Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1564: Full speed ahead

"For combat meetings and the like, wait until you get on the airship before starting."

After leaving the Great Hall, Gordon said to the upper-level hunters around him: "Be careful with the fire resistance of the armor, beads, and stone protection. Weapons should be given priority to dragons and fires. Let's prepare them individually.

The Chamber of Commerce's airboat will be ready for departure within twelve hours, and we gathered at the airboat pad one hour in advance. "



Ted and Julius should have left afterward.

"Gale, have someone transport the equipment, ammunition and props I prepared in advance to the airship. I have to go to the artillery corps to have a look."

"I know, I know!" Gale waved his hands, "There are also supernova materials, right? I will go to the old man in charge to ask for them.

It's rare for the great elder to be generous. Let's get ten copies of materials, let's get twenty copies! "


Anhil nodded to her and her teammates, mounted Gale Wind, and quickly headed towards the military camp.

Gale and Hayata hugged each other and left quickly.

Only Gordon and Hayata were left in front of the Grand Hall.

Gordon looked at his silent wife with some worry, wanting to comfort her, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only put his hand on her shoulder.


Hayata let out a breath, "I'm fine. I'm just missing now. Maybe there is hope of survival."

This statement couldn't even convince herself, but it would always feel better to have a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Seeing that Hayata had adjusted herself a little, Gordon changed the subject.

"Are you still planning to use [Avalanche Gamma] this time?" Gordon asked: "Although this set of armor is strong, is the fire resistance too weak?"

Hayata was silent for a moment and said: "Well, my two main sets of armor [Avalanche] and [Tenglong] have poor tolerance to the high temperature of flames.

Among the several sets of spare armor, only Purple Poison Princess's fire resistance is strong. It is not cost-effective to give up the cold energy for those fire resistance.

I will set more fire-resistant beads, and the fighting style will be mainly guerrilla. "

After confirming that Hayata was thinking clearly and was not immersed in that sad atmosphere all the time, Gordon breathed a sigh of relief.

Participating in a battle in a daze can lead to big problems.

When the two returned home, before they had time to open the door, they heard the sound of little Muti crying loudly.

Of course, a child will be scared when he wakes up in the middle of the night to find that his mother and father are not there, and there is no response when he yells.

Hayata hurried into the bedroom and lifted little Muti out of her crib.

While weighing the comfort, he said to Gordon: "I will send her to Sterling House. No matter whether Dondoruma needs to be evacuated later, it will be safer if Mrs. Sterling and the others help take care of her."


Gordon pinched his daughter's fat face, who was gradually calming down. After Hayata carried little Muti out, he went alone to the storage room where the equipment was stored.

"Is dragon attribute the most effective?"

Gordon reached out and grabbed the [Move] sword and carried it behind his back.

Then, he turned his gaze and looked at the dark purple sword that Chen placed on the top of the weapon rack, which always exuded an ominous aura.

The inscription on the sword shone dimly.

After only hesitating for less than half a second, Gordon reached out his hand again and grasped the brilliant black sword [Dragon Strike].

It was only eight or nine hours.

Before noon, the fleet composed of several large combat airships had completed preparations with unprecedented efficiency and was taking off in an orderly manner according to the formation process.

Protected by these airships from all over the world, the one in the center of the formation was the famous Dragon Knowledge Ship of Ryūliyuan.

In order to adapt to combat needs, a large airship also from Longliyuan was connected to the left and right sides of the Longshi ship.

This three-in-one "air platform" form will reduce the flight speed and flexibility of the Dragon Sense Ship to a certain extent.

But even so, the speed of this world's largest and most advanced airship is still not inferior to those of the other battleships.

In collective operations, it is undoubtedly cost-effective to give up excess high speed in exchange for a load that is several times that of a single ship and more weapons.

As for what kind of weapon requires this level of load?

As escorts, the three-person cross team that accompanied the fleet gathered around the behemoth on the front deck and clicked their tongues.

The light crossbow made Lan scratch his head, "It's really loaded."

"In order to adjust the center of gravity, all the dragon-shooting guns on the bow of the ship were removed." Iliad, who had a steady personality, couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Yuna was the only one with an excited face, "Cool! Cannon! Handsome!"

It was a huge cannon that was extremely exaggerated from the size of the mount to the diameter of the muzzle.

Known as the "ultimate weapon", the core weapon of East Doruma Battle Street is the Dragon Slayer Cannon.

In recent days, in order to get this dragon-killing cannon onto the dragon consciousness ship and meet the two most basic requirements of "being able to fly" and "firing without falling apart".

It can be said that the skilled craftsmen gathered in East Doruma have exhausted their brains.

During this process, the transformation the Longshi ship underwent was not just as simple as removing the dragon-shooting gun from the bow.

Multiple sets of temporary reinforcements were installed around the fort and up to the keel. Otherwise, the recoil of the cannon could directly smash the giant cannon into the cabin.

The issue of center of gravity is even more troublesome.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of being top-heavy and falling headlong before taking off, the two airships connected to the Longshi Ship had to move half their hulls forward.

From three in a row to two in front and one in the back.

This problem was barely solved in the most brutal and direct way.

By the way, this "Qimian-style" modification plan was proposed by the airship developer of the New World Survey Team.

The people of the survey team are good at this kind of patchwork, as long as it can be used.

The young man of the Dragon Tribe standing with the three members of the Cross Team was tangled.

As the captain of the survey team and the captain of the Dragon Knowledge Ship, he has almost never got off this ship in the past ten years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Dragon Knowledge Ship is his closest "family".

Looking at the Dragon Knowledge Ship being transformed into this appearance in less than two weeks, it feels like watching my brother and sister's head being removed and replaced with a cannon.

The main reason is that many of these modifications are irreversible.

Even after the war, it is afraid that it will be difficult for it to return to its previous elegant appearance.

But this time the opponent is the "ultimate taboo" that once destroyed countries and civilizations. In order to protect this world, what price can't be paid?

On the flagship "The Third Princess" at the front of the fleet.

The dragon scholar wearing heavy glasses hurried to the bow.

The general, with his hands behind his back and looking at the northern sky, turned around, nodded and asked: "Professor, is there any result?"

The professor spoke as fast as ever, "Based on the direction the black dragon left after attacking Wilde City, as well as factors such as the geographical environment.

The black dragon is most likely to attack Minagard next, with a probability of more than 50%, followed by Melchita."

"How did you come to this conclusion?" The general asked.

The professor was silent for a few seconds and then answered: "We try to put ourselves in the black dragon's mindset and try to find the fastest and most labor-saving route from the ancient city of Shulet to destroy all the large cities in the old continent.

The conclusion drawn from this, or guess."

"It's better than no guess."

The general who commanded the fleet decisively issued an order, "Order all ships, target northwest, Minagard, increase altitude above the clouds, and move forward at full speed!"

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