Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1551: In the Armor

With a new idea, the busy Master and Pork Chop were too lazy to bother with Gordon.

Gordon also knew that he would only get in the way if he stayed here, so he put Muti on his shoulder and staggered away.

In the following days, I don’t know whether it was because of his bright mood and optimistic attitude, or because the major forces and institutions finally started to operate.

The progress of preparations in all aspects seemed to have suddenly accelerated.

I got news from Ansir that a group of veterans who had participated in monster battles and even had experience in repelling ancient dragons had arrived in East Doruma.

As expected, their passing rate in the evil eye assessment was much higher than that of ordinary elite soldiers.

Although there was still a gap compared to the upper hunters carefully selected by the guild, at least they had the basic qualifications to appear on the battlefield.

There were also many acquaintances among this group of people.

For example, the Fortress Guerrillas, the Fortress Archery Team members who I met in Rocklark, the Shikigoku Samurai Group brought by a wealthy merchant, and the artillery team members of the Elgard stronghold, etc.

The archers who passed the evil eye breath test were arranged by Ansir into the artillery regiment. As for the swordsmen, although their strength was outstanding, they could only be assigned to carry ammunition.

Without the equipment and strength of the top hunters, standing in front of the "taboo" level monsters was a death sentence.

In any case, the artillery regiment was successfully formed.

Although there are less than 20 members at present, according to Ansir, the number will reach 30 to 40 in a week at most.

After that, they will suspend the recruitment of new members and concentrate on collective training.

This number is far from the "at least 100 people" that the general expected at the beginning, but Ansir believes that it is completely sufficient.

The role played by 30 or 40 well-trained people in actual combat is far stronger than the hundreds of people with disorganized organizations.

As for the creation of standard weapons and protective gear, it is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Gordon is very much looking forward to the amazing destructive power that this artillery regiment will exert after it is fully formed.

Anyway, he definitely dare not stay near the monster when the fire is concentrated.

There is also good news.

The airship coming from the Elgard stronghold brought not only the members of the Kingdom's artillery team, but also the new equipment that Hayata and his team had been longing for.

When Minalei led several craftsmen to the door with the equipment.

Feng Ying moved chairs and poured water everywhere, and she was so excited that even the quiet Hayata could not hide the look of expectation on her face.

When the craftsmen carefully took the equipment out of the special box, Gordon couldn't help but "tsk tsk tsk tsk".

As they had expected before, the appearance of this batch of equipment was very dazzling.

All of them were mainly gold and silver, with a little blue as embellishment, and the gorgeousness carried a solemnity unique to the Kingdom's knight culture.

Feng Ying stared at the crystal ore inlaid on her shield, which was as big as her head and as pure as glass, and swallowed quietly.

He asked Minalei unconfidently, "This crystal? There shouldn't be any extra charge, right?"

Minalei put one hand on her waist and said unhappily, "Of course, do you think we are profiteers?

These gems were taken out of the bottom of the box by the master craftsmen who participated in the forging of this batch of equipment. Each piece is very precious.

But the master craftsman didn't feel sorry at all, saying that it was better to be part of these "holy artifacts" than to be cut into jewelry that only looks good on the outside!"

Feng Ying immediately nodded with satisfaction, "That's good, that's good"

"Excuse me, can these crystals provide any special effects?" Hayata asked curiously.

There are many crystal ores in nature that are rich in energy, such as light crystal, pure crystal, etc., which are very precious equipment materials, and the effect is not even worse than dragon jade.

But Minalei shook her head, "It's mainly for decoration, but don't worry, these crystals are extremely hard and there is almost no possibility of being damaged."

"Just for the sake of beauty?" Gordon pulled the corner of his mouth.

"It's not for 'good looks', it's to restore the color of the Silver Knight! Gold, silver, and blue are indispensable." The red-haired female craftsman said in a serious tone.

"At first, we planned to use blue wing membranes as embellishments, but later we found that the wing membranes became a little purple under the infection of rodent viruses.

