Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1560 Intelligence Gathering

Seeing that Lieyan successfully forced the black dragon to land, Amos and the other two were also very excited.

Now is not the time to worry about why Lieyan did not retreat according to the order, but rushed into the battlefield instead.

As upper-level hunters, they are also proud.

No matter what the final outcome is, now that there is a chance, they must cut a few knives on the black dragon to let it know that it is not easy to mess with.

Pika roared and vented the fear that went straight into his soul. He rushed to the front of the black dragon with his shield, and stabbed forward fiercely with the power of the charge.


With a crisp sound, the purple-blue spear in his hand was actually bounced away.

Although this "Big Scorpion Spear [Nalan Quenching]" is not the purple slashing flavor that represents the highest sharpness, the white slashing flavor second only to the purple slash is really the first time to encounter a rebound knife.

Suppressing the shock and anger in his heart, Pika jumped back half a step.

The silver light on the black dragon's chest caught his attention.

It seemed to be some kind of alloy, which was melted by high temperature and attached to the dragon scales on the chest and abdomen of the black dragon, just like wearing a breastplate.

He couldn't help but recall the information provided to them by the guild leader.

This black dragon seemed to have the habit of collecting challengers' weapons as trophies, melting them with dragon flames, and wrapping them on dragon scales.

It seemed that these alloys deflected his attack.

This made him feel a little relieved.

He was closest to the black dragon and could see clearly that the metal attached to the black dragon's chest was not a complete piece, but was divided into pieces like scales, with gaps between them.

He sank down and exhaled, stabbing forward three times in a row.

As an excellent spearman, he controlled the landing point very accurately, and the poisoned spear tip successfully passed through the gap between the black dragon's "breastplate" and pierced into it.

Very good, at least it was not a guy like the Explosive Hammer Dragon, whose scales, skin, and even muscles were as hard as rocks.

Pica stepped back again, adjusted his position and yelled, "There is metal attached to the chest and abdomen! Very hard! This may be its weakness!"

This is a very reasonable inference.

If the meat on the chest and abdomen of the black dragon is already very hard, why does it need to melt the metal to protect it?

"The tail, the hind legs, are so hard!"

Behind the black dragon, Ahun cursed as he swung the sword with all his strength.

In his hand, he held the "Vajra Shield Axe [Thunder]" made of golden lion material, and golden arcs would burst out with each strike.

And these arcs only fell on the dragon scales and dissipated before they could penetrate deeper.

While he continued to swing the sword, accumulating energy to prepare for the subsequent opening of the red shield, he shouted loudly: "The thunder attribute has no effect, it is not a weakness!"

As a reconnaissance team, they must share the intelligence they found as soon as possible.

In this way, even if only one person survives and evacuates in the end, it can provide valuable combat information to the main forces of the expedition team.

The black dragon, which had been hit by several shots in succession, swung out one of its front claws in displeasure. Pika, who was stabbing continuously, immediately stopped his attack, put up his big shield, locked his joints and entered a defensive posture.


Pika could not help but slide back a long distance, and the huge force almost broke his defense.

Even the big scorpion spear, which was known for its sturdiness (defense +30), left several deep claw marks on the shield.

Without bothering to wipe the blood oozing from his mouth and nose, he shouted: "It's very powerful, try to avoid a head-on attack!"

Before he finished speaking, the follow-up attack had already hit.

The black dragon twisted its slender but powerful neck, lowered its head and bit the spear, as if it wanted to swallow him into its mouth.

Pika, who had no time to dodge, had to raise the big shield above his head, so that the shield could at least block the black dragon's teeth.

And at this moment, another figure approached from the side.

It was Amos who was charging.

The flaming Flying Dragon Sword [Silver] slashed the black dragon's face continuously, forcing it to pause slightly.

Pika seized the opportunity created by his companions, stepped back and jumped back continuously, and opened a safe distance.

"The scales on the head are not hard, which is a weakness!"

Amos, who temporarily replaced Pika and pushed the sword in front of the black dragon's head, sheathed it.

At the moment when the black dragon attacked again, he stepped forward and crossed with it.

The burst of sword energy left a few inconspicuous burn marks on the side of the black dragon's neck.

"The fire attack is effective!"

