Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 420 The Armor of the Villain

For the Hunter Guild, the city of Shulet, located in the deepest part of the Shulet Mountains, has always been a taboo.

Only a few high-level people know what happened there.

Or, what ever existed.

For hundreds of years, the guild has dispatched powerful hunters several times to carry out investigations against the city of Shulet.

There were very few survivors who returned, and without exception, they all fell into frenzy. The crazy ravings they brought back made the guild's attitude towards the ruins of the ancient city more cautious.

The elders stopped all investigations on the ancient city of Shulet decades ago. They would rather search through historical books to find a few words about the war thousands of years ago.

I also don't want to waste precious elite hunters on approaching investigations that are destined to end badly.

After a short silence, the Great Elder looked at Madam Clerk, "Go and call all the scholars from the Gulong Observation Bureau and the Scholars Team who are qualified to participate in the discussion of the 'extremely secret incident'.

Many things must be discussed again. "

People far away in Jieyun Village didn't know what happened to Lingfeng, let alone the scope of the storm's influence, which had already touched the other side of the ocean.

They had what could be called a perfect celebration.

Then, in the rising sun that dispelled the morning mist, the next day ushered in.

The Alcohol Squad and the Pen Squad are ready to leave.

The catastrophic events of the Leilanglong clan came to an end in stages, and they also enjoyed the heroic celebration. Next, they will return to their respective territories and life trajectories.

Gordon and the others will stop at Jieyun Village for a while.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon Rebellion has not yet been completely resolved, and they still need to "guard" here for several weeks before the next batch of support from the guild arrives.

At the entrance of the village, there are convoys and crowds of people saying goodbye and leaving everywhere.

Putting on a new armor, Ted bumped into Gordon's shoulder forcefully, "After I go back this time, I will start preparing for promotion to six stars!

Look at my uncle passing in front of you in one breath! "

"Hey, I won't wait for you, just chase after you slowly." Gordon joked hesitantly.

Ted pushed Gordon away, swearing, "Damn it, how did the young man who was so simple and humble back then become so arrogant now?"

Julius also came over, different from Ted's laughing and joking, the dual swordsman's attitude was very serious.

He came to Gordon's ear and whispered: "The Leilanglong incident is almost over, but the real source has not been solved, and that is not something that you can solve now.

I have a bad feeling, remember, no matter what happens, do what you can. "

"Okay, I understand." Gordon agreed with a smile.

Julius patted Gordon's arm hard, then stepped back and said, "If you need help, please write to us at any time. Nadia and I will stay in Baru Barre for a while."


Watching the alcohol and pen friends get on the Marutori car, Gordon and the others shook their arms vigorously and said goodbye with laughter.


As the celebration ended, merchants and tourists gradually left, and Jieyun Village returned to its former calm.

But compared to when Gordon and the others first arrived in Jieyun Village, it was much more lively.

In fact, this is the normal state of Jieyun Village - leisurely, calm, but not lacking in vitality.

The four of Gordon spent a few days doing nothing.

It's not that they haven't thought about what to do with a mission.

However, considering that the ecological environment of Thunder Wolf Dragon Nabo had been severely damaged before, during these days, the approval of tasks issued by the local assembly center was quite strict, and even the second- and third-star hunting tasks were very few.

It's all collection tasks

Coupled with the guild's request to let them stay in Jieyun Village temporarily, the short vacation turned into a long vacation inexplicably, and it is unknown when the next batch of hunters will come in rotation.

Just when Gordon, who was a little irritable, planned to discuss with his companions, whether to accept a two-star hunting mission and find a lucky big wild boar king or dog dragon king to bully him.

The news from the processing shop lifted his spirits.

——His set of Tyrannosaurus armor with a long construction period has finally been completed!

During lunch, Gordon told his companions about the matter, but even Anshir, who was not interested in swordsmen's equipment at all, said that he wanted to go and have a look together.

It's been like this for a long time.

So, after lunch, the boring group of four headed by Gordon squeezed into the processing shop and saw this set of Tyrannosaurus rex suits that had a processing cycle of more than half a month.

"Wow, it doesn't look like the equipment worn by good people."


Fengying's sudden violent remarks received Gordon's punch.

But in fact, what Fengying said was not wrong, even Gordon himself had a similar feeling.

Comparing the current set of Canghuolong armor on him, both of them are very aggressive in appearance design, but the Canghuolong armor is more "ferocious", while the Tyrannosaurus armor gives people the feeling of "violent".

This is a set of equipment full of violence.

"It's beautiful."

The old craftsman in the processing shop came out, and he swallowed his habitual compliment just halfway, "Well, this set of equipment can't be called 'beautiful'."

The old craftsman glanced at Gordon, "Go inside and put it on first, this set of equipment is a bit special, you may have some special feelings.

Don't think too much, I'll explain it to you in a moment. "


Gordon rubbed his hands together, and went to the inside with the new equipment directly connected to the doll frame.

"Really, I'm not wrong." Seeing Gordon leaving, Fengying touched the bulge on the top of her head and muttered, "It really looks like the bad guy's clothes."

Hayata smiled lightly and helped Fengying rub the bag on top of her head, while Anshir had already turned her attention to a semi-finished hunting bow on the workbench.

Gordon's costume change took surprisingly long this time.

Nearly a quarter of an hour passed, and just when Anshir couldn't help but wanted to go in to see the situation, Gordon finally walked out.

"Wow, it's to the extent that it will scare a child to the point of fainting." Feng Ying complained again.

Gordon looked over.

Fengying's body froze for a moment, and "whoosh" hid behind Hayata.

She wasn't sure if it was her hallucination, Gordon's eyes hidden under the mask made her feel strange and even a little scared.

As the person who has spent the longest time with Gordon among his partners, Anshir keenly sensed something strange, and his brows tightened.

"Gordon? Are you all right?"

Under the helmet full of sharp teeth, there was a dull deep breath.

"I'm fine. There is indeed something wrong with this equipment."

"Take this and bend it to see."

At this time, the old craftsman came over with an iron rod as thick as an egg, and he handed the iron rod to Gordon.

Gordon grasped the sides of the iron bar with both hands and began to exert force.


There was a teeth-stinging metal sound, and Hayata and the others were shocked to find that the armor on Gordon's body squirmed and bulged along with the bulging muscles of his arms.

It seems to be an external muscle system.

Under the support of huge strength, the iron rod gradually bends.

Gordon seemed dissatisfied with this efficiency, suddenly raised his knee with a roar, and slammed the iron bar hard on his knee.

"Bang!" After a bang, the iron rod with insufficient toughness broke completely.

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