In order to restore the noble figure of the 'Silver Knight', the master craftsman decided to use crystal instead."

Hayata picked up the sword that belonged to her.

The shape of this sword is more like a knight-style sword, and the blade is relatively wide and thick. Hayata simply waved it twice, and the center of gravity was well arranged. The slightly heavy feel made her very fond of it.

She likes this simple-shaped sword.

Unlike some strange-shaped swords, it takes a while to get used to it before it can be used well.

"Engraved Silver Slashing Sword!" Minalei said proudly: "The blueprint of this sword has been handed down since ancient times. It is a weapon used by knights to kill monsters.

The flesh and blood of all monsters will be cut open by this silver sword!"

"What about mine? What about mine?" Feng Ying held up her new shield axe and asked impatiently.

"Engraved Silver Slashing Axe!" Minalei straightened her chest and continued to introduce: "The shield is made of the 'Silver Light Shield Wing' of the Silver Knight. The overall shape is modeled after the shape of dragon wings and has amazing defensive capabilities.

The Slashing Sword is made of the 'Glorious Fangs of the Jue Silver Dragon'.

When the two are combined into one, they will become an indestructible giant axe that will cut monsters into pieces!

Both weapons have the highest level of sharpness, and their destructive power is self-evident. The dragon-attribute energy contained in them is also extremely strong.

I was fortunate enough to take over the materials of the Dark Abyss Dragon and the Heavenly Dragon. The dragon-attribute energy contained in those two ancient dragon materials is far less than these. "

After introducing the two weapons, Minale looked around, "Huh? Mr. Ansel is not here? His armor is the finale."

Gordon winked at Fengying, "Go, pull Ansel back."

"Yes!" Fengying saluted with a military salute that was not standard at all, and rode on Amber and ran away.

They didn't wait too long. Ansel, with obvious impatience on his face, was dragged back here by Fengying.

Gail also came with them. She also looked very interested. "Hey, what's wrong with taking an hour or two off at noon? Don't military people also have to eat lunch and rest?

Minalei and the others have come from afar, so we can't let them wait until the evening."

Anhil felt that what Gale said made sense, and his face looked better.

"Engraved Silver Cannon!" Minalei first introduced the heavy crossbow.

The introduction was similar to the previous sword, shield and axe, all of which were "weapons handed down from ancient times, and the silver heavy crossbow will shoot down all monsters" and so on.

Anhil didn't listen to her introduction, and held the gorgeous heavy crossbow by himself, checking the parts of each part bit by bit to confirm the feel.

Although he didn't look as excited as Feng Ying, Gordon could see that he was also very satisfied with this heavy crossbow.

"Looking at the design, the most suitable bullets should be ordinary bullets and penetrating bullets?" Anhil interrupted Minalei's enthusiastic and long speech and asked for confirmation.

Minalei nodded heavily, "That's right! In addition to these two common crossbow bullets, it is suitable for firing a new type of crossbow bullet called 'Dragon-piercing Bullet'.

This crossbow bullet combines the characteristics of penetrating bullets and dragon-killing bullets, and is very powerful. The only disadvantage is that the cost of blending materials is relatively high."

"That's not a problem." Ansil pulled the crossbow mechanism closed with a satisfied look.

After introducing the heavy crossbow, Minalei took a deep breath.

Together with the kingdom's craftsmen, they moved the huge equipment box that was more than one person tall to the crowd.

"Next is the real finale!"

After lifting the cover, there was a set of full-cover knight armor with a fundamentalist style.

"Her name is [Original]."

Minalei's words were just beginning when Ansil raised her hand to interrupt.

He noticed something with his sharp eyes, walked up to the armor, stared at the gap in the armor and observed it carefully for a while, "It seems that there is something hidden inside this armor?"

"Yeah!" Minalei nodded vigorously, "That's the gnawing insect that lives in symbiosis with this armor!"

Ansil and others were stunned when they heard the words, and Gale couldn't help but swear.

"What's wrong with your brain, Nema? ”

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