Even Amos himself was a little surprised.

Most monsters are good at using any ability, and they will also have a high resistance to that ability.

For example, the Thunder Wolf Dragon is not afraid of electric shock, and the Flame Dragon ignores fire.

The black dragon that spews the world-destroying dragon flame should not be afraid of fire. At first, he didn't plan to bring this Flying Dragon Sword [Silver] to deal with the black dragon.

He did this entirely because he listened to the advice of "Kokot Hero".

Could it be that the hero had faced a black dragon before?

"Be careful!" The companions' warnings came from behind his ears.

Amos immediately retreated and avoided the dragon's flames.

The brick and stone ground he stood on a moment ago suddenly became red hot and softened.

Such an attack might not be a very powerful move for the black dragon, but if it fell on the hunters.

Even if they were equipped with equipment with excellent fire resistance and inlaid with a large number of decorative beads, they would definitely not feel good.

The dragon's flames continued to spew until the ground around it turned into a large piece of magma, and then it stopped temporarily.

In the blazing flame field, the black dragon stood up and looked down at the hunters from a high position.

Even the Fanghounds around Lieyan could clearly feel the contempt and disdain.

Ahun, who had just opened the red shield, was about to rush forward again, cursing, but was stopped by Amos.

It was obvious that the black dragon just now was more like "playing around", and it was not until now that the forbidden dragon really got serious.

It lowered its body slightly and took a half step back, as if it was gathering strength.

Amos immediately shouted and reminded, "Scatter!"

The hunters put away their weapons and ran in different directions.

At the same time, the black dragon lay back on the ground, with its limbs and wing claws on the ground at the same time, and its huge body of forty or fifty meters was like a flexible snake, rushing along the ground.

Dragon Cart!

Thanks to Amos's timely response, the hunters' positions were very scattered, and even if the black dragon's dragon car was extremely fast, it could not attack multiple people at the same time.

However, the black dragon did not intend to kill them all in one breath.

Its target was very clear. At the moment when the dragon car started, it locked onto the hunter who was the most threatening in its eyes.


Lieyan ran at full speed, and at the same time, he kept confirming the position of the black dragon with the corner of his eyes.

70 meters, 50 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters

The space between the two disappeared almost in the blink of an eye. The black dragon spread its wings in the rush, which made the range of its head-on collision surprisingly wide.

It was simply unrealistic to want to dodge at the last moment.

Seeing that she was about to be crushed by the dragon car, Lieyan felt fortunate at this time.

Fortunately, the black dragon locked onto her, not someone else.

At the moment of the collision, she raised her hand and released a Kinsect into the air, turned around and swung her sword to fly into the air, making the black dragon's dragon car fall empty.

Long Xiang.

But the black dragon seemed to have anticipated this situation.

It obviously had some spare energy and did not rush forward too far due to inertia.

At the moment when the dragon car fell into the air, she turned flexibly, swaying her long and flexible neck like an eel, and in the blink of an eye, she was about to take the flame in the air into her mouth.

Lieyan's reaction speed was also amazingly fast. She immediately released the second Kinsect and changed direction urgently in the air, causing the black dragon to turn its head and bite in vain.

But the black dragon's attack did not end there. It immediately shook its head again, and its huge mouth opened almost 180 degrees and was about to swallow Lieyan.

It was a double bite!

The companions' hearts were raised to their throats. At this moment, they thought Lieyan was dead.

However, at this last moment, Lieyan, whose whole body had fallen into the black dragon's mouth, once again showed her amazing reaction speed and agility.

At the moment when those sharp dragon teeth that were enough to chew everything were about to close, she threw her hand and released the third and last Kinsect.

She twisted her body and drilled through the gap between the fangs and squeezed out.

"Crack!" The huge mouth closed, and the black dragon missed again.

Lieyan, who had no time to adjust his posture, fell to the ground in a slightly embarrassed manner, and the shirt under the armor was already wet with cold sweat.

What a close call! The inherited sword almost belonged to Fengying.


The black dragon, whose attacks failed continuously, burst into an angry howl.

He stepped back a few steps and lay on the ground again, with his strong limbs and wings firmly supporting the ground.

Its huge mouth opened wide.

The next second, endless dragon flames gushed out in a fan shape.

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