Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1566 Buying Time

Ignoring Nellie's shouts behind him, Jean broke away from the evacuation team and rushed towards the direction of Minagard City behind him.

A few months ago, when Yamos went to Bokai Village and reopened the sealed ice cave behind the village.

He realized that something must have happened.

But Yamos was very strict. Even if he used his relationship with Gordon Hayata to get closer, Yamos didn't reveal much to him.

Just tell him that there is a list, but his name is not on the list, so he does not have permission to know.

Although Gene comes across as a muscle brain, he is actually a pretty smart guy.

With a little thought, he could easily guess that the matter was related to the "black mass" that caused him to fall into a nightmare a few years ago.

With his seven-star strength approaching that of an eight-star hunter, it stands to reason that his authority in all aspects should be quite high.

The reason why I was excluded from that list was most likely because of my poor performance when I came into contact with the "Black Bloc".

Fortunately, he is also a cheerful person.

Although I felt a little bit unwilling to be excluded, I quickly adjusted to it.

It just so happened that Bokai Village had been very peaceful recently. Instigated by Mi Moli and others, she followed Nellie to Minagard to visit her parents.

As a result, I met "that guy" again.

"Hehe, is this the so-called 'fate'?" Gene pulled off the visor of the Tyrannosaurus armor, and even felt his blood boiling. "This time it won't be as ugly as it was back then!"

"Hey! What are you doing!" When he rushed into the gate of Minagard, Jean heard someone calling him.

He couldn't help but slow down and look sideways.

It was an old hunter wearing red armor.

"Ha! [Emperor] Suit? It's awesome, old man!"

Ernest, who was confirming the progress of the evacuation at the city gate with President Fan Ti, Xia Zuo and Miles, jumped at the corner of his eye.

What a flamboyant young man.

"People from your guild?" Ernest waved to Gene first.

Then he turned to Fan Ti and asked, "Your people?"

Fan Ti stared at Jean, who was trotting over, and shook his head, "No, it's just the rare Tyrannosaurus suit and the pale sword.

I kind of know who he is.

One of the strong men of the new generation, seven-star hunter Jean from Bokai Village. "

Ernest said "Yeah". He had heard Gordon tell something about this young man.

Before he could ask him what he was going to do when he entered the city, he heard Gene running quickly and said, "I can feel that guy coming!"

"That guy?"

"That's the black dragon! You know it, right?" Jean never knew what "hesitation" and "embarrassment" were, so he opened his mouth to describe the scene in his nightmare.

"It's the kind of black dragon that burns down the world!"

As insiders, Ernest and President Fanti immediately realized what he was talking about.

President Fan Ti quickly asked, "What does it mean that you can feel it? Can you feel that black dragon?"

Without waiting for Jean to answer, the president lady whispered to herself in a low voice with a clear face, "Yes, I understand, you are a hunter from Bokai Village.

I have been in contact with that big sword before, so it is not surprising that I have established some kind of strange feeling."

Gene blinked.

Didn't he need to explain it? It's enough for a man to be really powerful!

Putting aside those causes and consequences, Gene sped up his words and said: "The people in the city have basically dispersed, but there are still many people who are gathered in the suburbs and have not had time to go far.

If that black dragon breathed back and forth several times in the air, the casualties would be frightening.

I plan to return to the empty city, create some noise, attract it to the city and hold it back, buying some time for the evacuated people! "

Ernest nodded heavily, "I'll go with you."

"I'm coming too." President Fan Ti pulled off the complicated hair accessories and took off his robe, revealing the "Kirin X" armor wrapped inside.


Gene smiled and whistled, which earned him a glare from the president, who was old enough to be his grandmother.

Immediately afterwards, she grabbed the huge hunting bow and quiver leaning against the city wall, and carried it behind her back. "Xia Zuo, can you still wield the two swords?"

"Of course." The gray-haired swordsman rubbed the [Tyrant's Wrath] in his hands, "I'm not that old yet."

"That's good." President Fan Ti nodded with satisfaction, "Miles, you continue to organize the evacuation.

Let the evacuation teams not stay together, spread out from the main road, and hide in the forest hills.

You can ask Ellu to lead the way. The monsters around here should have disappeared long ago. It will be safer to follow them into the mountains. "

Miles sighed.

Although he has been retired for many years, he still has the ambition to fight again, but his physical condition is no longer suitable for joining this level of battle.

And organizing evacuation work is even more important.

"I understand, please take it easy, I don't want to hear more bad news."

"Don't worry! I will protect the old guys!" Gene gave a thumbs up.

Although it was not acquaintance, let alone familiarity, Ernest still couldn't help but slap Gene on the back of the head.


"Stop playing tricks, how long until the black dragon arrives?"

Ernest's brain-tickling technique and tone reminded Gene of Gordon. He scratched his neck, "I can't tell. Maybe a few minutes? Maybe half an hour? Anyway, it was very fast!"

"Time is running out, come with me!"

After being armed, President Fanti, who transformed from an elegant lady into a seasoned huntress, took the lead and rushed into the city.

The other three followed closely behind.

Considering that the evacuation in the city has basically ended, but there will always be people who choose to stay and hide at home, Fanti did not go towards the residential area.

Instead, he led his companions straight towards Minagard Port.

The Metabetate Port tragedy that year made them afraid to organize a large number of citizens to evacuate from the sea.

The deserted Minagard Port with few buildings was the best battlefield.

"What do you think is a better way to attract the black dragon's attention?" Fanti asked Jean as he stopped.

Jean's previous words gave them the misjudgment that "this young man from Bokai Village may know the black dragon better."

"Are you asking me?" Gene pointed at himself, his head full of questions.

Have you heard the name Black Dragon from you?

But he never knew what "stage fright" meant.

"Ask me, it's just a few methods, launch a flare, release the breath, and then dye the ball with a flash bomb or something like that.

Acridine? Are there any cannons on that ship over there? We can also use the sound of cannon fire to attract it! "

Apart from anything else, these suggestions given by Jean are quite constructive.

"Then let's work together in several ways." The president's lady took out some props such as signal bombs and flash bombs from the prop bag and gave them to Gene and Ernest.

"You guys are on the dock, try to attract its attention and let it land here. Xia Zuo and I go to the ship and prepare to use the artillery."



It was hard to tell whether it was a roar of a dragon or a roar of thunder, which penetrated the thick dark clouds and came from high in the sky.

The hunters all looked up.

A dark shadow fell from the clouds and approached slowly in this direction.

The palpitating atmosphere of terror enveloped everyone's mind.

"The battle begins!"

The president's lady gave a low voice, and together with Xia Zuo, they rushed towards the large ship not far away that was used to hunt sea beasts.

Gene and Ernest looked at each other, each picked up a flare and fired it into the air.


Because it's not an important role, maybe it's easy to forget? Fanti is the president of Minagard. The protagonist appeared many times in Minagard. Then he took part in the command during the Lao Shanlong blockade. He was once a very powerful hunter.

Xia Zuo is Minagard's eight-star dual-sword wielder and has appeared several times. He also participated in the Laoshan Dragon Blockade.

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