Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 805 Don't treat her like a child

Fengying was very angry.

She felt that she had been selectively forgotten.

At that time, she had already completed her task and returned to Bernard Village!

When the Dragon Consciousness Ship set sail urgently, she ran to watch with Yuna and the others with a smile on her face.

It took two days to hear that the Dragon Sense Ship was going to the Ruins Plain to support Master Gordon and the others, and that guy Anshir was also on board at the time.

I was in a hurry to find an airboat everywhere, and wanted to go to the ruins plain to help, but there was no flight at all. I planned to spend a lot of money to hire a commercial airboat to go there, and I just paid the deposit.

Huh? The dragon consciousness ship flew back again

When Gordon and the others walked off the side of the boat talking and laughing, she almost rushed up to fight with Anshir.

"Don't take me again!!!"

Facing Fengying who looked like a mad rabbit, Anshir shrugged and prevaricated with the insincere excuse of "I forgot you were back".

Gordon is very consoling, saying that you are still young and only five-star, and if you go, you may have to trouble Chichika and them.

Fengying was confused for a moment, and asked who Chichika was.

Xianglan jumped out to explain, saying that it was Zhu Chop's long-lost uncle, the leader of the Elu tribe in the Ruins Plain, in short, the cat cart pusher.

Fengying burst into tears on the spot.

Hayata gritted her teeth angrily while handing Fengying a handkerchief.

Can you talk? ! !

For several days, Fengying was depressed.

Even An Xier's offer to help her pay the deposit for the empty boat didn't make her happy again.

It wasn't because he was angry with An Xier and the others, but because he suddenly realized that his position in the team was still "a child who needs to be taken care of", not a "trustworthy partner".

Of course she knew that Master Gordon and Anshir were trying to protect herself, but this would only make her more depressed.

Seventeen or eighteen years old, teenagers who are about to become minors, are the age that most desire to be treated as mature adults.

Gordon didn't realize this, and neither did Anshir.

Because at the same time, they did not have teachers or seniors around them, so they could only rely on their own abilities to work hard.

At that time, Gordon, in order to find help and advice, worked hard to build a good relationship with everyone, practiced a good drinker, became good at interpersonal communication, thoughtful, and even a little slippery.

The proud Anshir took another path. He was aloof, with eyes higher than the top, and said to himself, "There are few people worthy of my attention." Occasionally, he would meet someone who was willing to form a team and turned into a madman. Your dissatisfaction is that you can't trust me and don't deserve to be my partner

If it wasn't for bumping into each other by chance, unintentionally making up for each other's shortcomings, and correcting each other, maybe they would be completely crooked.

One becomes more and more social, philistine, loses determination and courage, and falls into the ordinary.

An overly conceited, cynical, self-destructive.

In other words, the awkwardness that they "thought they were mature" when they were eighteen or nineteen years old was used to torture each other.

When they come to their senses, they have really grown up, and looking back at their past selves, they just find it a little funny.

However, Fengying's growth path is completely different from theirs. Due to the special historical and environmental factors in Yanhuo Village, excellent hunters come one after another, and there are more typical teachers than students.

After running away from home, he met Gordon and the others who were reliable seniors. They were protected and accompanied along the way.

But from another perspective, isn't she living under one huge shadow after another?

I don't want to be treated as a child, I long for the heartfelt approval of my predecessors, and I want to be treated equally.

The closer to adulthood, the more obvious this kind of thinking is, so under Gordon Anhill's understatement attitude of "I didn't let you go for your own good", I was so angry that I cried.

Fengying was in a bad mood these days, and Gordon Anhill only thought it was a child throwing a temper tantrum, coaxing her with delicious food and drink, but she didn't realize that this attitude of coaxing the child was the source of her depression.

Only Hayatta noticed.

Her growth experience is the most "ups and downs" among Yinbian.

In her early years, she studied with her master Amos. Her outstanding talent and best teaching made her grow faster than her peers.

Of course, at that time she had thoughts similar to Fengying's, but it was obviously impossible for Amos, who was a senior high-ranking hunter, to take her, who had just been promoted to three stars, to carry out those truly dangerous missions.

So she proposed to become a teacher, to be independent, and to leave her hometown of Minergard to venture out.

Amos, who was already too busy, agreed.

Hayata accepted a three-star mission casually, and excitedly left his hometown, went to the Flasia region, and was sanctioned by the strange dragon, one of the "newcomer killers".

narrowly escaped electrocution

In Bokai Village, I have been decadent, doubted myself, and felt the warmth and warmth of human feelings. With the help of the village chief's mother-in-law, I stood up again and became mature.

This part of the experience is similar to Gordon and the others.

So she could not only understand Fengying's feeling of "I'm not a child anymore!", but also knew that Gordon and the others didn't care about "growth is just that".

So, finding a chance for Fengying to go back to bed early, Hayata reprimanded Gordon and Anshir.

At the wine table, Gordon and Anshir were thoughtful.

After a long silence, Gordon took a sip from his wine glass and muttered, "I...didn't treat her like a child, did I? Didn't I take her with me when I was fighting the dragon?"


Hayata tapped the table, "That's the problem, you said 'take her' instead of going with her.

Although you may not realize it subjectively, but subconsciously, you always feel that she is still the little girl who ran away from home and needs to be taken and supported.

Don't look at Fengying who seems to be stupid at ordinary times, but she is actually very perceptive and has noticed this a long time ago. "

An Xier frowned, "However, there is still a gap in strength between her and the three of us, this is an undeniable fact.

Just like this time, luckily, you all got rid of the Black Flame King first, so the follow-up can be so smooth.

If we really had to face the situation where the Black Flame King and Purple Poison Fairy were on the same field, the three of us plus Agathi, the four high-ranking hunters would be hard-pressed, and Fengying might even die if he went. "

Hayata stared at Anshir, and said seriously: "So you should explain the situation to her at the beginning, and it doesn't matter if she is not strong enough, let her stay in the village honestly, instead of saying perfunctoryly after she comes back sentence, 'forget'.

Let's look at another party, if the fourth person in the team is not Fengying, but uh, Osura or Maca, they are both five-star hunters, would you treat them like Fengying when encountering such a thing? "

Anshir looked away, showing a rare misunderstanding.

Hayata continued: "Accepting her doesn't mean you have to rely on her in everything, you can do whatever you want, and you can be stricter than before.

She's almost an adult too, so stop fooling her like a child. "

For a while, both Gordon and Anshir were suppressed by Hayatta's aura.

The two looked at each other, then smiled dryly and looked away.

Anshir raised his hands to express his surrender, and Gordon touched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, "By the way, when is Fengying's birthday?"

Hayata glanced at Gordon and said, "Eighteenth birthday, next month, early month."

"Ahem, that's right, Fengying has also grown up."

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