Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 802 Can't lose to Anshir!

Gordon turned to the side, dodged with all his strength, and narrowly avoided Zi Poison Girl's backflip tail attack.

But the poisonous mist swayed along with the tail flick was really hard to avoid, so Gordon could only retreat temporarily, planning to take antidote pills.

However, Purple Poison Girl didn't give him this chance, she roared and immediately launched the dragon carriage, and rammed towards Gordon head-on.

Gordon had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure the burning and numbness caused by the rapid spread of the toxin in his body, and ran wildly to adjust the angle, and flew out at the moment when Purple Poison Girl was about to hit her.

Purple Poison Girl's dragon chariot crashed into the air, but its offensive did not end there.

It is also a flying dragon species that is good at ground combat. The female fire dragon does not put all her strength on the dragon-chariot collision like the booming dragon horned dragon, especially the purple poison girl who has extremely rich combat experience.

Even in the dragon chariot, it still had some energy left. When it found that the hunter was avoiding it, it stopped immediately, swung its body and flicked its tail, and swept towards the position behind where the hunter was dodging.

In order to avoid encountering consecutive dragon cars, Gordon, who got up extremely fast, almost got caught.

If it hadn't been for lying down on the ground to avoid the moment he heard the whistling sound, he might have been knocked flying by the giant tail full of poisonous thorns.

Purple Poison Girl moved very quickly, before Gordon got up again, she flicked her tail and completed her turn at the same time, she opened her huge mouth and lowered her head to bite.

Gordon's only choice at this time was to continue to roll and dodge in embarrassment.

But Purple Poison Girl's offensive will not stop there, his dodging space will be gradually compressed, and the toxin will continue to erode his body until he falls down.

This is the "skill" mastered by individuals with rich combat experience like Purple Poison Concubine.

If you are hunting alone, the situation at this time can be called desperate, and it is not easy to break through and escape.

Fortunately, someone is covering.

Hayata rushed over before Zi Poison Girl gnawed continuously, stabbed Zi Poison Girl's side neck with her thrusting sword, then leaped high and slashed down vertically by virtue of her inertia.

Qi blade pocket cutting!

The Nanban knife lingering around the air blade cut through the carapace on the side of Purple Poison Concubine's neck, leaving a bloody sword mark.

Purple Poison Concubine raised her neck howling in pain, and staggered two steps backward.

Pan Lan took this opportunity to rush to Gordon, who was staggering when he got up, and sprinkled a handful of light blue medicine powder on him.

This medicinal powder also has the effect of neutralizing toxins. (Although there is no Hanfang dust in x)

Feeling better, Gordon hurriedly took out the antidote pill and swallowed it, and then drank a bottle of recovery medicine. The numbness of limbs and burning sensation in viscera gradually subsided.

As the main avant-garde, the pressure to contain Purple Poison Girl is very high, even more dangerous than facing the Black Flame King.

It's not that Purple Poison Girl's individual strength is much stronger than Black Flame King, but this kind of persistent poisonous fog poses too great a threat to swordsmen.

At the same time, Purple Poison Girl's "hard head" also gave it an advantage in a head-on confrontation without any flaws.

Although it is not like the Black Flame King who is always suspended in mid-air and cannot come down, it becomes almost impossible to seize the flaw and hit the head to knock him down as he did when dealing with the former.

Throwing the empty pill bottle aside, Gordon rejoined the fray.

The frontal attack and suppression strategy commonly used by the great swordsman is not easy to use in front of Purple Poison Girl. On the contrary, the Taisaoshi's tactic of adapting to each move and responding flexibly is more effective.

So Gordon decided to adjust tactics and division of labor.

"Yu Dou pins down, I'll try to dock the tail!" He shouted loudly.

Hayata saw that Qie dodged another confrontation from Zi Poison Girl, and fought back, "Understood!"

Containing monsters is the most dangerous job, and Gordon is usually responsible for this part.

