Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1557 Hero's Sword

A particularly slender, even slender, small airship is sailing at a speed that ordinary airships can hardly reach.

Its flying posture is not stable, the hull vibrates severely, the riding experience is terrible, and the number of people and cargo that can be loaded is far less than that of airships of the same size.

But the speed is really fast

It took only one day to cross the two large wetlands of Dentra Land and Kulbutios and arrived at the Shuret area in the northwest of the Old Continent.

The airship did not go directly to the direction of the ancient Shuret City, but landed in Kokot Village for a short rest.

According to the plan, they will approach from the ground and walk into the depths of the ruins of the royal city to minimize the probability of exposure.

"It's been a long time since I last met you, Senior Ernest."

Amos, who walked down from the airship with his companions, took the initiative to greet Ernest who came up to him, and bowed slightly.

The two men were a few years apart in age, and were almost from the same generation. They had worked together more than once when they were young, but after Ernest "retired", they had few opportunities to communicate.

However, in recent years, due to the relationship between Gordon and Hayata, they have also exchanged letters several times.

"Your hair is gray, but you still look so serious."

The two old hunters shook hands and bumped each other's shoulders.

Ernest, who was wearing red heavy armor, smiled and said, "The knights of the guild have arrived. I will lead them to meet you outside the royal city."

He did not say "If anyone doesn't want to go, you can exchange with me." Those who came here have made up their minds, and there is no need to add hesitation to them.

"Excuse me, is the hero here?"

"Where is the legendary hero's sword? Can we go to visit it? Can we try to pull it out?"


The three young hunters were a little excited.

Although Kokote Village is remote and barren, it has a special status among hunters because of the existence of Kokote Hero and the Hero's Sword.

It's a bit exaggerated to call it a "holy land", but it also feels like the "place of origin".

Ernest smiled and pointed to the back of the village, "The village chief is not in the village now. As for the sword of heroes, do you see that big tree? It's right under it."

Facing the pleading eyes of the three people, Amos nodded helplessly, "Come back quickly after you finish reading it, don't run around, we will be in action tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be no time to rest during the mission, you have to keep your spirits up."


The three ran away.

"Then we'll set off first, meow." A rough voice that didn't sound like a cat sounded.

The one who spoke was an incredibly tall and strong Elu, who carried a huge cat hammer on his back. His fierce momentum didn't look like a hunting cat, but more like a hunter with a brilliant record.

Accompanying it was a Melalu, who was holding a wooden Tianli stick in his mouth and a boomerang behind him. He looked lazy, but his momentum was not much inferior to the former.

They are the elite cat hunting team sent by the guild. They will sneak into the ancient city of Shulet first to find a suitable route for the subsequent reconnaissance team.

"Bone, Fire sickle, I'll leave the exploration of the route to you." Amos nodded to the two cats.

The tall and strong Elu named Bone waved his paws, landed on all fours, and ran out of the village like a leopard.

The other Melalu reluctantly spit out the wood sky polygonum in his mouth and accelerated to catch up.

"Let's not stand here stupidly. Let's go drink together? Or go and see those young people?" Ernest asked with a smile.

"Forget about the wine." Amos obviously didn't have the habit of drinking before the mission. "Let's go and take a look. The last time I came to Kokot Village to admire the hero's sword was many years ago."

When the two came all the way to the big tree, Lieyan and the others had been looking at the sword for a while.

"It doesn't look like anything special, does it?"

"Is the brown on it rust or dried blood? It's so thick."

"Let's try to pull it out?"

"Since we're here, we should give it a try."


"Who's first?"

"Let's play rock-paper-scissors."

Under the helpless gaze of the two old hunters, the young Lieyan, and the thirty-somethings, who didn't seem that young, Bika and Ahun, played rock-paper-scissors like children.

"Wow!" Lieyan raised her arms high.

I won!

She suppressed the embarrassing thought of taking a strange power pill on the spot, moved her limbs, and came to the sword.

She held the hilt with both hands, lowered her body and exerted force, and pulled it up suddenly.


She pulled out the legendary hero's sword so easily that she even sat down on the ground because she couldn't stop it due to excessive force.


Is it really pulled out? !

"!!" Ahun and the others even uttered a series of swear words.

Looking down at the blue-black blade in her hand, and then at the empty stone, Lieyan was a little confused.

Could she really be the chosen one?

No, it was possible that she was just using her strength to make a miracle happen.

She inserted the sword back with some uncertainty, and signaled Bika and Ahun to try it.

Bika was still a little hesitant, while Ahun took Xiu and came to the sword, carefully grasped the hilt that was a little small for him, and pulled it out with force.

The Hero's Sword was pulled out again.

"Ah? I can do it too?" Ahun was surprised, "Bika, try it too!"

As he said that, he inserted the sword back.

The spearman Pica hesitated a little. He felt that this casual attitude was a bit disrespectful to the Hero's Sword and the legendary hero Kokot.

But under the urging of his companions, he still stepped forward, and sure enough, he pulled out the sword.

Amos, who had tried it when he was young but failed, looked at Ernest, "Is this still the original sword?"

"Of course, how could you touch it if nothing happened?" Ernest also felt it was a bit absurd.

The village chief told him clearly that there was nothing special about the sword, and there was no saying that "only the chosen one can pull it out."

It was just stuck by rust and dragon blood.

But didn't those guys pull it out too easily?

The two walked over and tried it themselves. It was indeed very easy, and there was almost no resistance when inserting and pulling it out.

Ernest held the "Hero's Sword" horizontally and carefully looked at the front half of the sword body that was originally inserted into the stone.

A lot of the dried and solidified dragon blood peeled off, revealing a sharp blade that was still flashing with cold light.

"Sure enough, the rust and blood stains on it fell off, maybe because it rained recently?" Ernest had a clear expression.

"The village chief told me that if you want to pull out this sword, the method is actually not that mysterious. Just pour the blood of a flying dragon on it to melt the dried blood clots on it, and you can easily pull it out. (There is this task in the game, and I have a deep impression of it)

Even... cough, pour hot water on it, it may also have an effect."

"Hmm." Lieyan smacked his lips and suddenly felt a little disillusioned.

Facing this eight-star hunter who was a little too young, Amos smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Only people can choose swords, and swords can't choose people. It is called the 'Hero's Sword', which doesn't mean that the person who pulls it out will become a hero.

It's just because it is the sword of the "Kokot Hero", that's all."

As he said, Amos inserted the sword that had been pulled out and inserted over and over again.

The sword stood firmly and upright on the rock, just as it had been for hundreds of years.

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