Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 353 The Call of the

Gordon swung his great sword continuously.

Vertical chopping, horizontal chopping, upward chopping, opening and closing in circles, constantly attacking the chest and neck of the red bird.

This kind of attack is naturally not as powerful as all kinds of charged slashes, but with the blessing of the great sword [Wang Hu], it is still fierce and unstoppable.

The red bird was afraid of the sharp-toothed, giant-jaw-like blade of a monster, screaming and kept retreating.

Anshir quickly replaced the shotguns used for close-range suppression, replaced the mithril rifle with frozen bullet magazines, and launched precise shooting.

The icicle bombarded the red bird, covering the bright red feathers with patches of frost.

This feeling makes it very uncomfortable.

The red bird shook its body, trying to shake off some boulders, but Gordon took the opportunity to slash its chest with a sword.

Compared with ordinary colorful birds, the feathers and skin covered with fine scales of red colored birds are tougher, but they can't stop the claws of the great sword [Wang Hu].

The claw blade bit into its body, and as the sword dragged, several bloody mouths were torn apart.

"The quality of the meat is good." Gordon smiled, and continued to attack with his sword.

"Gah!" The red bird uttered a strange cry.

It suddenly swung its wings and leaped back, the tourmalines on the wing claws collided heavily.

The moment the red bird puffed up its chest and was about to flap its wings, Gordon judged that the opponent was about to counterattack by reading the muscle movements.

He didn't dare to be greedy for swords, and with his strong core strength, he forcibly stopped the half-swinged sword and rolled sideways.

Such a choice is undoubtedly correct.

The powerful electric current that burst out under the clash of the red bird's wings and claws was avoided by his prediction in advance.

This indirectly also gave way to Anshir's shooting range. Anshir pulled the trigger at a sudden speed, replacing precise shooting with rapid fire, quickly emptied the magazine, and tried to temporarily suppress the red bird.

However, the grief of losing a partner makes the red bird become crazy and aggressive.

It resisted the bombardment of freezing bombs that made it uncomfortable, and it had to get rid of Gordon, the "murderer" who killed his partner, the colorful bird.

The red bird rushed forward without warning. Naturally, the power of this short-distance impact could not be compared with that of the dragon car, but the speed was frighteningly fast, giving the hunter almost no time to react.

Gordon, who had finished the roll and hadn't had time to fully stand up yet, heard the footsteps of the red bird and the sound of the fast-approaching strong wind, and subconsciously dragged the big sword in front of him to block it.


The long beak of the red bird hit the sword body of the big sword, making a muffled sound.

Gordon's center of gravity was very low in a half squat state, and his defensive posture was not broken, but his whole body was hit and slid back several meters.

Anshir quickly replaced the magazine, aimed at the relatively fragile head and neck of the red bird, and continued to fire rapidly.

In order to increase the power of the crossbow, he even actively moved forward while shooting, approaching the red bird.

The red-colored bird ignored his attack again, let the crossbow bullets open one after another bloody mouths on its body, and persistently launched a pursuit towards the great swordsman.

It jumped in front of Gordon, raised its head high, and smashed its mallet-like long beak down like a hammer hammering a nail.

Gordon put his shoulders and arms against the blade, and raised the sword again to block.

The red bird's attack strength was somewhat beyond its expectations. It was obviously not big, but it made him feel like he was almost smashed into the ground.

Seeing the red bird raised its head again, ready to peck continuously, Gordon realized that it would be unwise to continue to resist.

Before the attack fell, he jumped backwards and rolled with all his strength.

Anshir also narrowed his eyes to lock on, raised the muzzle of the gun, and shot two consecutive icy bombs into the red bird's beak with only a slit open.


The red bird shook its head, its continuous offensive was finally interrupted.

Gordon also took this opportunity to get up quickly, holding the big sword tightly in both hands, and regained his posture.

