Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1576 Qiqiya No. 2

The winter in the northwest of the Old World is wet and cold, which Fawad, who comes from the desert, is not used to.

He huddled on the edge of the ancient city, at the top of a high point in the ruins.

Holding the standard heavy crossbow issued by the guild in his arms, the alloy-forged crossbow body will cause the body's temperature to dissipate faster, but this can at least prevent the cold wind carrying moisture from freezing the crossbow machine.

Ha took out the steam to warm his hands, tightened his cold-proof cloak, and covered his weapons together.

As a veteran of the Archery Team from Lockark City, he naturally understood that the weapons in his hands were more important than anything else.

Look up at the sky.

The gloomy sky remains unchanged, making people feel sleepy if they stare at it for a long time.

This is not okay. As a sentry, if you doze off, something will happen.

His numb hands reached into the bag at his waist, took out a dark, semi-fermented tobacco leaf, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

The bitter and pungent taste of tobacco leaves cheered him up.

Just as I was thinking about chewing a few more bites, I suddenly noticed an inconspicuous little black dot emerging at the end of the gray sky.

So far away that it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

bird? Or an empty boat or something?

He raised the telescope, and the moment his eyes focused on the "black spot", a breathless feeling of horror filled his heart.

Fawad subconsciously lowered his head and looked away.

He knew what it was.

The feeling of suffocation was almost exactly the same as the feeling when I saw that strange eyeball.

After spitting out the tobacco leaves in his mouth and taking a few deep breaths, Fawad lifted up his cloak and stood up.

He took out the flare from his arms, pulled the fuse and fired it into the air.

Immediately afterwards, he mounted the heavy ballista on the broken wall beside him, pulled the bolt mechanism hard, loaded the crossbow shells, and locked the sight on the rapidly approaching target.

It's getting closer.

One thousand meters, five hundred meters, two hundred meters

The moment the evil dragon entered the shooting range, Fawad seemed to want to vent the fear in his heart in one breath. He pulled the trigger crazily, and the crossbow bullets came out.

Shooting fast-flying targets high in the sky is no easy task.

Most of the crossbow bullets were ejected, and only a few landed on the target, but without exception, they were bounced off by those dark dragon scales.

The black dragon in the sky cast his gaze.

The next second, blazing dragon flames swayed down, turning the building and the surrounding area of ​​thousands of square meters into a sea of ​​​​fire.

"Bang! Bang—!"

A little further away, the sound of new ballistae firing began to sound.

It took me some time to get rid of those annoying "little bugs".

The black dragon's spout carries the heat of Mars and continues towards the depths of the ancient city, in the direction of its lair.

Of course it can feel that there are many strange smells in its territory, which makes it quite irritated.

It seems that a comprehensive pest control is needed.

The black dragon was very fast. Flying at high speed, it reached the core area near the lair from the edge of the city in just a few minutes.

As it gets closer, its perception of certain scents becomes clearer.

That is the smell that belongs to other taboos.

This breath is not fresh. It is obviously impossible for those guys to come here. It is more like something dropped from their bodies.

It recalled the invisible wave it felt last night.

Could it be that these were the things that made me mistakenly think that the lair was occupied and drove me all the way back?

No, it doesn't quite look like it

The black dragon slowed down its flying speed.

It had realized something was wrong, but it didn't care.

It's like a swarm of mosquitoes has entered your home. You know they are here to suck your blood, but would you abandon your house and run away from home because of them?

Of course not, I just think about how to clean them up.

As for the possibility of being bitten to death by a "mosquito".

It didn't even cross my mind.

The dragon wings were slightly folded, but the huge body was like a light swallow, flipping between the ruins of the castle and the huge pillars, and came to the thing that exuded a taboo aura.

It was a defiant, squirming dummy.

There are some fragments of red dragon scales hanging on it, as well as scraps of brilliant black dragon materials.

The black dragon was stunned when he saw the crazily twisting figure of the lifeless dummy.

It immediately realized that something was wrong, and was not going to get closer, nor was it going to breathe out to test. It waved its wings and was about to distance itself.

But as early as it was attracted by the smell of forbidden materials and came to check, it had already fallen into a trap.

Sharp clang sounds sounded one after another, and the heavy crossbows placed throughout the ruins fired restraint rounds.

Knowing how troublesome this thing was, the black dragon folded his wings immediately, and most of the crossbow arrows were deflected by the shield-like tough dragon wings.

Only a few crossbow bolts passed through Longyi's defense and penetrated into the wounds left during the battle with the fleet.

"Roar——!" The black dragon roared and struggled.

The number of restraint bullets that hit was not large, and it only took a few seconds for it to break free from the restraints of the steel cable.

But those few seconds are all hunters need.

Two rays of fire struck, hitting the bottom of the dragon wings on both sides of the black dragon, and exploded into two huge fireballs in the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

There is no doubt about the power of the supernova, and the destructive power of a single shot is even greater than that of a howitzer shell fired by an artillery.

However, the purpose of these two supernovae is not to kill the target.

The shock wave and explosion wind when it detonates are the real key.

The black dragon, which was already unstable in flight due to the restraints of the steel cables and its own struggling movements, completely lost its balance under the impact of the two blasts of flames and fell to the ground.

Crush that arrogant and provocative dummy to pieces.

Since the height was not high, it did not suffer any damage from the fall.

But the moment he landed, Black Dragon intuitively sensed some kind of danger.

He stood up hurriedly and wanted to take off and escape, but he was still a beat too slow.

A huge amount of powerful explosives buried underground exploded, the blazing flames completely enveloped the black dragon's body, and the terrifying shock wave leveled the surrounding ruins.

"Meow hahahaha!!!"

Pork Chop, who planned this simple and crude but very effective trap, laughed wildly.

The power of nearly twenty units of high-density dragon-killing carbon detonated simultaneously, even the dragon-killing cannon is far incomparable.

This super mine named "Kikiya II" is its highest masterpiece since becoming a bomb cat.

Even the black dragon will blow you up, meow!

Many people who witnessed the explosion were even looking forward to the scene where the black dragon turned into a corpse.

However, it turns out.

The black dragon's body was far stronger than they thought.

Amidst the roar, the flame pillar condensed by the dragon flame swept out, turning the nearby heavy crossbows, artillery and other facilities into ashes.

The steel cable restraining the bomb also softened with red heat and melted in a very short period of time.

The black dragon gasped.

At the last moment of the explosion, it folded its dragon wings to protect its relatively fragile head, chest and abdomen.

Even so, it was still seriously injured.

The body was covered with oozing black wounds, the wing membrane that was difficult for artillery to penetrate had also become tattered, and the more slender wing bones also showed signs of breaking.

Such an injury will undoubtedly seriously affect its flying ability, but at the same time, it will also completely stimulate its ferocity.


Furious roars resounded throughout the ancient city.

Focus on the nearest human being.


On top of a ruined building, Gale dropped the heavy crossbow that had just fired the supernova in his hand, and whistled to summon the pterosaur.

In the other direction, Ancier also fired the hook lock, caught up with the pterosaur that was passing by, and flew towards the core area of ​​the ancient city.

The decisive battleground.

Several craftsmen headed by Dao Wen stubbornly refused the order to evacuate, and went into the interior of the agency to carry out the final part of the repairs.

Feeling the approach of a strong enemy, there is no need to deliberately activate, the blood-red flames ignited from the [Crazy Pattern].

The companions around him are also ready for a life-and-death battle.

Gordon exhaled, drank the potion, and closed his visor.

"It's coming, defeat it and survive!"

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