Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 171 East Doruma

Entering the city through the huge gate, the first thing that catches everyone's eyes

It is another city wall.

Gordon and Fengying looked at Anshir, who shrugged and explained: "As a fortress city in a hub area, East Doruma's urban planning is quite special, just enter the inner city."

As Anshir said, the outer area of ​​the city is completely the layout of a militarized fortress.

Usually, it is garrisoned by guild knights in bright armor.

Heavy weapons such as cannons and bed crossbows can be seen everywhere on the broad city walls. There are more than one giant steam-driven dragon guns. In the warehouses inside the city walls, various ammunition materials are piled up like mountains.

According to Anshir's introduction, this is to prevent the city residents from causing too many casualties when some "special monsters" attack, so the Battle Street is specially isolated.

Feng Ying didn't understand the hidden meaning, and looked around like a curious baby.

But Gordon understood that those so-called "special monsters" should refer to the migrating ancient dragons.

Due to the special geographical location, there have been many ancient dragon attacks in the history of East Doruma, and the frequency of this interval ranges from decades to several years.

Therefore, in terms of defensive preparations, East Doruma has done far more than other cities.

Organizations such as the Hunter's Guild, the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau, and the Wang Li Paleontological Scholars Team have set up their headquarters here, not just because of the prosperity of East Doruma.

——In order to cope with the disasters caused by the frequent attacks of ancient dragons, the core purpose is to prepare and research for the purpose of prevention.

After winding around and passing through the Battle Street composed of multiple walls and fortifications, Gordon and his party finally entered the city of East Doruma.

Even though he was no longer the ignorant country boy he was back then, when Gordon walked out of the inner city wall, he would still be shocked by the hustle and bustle of East Doruma.

This giant city built on the mountain and facing the sea is divided into three floors - the commercial area at the foot of the mountain, the residential area on the second floor, and the central area at the mountainside.

Each level is connected by huge slope roads and steps.

On the side of the road, beside the workshop, and even on the carts of small vendors, there are countless large and small windmills spinning slowly.

This is a city driven by the wind.

The continuous sea breeze from the Geokruk Sea infused her with surging power. In the traditional culture of East Doruma, the wind is a gift from nature and even a blessing.

The commercial circulation area at the foot of the mountain is the largest and most prosperous area in East Doruma.

East Doruma Port and several commercial streets are established here.

Here, you can find commodities from almost any human settlement in the world, and the sharp-eyed Fengying also saw colorful ink-style paintings from the land of fire.

Through the style of painting, she can even tell who made the painting, but the price is a bit scary - across the ocean and half of the old continent, the shipping cost of this painting is probably higher than the painting itself.

In addition to commercial trade, various workshops and handicraft workshops are also set up here.

Knowing this, Gordon wanted to visit the forging workshop first.

You must know that in Dongduoluma, where there are many talents, the forging industry is also famous all over the world. Compared with Naguli Village, which occupies a favorable volcanic location, it is almost the same.

Fengying also wants to go, her purpose is more simple, just want to get the new equipment out as soon as possible.

The two looked at a tinkling black smoke chimney, and wanted to run there, but were dragged back by Anshir.

He said angrily: "What are you in a hurry for? There is more than one forging workshop in Dongduoluma, and there are several large-scale workshops that can be called names. What are you going to do in that ordinary blacksmith's shop?"

"Uh, then which one should we go to?" Gordon was as good as others, and he always listened to what the boss said.

"Go to my house first."

Gordon: "?"

"Does senior Anshir's family have a forging workshop?" Fengying asked curiously.

"Just kidding." Anshir put on a serious face, "But I also have familiar workshops that I can recommend, and I will take you there later."

After stopping the two who wanted to run around, the group continued to walk towards the city center.

After passing through the commercial circulation area, they came to the second floor between the foot of the mountain and the mountainside - the residential area.

The buildings here are mainly residential buildings, with shops, parks and other civilian facilities. The world-famous East Doruma Grand Theater and the Grand Arena are also set up in this area.

It can be said that this is the place with the highest population density in the world.

"So, the hunter's assembly house in East Doruma is built on the third floor? The central area at the highest point?" Gordon asked curiously while looking at the neat small residential buildings on both sides of the road.

An Xier pointed to the indistinct giant buildings on the mountainside in the distance, and said: "Not only the meeting place, but also the headquarters of the Gulong Observation Bureau, the large library of the Wang Li Paleontological Scholars Team, and the Great Old Hall are all set up there.

Well, the tallest and largest building is the Great Old Hall, which is also the headquarters of the Hunter's Guild.

Ordinary people, even hunters, are usually forbidden to enter. Only high-ranking hunters can freely enter and exit and pay homage to the Great Elder. "

"What if I have a letter of introduction from 'Hero Cocot'?" Gordon laughed.

Anshir glanced at Gordon, of course he knew that the latter had such a letter of introduction.

To be honest, it is thanks to this letter of introduction that their travels over the past year have been so smooth.

"With the title of Lord Hero, you can naturally go in and meet the Great Elder, after all, they used to be partners who fought side by side.

But the question is, what can you do after meeting the Great Elder, take a photo with him? "

Gordon smiled dryly and didn't reply, he was just joking, the Great Elder is the leader of the Hunter's Guild, so he didn't dare to bother him with nothing.

"Okay, my home is here." Anshir suddenly stopped.

Gordon, Fengying, Pork Chop, and even Amber all turned their heads to look at the magnificent building on the side of the road.

This building occupies an area of ​​less than half a street, is five stories high, and is all made of neat ashlar. In terms of scale, it is not much smaller than the hunter's assembly house in Minergard.

Gordon looked up at the flat roof of the building, and swallowed, "This is, your house?"


Fengying also looked ignorant, and stammered, "Where, which one?"

"Of course it's the whole building."

"I know your family is rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich." Gordon tactically leaned back: "I underestimated you, young master, I'm sorry!!"

Anshir kicked Gordon and scolded with a smile: "Stop playing tricks, go in quickly."

After finishing speaking, he calmly pushed open the iron gate of the courtyard outside the building, walked through the front yard, walked up the steps in front of the building, and knocked on the luxurious door inlaid with bronze patterns.

On the roadside outside the building, Fengying carefully grabbed a corner of Gordon's Charmander suit, "Should we just go in like this? Are we really not going to be kicked out?"

"Can Ai Lu barefoot meow?" Pig Chop was also a little apprehensive, licking his paws uneasily.

Gordon smiled and patted the two of them on the head, "Let's go, let's follow Young Master Anshir to see what the life of the rich is like."

ps. The picture of the emerald water dragon set is pasted in the chapter, and the childhood shadow level

How should I say Dongduoluma in the game, it is a "street" of tens of thousands of square meters.

If it is really laid out according to the level of the park, the setting of "the most prosperous city of mankind" cannot be written.

Had to create on this basis.

The East Doruma that appears in the game will become a core area in the center of the East Doruma City in this book, similar to the relationship between the Forbidden City and BJ City.

(Of course, it is impossible for Dongduoluma to be as big as BJ City, at most the third ring road.)

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