The red-colored bird flapped its wings and leaped back more than ten meters. After landing, the claws of its wings slammed, and the tourmaline flashed a strong light, which then went out.

It kept tapping, once, twice, three times.

"It's a strong flash!" Anshir reminded loudly.

The benefits of reading more are revealed at this time.

Different from the ordinary colorful birds of the original species, the red colored birds can not only release a powerful current by hitting the tourmaline, but also stimulate a strong flash that can stun hunters and even large monsters.

This is very similar to the poisonous monsters living in the old continent.

Gordon immediately raised his big sword and blocked it in front of his eyes. Anshir also turned his head and closed his eyes.

In the next second, a bright light that seemed to whiten the entire world erupted.

Gordon felt better when he covered his face with the big sword, but he was a little dazzled.

Anshir's situation was a little more serious.

Although he had coped with it and was not dizzy, the strong light reflected from the ground could still penetrate his eyelids, and now he only felt that his vision was full of black spots and double images.

A swordsman might be able to endure such a visual situation, but for a shooter who relies on his eyes for food, it is temporarily useless.

Not to mention that it is difficult to hit the target by firing randomly, and it may accidentally injure teammates in the front row.

Anshir blinked his eyes vigorously, trying to quickly relieve the situation.

The red bird took this opportunity to straighten its chest and neck, with a long beak and a swollen sac, ready to start singing.

There was no way for Anshir, and the pork chop was too dizzy to react in time. Gordon quickly took out the sonic bomb to try to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

The noise of the sonic bomb interrupted the strange call of the red bird, but a part of the call had already spread.

I don't know what to call.

Gordon didn't have time to think about it, so he could only rush to the dizzy red bird in a straight line and start accumulating energy.

He had to buy some time for Anshir to recover his eyesight.

Gordon interrupted the power storage and quickly entered the strong power storage posture. The red bird gave him not much time, and the strong power attack barely saved two stages, and the red bird recovered.

Without hesitation, he directly unleashed a powerfully charged slash that had not accumulated its power to the maximum, and cut a huge wound on the chest and abdomen of the red-colored bird that stood upright.

Immediately afterwards, there was another powerful sweep, which swung across the hind legs of the red colored bird.

The injured red bird screamed and waved its wings one after another. The strong wind pressure suppressed Gordon, who was trying to continue chasing, and then it flicked its tail again, hitting Gordon's side and knocking him back.

The force of this tail flick was not light, and even with the protection of the Canghuolong armor, Gordon still felt a throbbing pain between his chest and ribs.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several ice bombs hit the red bird's forehead in a row, and the icy flowers splashed, temporarily restraining the red bird.

Gordon breathed a sigh of relief, and Anshir's vision returned.

He poured down a bottle of recovery medicine to relieve the injury, and seeing that the red bird was still under Anshir's fire suppression, he poured ghost medicine and hardening medicine one after another, just to seek a better state.

In terms of size, absolute strength and destructive power, the guy in front of him is certainly not comparable to those large flying dragons.

But the compact attack movements and changeable moves made it so tricky.

Then consider its special racial ability to call for helpers and even use singing to bless itself in various states.

A five-star danger rating is no exaggeration.

In comparison, the ordinary colorful birds that appeared in this mission are more like a gimmick.



At this time, noisy and sharp chirping and chaotic footsteps came from the depths of the forest.

Gordon and Anshir were both relieved.

What the red bird summoned was a group of dog dragons.

(There is another chapter tonight


It stands to reason that the standard plot is that the red bird summons the Tyrannosaurus, but the current strength of the protagonist group meets the Tyrannosaurus emmmmm

Moreover, the existence of Tyrannosaurus would cause ecological disasters in the entire area. If there are Tyrannosaurus activities nearby, it is impossible not to be discovered, so it is not considered.

As for the strength of the red bird, this thing is also a goalkeeper in the game--

Although I lost the blessing of the game filter, I think it is not an exaggeration to set a five-star, because the connection of various attack actions is too fast.

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