Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1573 Going around

Continuing to sail day and night, the airship fleet rushed to the airspace between the Metabe Wet Forest and the Inland Sea area at the fastest speed.

According to the information sent back by the Fukumu rabbits, the black dragon has synchronously entered the depths of the wet forest.

Next, it depends on whether it intends to find a place in the dense forest to recuperate, or turn to attack the Inland Sea area at the core of human civilization, or whether it has any other plans.

No matter which one, the fleet occupying a favorable position can respond immediately.

In the evening, a Fukumu rabbit flew close to the fleet.

On the flagship Third Princess, a hunter from Yanhuo Village stretched out his arm, and the Fukumu rabbit naturally landed on his arm armor.

The chubby big bird cooed and waved its wings from time to time, as if saying something.

Its owner listened quietly.

After the Fukumu rabbit "said", he stuffed a piece of dried meat into the Fukumu rabbit's mouth as a reward, and then walked quickly towards the command room.

"The black dragon entered the depths of the dense forest and landed in a valley, sleeping and dormant?" The general nodded slowly after hearing this, "Sure enough, it started to recuperate, right?"

According to the analysis of scholars from the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau, the two most likely behaviors of the black dragon are to find a place to recuperate and to directly break into the inland sea area and attack major cities.

Judging from the fact that the black dragon took the initiative to leave the battle before, that guy is not a wild beast that will fight desperately when his brain is hot, and it is more likely to find a place to recuperate.

Judging from the intelligence brought back by Fukumoto Rabbit, the scholars guessed it right.

"We should rush over immediately!" The impatient captain shouted, "If time is delayed for too long, the injuries that were inflicted before will recover, and our advantage will be gone!"

This is also the consensus of everyone.

Even the most cautious captain of the research team thought so, and just reminded the lookouts of each ship to pay attention and beware of the black dragon's sneak attack.

One order after another was passed down, and the airship adjusted the formation, turned around, and accelerated towards the valley where the black dragon landed to recuperate.

In the valley deep in the dense forest

The dark dragon curled up, seemingly sleeping.

But only when you get close to it can you notice that under the dragon wings that cover its body, the golden dragon pupils have never closed.

Instead, it quietly observes something through the hole in the wing membrane.

While pretending to sleep, it deliberately releases a breath.

Feeling this terrifying breath of "taboo", let alone ordinary animals and monsters, even ancient dragons will run away at the first time.

In just a few dozen minutes, all living creatures within a radius of several kilometers, including insects, have run away, or drilled deep into the ground and hibernated.

The whole canyon is so quiet that it makes people panic.

At this time, it can still feel that several eyes are locked on it with its extremely sharp perception.

There is no doubt that these eyes come from the annoying birds that always follow it.

Only the specially trained Fukumu Rabbit can continue to monitor it despite the terrifying breath of "taboo" instead of escaping at the first time.

If you want to regain the initiative, you must get rid of them first.

A stream of hot air blew out of the black dragon's nose.

Suddenly, it spread its wings and flapped them with all its might while its limbs kicked the ground fiercely. With the help of its strong muscles, its huge body flew into the air in the blink of an eye.

It swallowed a Fukumu rabbit hovering above the canyon in one gulp.

The other Fukumu rabbits screamed and fled in all directions.

The black dragon did not rush to chase them, but continued to flutter its wings and climb, two hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, and soon melted into the dark night.

Faced with this situation, the Fukumu rabbits' first reaction was to return to their master and report the situation.

They flapped their wings vigorously and rushed to the east, the direction of the fleet.

But in a hurry, they ignored that with the same goal, they came to the same flight path.

At this moment, the black dragon swooped down from the sky, exhaled a breath of dragon fire, and burned the Fukumu rabbits who tried to rush back to report the news to ashes.


The black dragon, freed from surveillance, roared happily, flapped its wings, and climbed again.

It reached a high altitude that was difficult for the airship to observe, and under the cover of night, flew towards the most "popular" direction on the west coast of the Inland Sea.

Metabetat City.

The giant halberd dragon rebellion seven or eight years ago destroyed nearly half of this city.

After years of reconstruction, Metabetat City has restored its original prosperity, and the scale of the newly built port is even better than before.

It has become the second largest seaport in the Inland Sea Ring Line after the East Doruma Port.

Every day, a large amount of goods from the west of the continent and the Metabe Wet Forest are transported to every corner of the Old Continent through this port.

It is one of the most critical hubs connecting the east and west of the continent.

However, in the past few days, this prosperous city has become desolate and deserted, as if it had died.

A few days ago, the highest level of emergency declaration from East Doruma made everyone in the city nervous.

The president of the Metabetat Guild, Zhe Luo, immediately issued an evacuation order, requiring citizens to evacuate in an orderly manner to multiple evacuation points built in the mountains and forests around the city.

The same evacuation work would encounter some resistance in other cities.

Just like in Minagard City.

When the evacuation order was first issued, many people questioned it, believing that the order to abandon the city and evacuate all people was unnecessary, which slowed down the evacuation progress.

But there was no such problem in Metabetat City.

Seven or eight years was not enough to heal the scars and nightmares in the hearts of Metabetat people.

After hearing that a more terrifying dragon than the monster seven or eight years ago might attack and Wilde City had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The reaction of Metabetat people was surprisingly consistent.

They all sighed, then hurriedly gathered their families, and followed the evacuation personnel arranged by the guild with large and small bags and ran out of the city. The efficiency was really extraordinary.

In just two or three days, except for a few hunters who stayed behind, ordinary citizens in the city had all completed the evacuation.

Standing on the city wall that had collapsed and was rebuilt and became taller and stronger.

The short and fat Guild Master Zhe Luo sighed and said to himself, "I don't know how long this crisis will last.

The supplies in each evacuation point are enough for a week, and even if we save as much as possible, it can only last about ten days.

If we continue to delay, something big will happen. I hope the decision to evacuate everyone is correct."

The tall swordsman walked over quickly, "Mr. Zhe Luo, the airship fleet sent an urgent message using a peregrine falcon, saying that the black dragon landed deep in the Metabe forest.

The fleet has set out to pursue it, just in case, let us pay attention to defense."

"Is it really near us?!" Zhe Luo President Luo patted his big belly with a look of relief, "Asa, don't you think we are very wise?

We issued the order for everyone to evacuate early in the morning. If we really wait until now to organize the evacuation, it will definitely be too late."

The greatsword master Asa reluctantly echoed the face-saving old guy, "Yes, yes, you are wise

By the way, that monster should not be able to cross the blockade of the fleet and attack us directly, right?"

"Shut up! Stop talking like that! Will"


President Zhe Luo was interrupted in the middle of his words, and bursts of heart-stopping roars came from the dark night sky.

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