test of the evil eye.

After passing it as expected, he took the ancient slime mold sample obtained from the alcohol team and went into the master's studio.

The man and the cat have not shown their heads in the past few days, and no one knows what they are doing. Anyway, the explosions have never stopped, which makes people around them tremble with fear.

The formation of the military artillery regiment is a bit delayed, but from the news heard from Anshil, the general has changed the selection strategy in time.

It won't be long before a new batch of more experienced military personnel will arrive in East Doruma, and maybe they will meet a few acquaintances from the Elgard base.

The mobilization of combat airships that can be directly put into combat is also not smooth.

It is easy to transfer a small number of personnel, but these large airships are the treasures of the military of various countries. It is not easy to get them to send them over with just one word.

There are also many disputes about the control and command rights of airships.

It is true that all countries have united to prevent the black dragon attack, but after all, the attack has not really happened.

There are many people who have doubts in their hearts. After all, as long as they are human, they will have selfishness, not to mention independent countries. (This should not be considered dark, not to mention mutual pitfalls is already very good)

The guild is a global organization, but it does not have the power to force countries. The elders have to send the guild leaders to lobby one by one, and no party has yet to give in.

Perhaps only when a country sets an example will other countries consider whether to follow up.

So, Ansel made a suggestion, hoping to use this as an opportunity to open a breakthrough.

He first sent out Liefeng and Xianglan, who were doing nothing, to find Fengying, who was chasing monsters around in the suburbs of Dongdoruma.

Fengying was a little confused when she returned to Dongdoruma surrounded by a group of cats and dogs.

She didn't know what role she could play besides her "combat power".

Anxier told her that she didn't need to say anything or do anything, just follow Gordon and the guild leader.

Fengying followed the two to the palace and met the monarch on behalf of the guild.

As one of the most powerful countries in the world, the Kingdom (whose name is unknown) occupies the core area of ​​the Old Continent.

Even the human city Dongdoruma is under its control in a political sense.

In the eyes of Gordon and others, the wealthy and powerful Sterling family is also a commercial noble appointed by the king of the country, and General Patton, as the representative of the military, also belongs to the kingdom.

If someone calls the kingdom "kingdom" without any prefix, everyone will first think of this country.

From this point alone, we can see the prestige of this country among the countries in the old continent.

Feng Ying is not a fool.

The moment she entered the palace, she figured out the purpose of Anxier asking her to follow.

Who made her good friends with the king's youngest daughter and the third princess?

Of course, it is not advisable to kidnap for favors, but with this identity, communication is more or less beneficial.

On the throne, the king looked at them with a faint smile.

"The kingdom has always strongly supported the actions of the guild. If you have any needs this time, just say it directly.

For Miss Feng Ying's sake, I will consider it as appropriate."

The king said, and after glancing at the curtain on the side, a golden curly hair shrank back.

The guild director was not embarrassed when his thoughts were pointed out. The identity of a "daughter's friend" was not enough to change the king's will.

Those who should agree will agree, and those who don't want to agree will not change their minds because of this.

At most, it can only add a layer of goodwill, and then consider whether the unruly little daughter will pull your beard afterwards.

It's like putting a few grains of rice on one end of the scale.

The guild leader did not beat around the bush, he said bluntly: "Please don't mind our offense, we hope to borrow the "Third Princess."

This request really exceeded the king's expectations.

He originally thought that the guild was here to ask for more personnel and supplies, why would they want to borrow the royal car?

This confusion lasted only a few short seconds, and the king figured out the key.

In the Dragon Calendar Institute's Dragon Knowledge Ship construction plan, the kingdom was the biggest sponsor, and the feedback provided by the Dragon Calendar Institute in accordance with the agreement was the prototype of the Dragon Knowledge Ship, which was later the "Third Princess". (Appeared in Chapters 324 and 728)

This super-large airship uses a variety of experimental technologies. Even now, ten years later, it is still the world's most advanced large airship, and it is also the king's exclusive car.

The kingdom did not give a direct answer, but looked at the crown prince sitting on the side of the throne, "What do you think about this?"

The first princess thought for a moment and spoke, "A few days ago, the guild made a request, hoping that all countries would send large flying warships to participate in the battle, but failed to get effective feedback.

You hope to borrow the influence of the royal family and use the Third Princess to open a gap, so that the military of each country will agree to the plan?"

"That's right." The guild director admitted it.

"But the Third Princess is not a battleship, but a passenger boat for carrying personnel. How can it participate in the battle?"

The first princess frowned and asked: "Although I don't know what monster you are going to face this time, since it can involve various countries, it will definitely not be an ordinary ancient dragon.

The Third Princess represents the king, the royal family and the face of the kingdom. If it crashes in battle, the impact will be bad. "

Gordon stood like a sculpture, motionless, and did not speak.

Due to Feng Ying's relationship with the Third Princess, he and the First Princess also know each other and have said a few words.

But he would not speak carelessly in such an occasion.

To put it bluntly, this time he and Feng Ying are both "pendants" of the Guild Director.

As a nine-star hunter, he came together to represent the Guild's respect for the royal family, while Feng Ying represents friendship.

The Guild Director spoke in a steady tone, "Your Highness, the Dragon Knowledge Ship of the Dragon Calendar Institute is also not a warship, but a scientific research ship in the literal sense.

But this does not prevent it from having combat power beyond the level of warships, and it even has a record of shooting down ancient dragons.

As the prototype of the Dragon Knowledge Ship, the Third Princess has almost the same overall frame and structure.

One of the reasons why His Majesty chose it as his exclusive vehicle is not because of its safety and reliability without fear of monsters? "

While speaking, the guild leader complained in his heart.

The passenger boat is equipped with various artillery, crossbows, new rapid-fire cannons, and even two heavy dragon-striking gun slots are reserved on the bow, right?

But he always remained polite and calm on the surface, "With just a simple armament, the Third Princess will have combat power that surpasses most airships.

And we plan to use the Third Princess as a command ship, and may not directly join the front-line battle. "

"Wow-that is to say, my Third Princess can be the flagship of warships of various countries?" The king showed a bit of interest on his face.

To be honest, he didn't care much about a large airship that he used as a long-distance carriage.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been named this by his little daughter.

But if this ship can lead the warships of various countries, he will be

very proud!

"I agree, you can freely modify the ship for combat, the only requirement is that it must be the flagship, and the royal emblem must be conspicuous!

Well, if we continue to use the name ‘Third Princess’, those guys might feel offended.

Then let’s change the name to ‘King’! Hahahaha!”

“Hey!” The third princess hiding behind the curtain couldn’t help but jump out.

The first princess: “.”


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