Faced with this sudden adjustment of the division of labor, Hayata was not dissatisfied, but rather excited.

People who are not familiar with her may be misled by her usual gentleness, thinking that she is a rational and calm character, but in fact, her fighting style is more aggressive than Gordon's, and she is more yearning for "challenges".

The Nanman Saber [Shark Cut] slashed down vertically, and collided with the spear-like bone spine on Zidu Ji's chin.


The blade was bounced off, but the fighting spirit in her eyes became more and more fierce, she turned and slid, the handle of the knife flipped around in her palm, and sheathed the knife.

At the moment when Zi Poison Girl rushed to bite, the blade of the sword popped out of the scabbard as she turned and stepped forward. Several staggered scars were left on the neck.

Juhe cut!

Taking advantage of Hayata's grasp of Purple Poison Girl's attention, Gordon quickly walked to the rear side of Purple Poison Girl, held his sword to charge up, and kept switching the posture of charging up.

Hayata glanced at Gordon's position from the corner of his eye. Obviously, swinging the big sword there could not cut anything.

This is because accumulating power close to the monster's body is too dangerous. If the monster moves slightly, the charged slash may be interrupted or missed, so experienced swordsmen often choose to predict.

However, this time it is obviously not a prediction, but I hope to use another way-through the induction of teammates, let the monster unintentionally "send" the body under the blade of the big sword.

Generally, only partners who have cooperated all the year round and are extremely familiar with each other can do this with confidence. The one who is best at this in the Silver Edge team is not Hayata, and of course it is not Fengying, but Anshir.

According to Fengying: Master Gordon and that guy Anshir have reached the highest level of wearing a pair of pants.

This kind of tacit understanding is not even comparable to Hayata, but she thinks that she can at least try it. Didn't she succeed in knocking down the Black Flame King before?

While wielding his sword and wrestling with Purple Poison Girl, Hayata devoted a bit of energy to paying attention to Gordon's preparations.

Tieshan enters the true charge stage by interrupting the strong charge, and in two more seconds at most less than three seconds, the true charge cut will be ready.

It's now!

Hayata suddenly interrupted the attack and rolled towards the side.

Purple Poison Concubine subconsciously turned her head and bit her, and the bite was empty, so she immediately turned her body, adjusted the angle and continued to chase and bite, but Hayata avoided it with continuous rolling.

And behind Purple Poison Girl, Gordon, who had just completed the preparations for the real charge slash, couldn't help laughing when he saw the giant tail that Purple Poison Girl swung at the same time as she turned around.

Really charged!

The dragon jet engine was activated at full power, and the [Red Wing] sword struck the end of the dragon's tail with astonishing force.

The carapace, scales, skin and muscles were cut open together, the blade was even embedded in the gap of the coccyx, and the poisoned blood splashed all around.


Purple Poison Concubine howled in pain, the pain from the giant blade cutting into the bone marrow made her whole body stiffen and her steps staggered.

"Ha! Beautiful!"

Gordon laughed and praised, swung his big sword continuously, and continued to attack Purple Poison Girl's tail.

Hayata also took the opportunity to get up, slid around to the side of Purple Poison Girl's relatively fragile neck, and swung the air blade continuously.

Stimulated by the severe pain, Purple Poison Fairy frantically flicked her long tail, trying to use the poisonous mist and flying poisonous thorns to force the hunters back.

However, Gordon and the others knew that now was the best chance to suppress Purple Poison Concubine in one fell swoop, so they threw an antidote pill into their mouths and continued to attack against the poisonous mist.

At this moment, a huge shadow swept across, and the streamlined shadow almost enveloped the entire platform.

The hunter and the monster froze. They all looked up and looked at the huge ship that was slowing down and turning sharply in the air.

The two figures pulled the zipline and fell quickly.

Looking at the blood-stained, quite embarrassed Purple Poison Girl, and Gordon Hayatta, who was a little stunned.

Anshir, who let go of the zipline and landed, pouted.

"I knew it."

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