Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 838 Emergency Recruitment

At the lively celebration banquet, Fengying looked around.

Didn't find the person she was looking for, Fengying pulled Lie Yan who was rubbing the amber, "Lie Yan, have you seen Sister Huoya Shuiyun and the others?"


Lie Yan also looked left and right, shook his head, said no, then tilted his head to look at Feng Ying, as if asking, "What are you looking for with them?".

After understanding Lie Yan's body language, Fengying murmured, "Isn't Sister Shui Yun the signboard lady of the meeting place? I want to ask her, after Lei Shenlong passes this time, is the task completion record enough for me to be promoted to six stars?"

Lie Yan's eyes lit up, she wanted to ask this too!

The two of them wandered together in the gathering place where the banquet was held, and went around the first floor to the second floor, but they didn't see the twins.

Lie Yan pulled Feng Ying, and pointed to the gate of the meeting place.

"You said go look outside?"

"!" Lie Yan nodded vigorously again.

"Then let's go!"

Grabbing several strings of rabbit dumplings from the passing mugwort, Fengying Lieyan ran out of the assembly hall laughing and laughing.

After leaving the banquet venue, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Under the cool and bright moonlight, night cherry blossoms are dancing. This is a rare beauty from the outside world, but Fengying and the others have been tired of seeing it since they were young, and there is no fluctuation in their hearts.

"!!" Lie Yan suddenly pointed to the lake.

Feng Ying also noticed the twin sisters standing opposite each other. They stared at each other, not knowing what they were doing.

Lie Yan didn't think much about it, and was about to run over Dian Dian, but was grabbed by Feng Ying.

Fengying's voice trembled a little, "This aura is not quite right"

Lie Yan was startled, and soon realized something, his expression became serious, "Let's go and have a look."

The two approached lightly.

"Where is your partner?" Shui Yun's eyes were golden with lightning.

"Wish. Meet again." Huo Ya's eyes reflected the blue of the wind.

"Children and grandchildren. All over the earth."

"It sounded like thunder."

"Breath into the wind."

Lie Yan's face became more and more gloomy, and Feng Ying also clenched her fists subconsciously.

This is the resonant echo of the intersection of wind and thunder.

Everything is not over yet.

At the same time, a high-speed airship carrying a messenger from the guild headquarters arrived at Yanhuo Village.

"come on!"

Gordon smiled and rubbed Fengying's head, messing up her hairstyle.

"Lieyan and everyone from Yanhuo Village drove away Fengshenlong, and we defeated Leishenlong together. They are just defeated, and there will be no problem."


Beside Fengying, Lie Yan hooked her shoulders, bent her arms and posed in a muscular pose, and then patted her chest hard, expressing that everything was due to her.

Hayata slapped Gordon's paw away, helped Fengying to comb her hair, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that it's too late to celebrate your adult birthday.

After this incident, I will make it up for you. "

Fengying sniffed, then nodded vigorously.

An Xier also briefly patted Fengying on the shoulder, and then looked at the village head Puxian who came to see him off, "Sorry, the guild called Yinbian urgently, we have to leave early at this time."

"Ha! What nonsense!"

Pu Xian slapped An Xier's arm hard, and the latter's body was shaken, "It's our Yanhuo Village's trouble, you have helped so much, I can't thank you enough!"

Anshir's expression twitched, rubbing his numb arm.

Gordon continued for him: "We will report the situation in Yanhuo Village to the Great Elder in detail.

Afterwards, there should be other high-level hunters supporting us, replacing us, and helping everyone in Yanhuo Village completely solve the source of Bailong Night Walk. "

On this point, Puxian did not refuse to be polite, he nodded, "Then I will trouble everyone."

After saying goodbye to Village Chief Puxian and the Yanhuo people who came to see them off, the three of Gordon boarded the high-speed airboat on which the guild messengers took.

The anchor cable was released, and the airship slowly rose into the air. When it set sail, Fengying suddenly ran out from the crowd.

She yelled at the empty boat: "Master Gordon! Sister Hariyata! And Anshir! I will catch up after Bailong Night Walk is solved!

It's time for me to be promoted after this time, and I'll catch up soon! "

The power sail is unfolded, the propeller starts to rotate, and it rises into the high-speed airship above the clouds, accelerating towards the destination.

The three of Gordon came to the guild messenger.

The messenger Ailu who was still licking her paw a second ago immediately stood up straight, trying to put on a calm and reliable appearance.

"There are no 'others' here now. Let me tell you in detail. What is it that made the guild so anxious that they insisted on calling us immediately?" Gordon looked down at the messenger.

As a high-ranking hunter, the guild's emergency orders still had to be accepted.

But whether you feel good or not is another matter entirely.

The resonation of the twin sisters proved that the Thunder God Dragon did not die, and even completed the rendezvous with the Feng Shen Dragon.

To put it bluntly, the situation in Yanhuo Village is very bad, even worse than before the Thunder God Dragon War.

Leaving at this time, even if everyone in Yanhuo Village doesn't blame them, they will still feel sorry for them.

What's more, Fengying insisted on staying.

Solving Bailong Night Walk was her original intention and long-cherished wish of becoming a hunter. Naturally, she was unwilling to leave her hometown at this most dangerous and critical moment.

This added a bit of guilt to Gordon and the others for abandoning their companions.

In addition, when the messenger was in Yanhuo Village, he hesitated and spoke vaguely in the name of "secret".

The expressions of the three of Gordon at this time have become quite dangerous and frightening.

The messenger Ailu who was surrounded by three people swallowed, it always felt that these guys wanted to throw him off the airship.

"Then what, meow, about Yanhuo Village, two days ago, the guild received a letter from Master Pu Xian saying 'successfully hunted Thunder God Dragon' meow.

Although the body of Thunder God Dragon was not directly confirmed, but Master Puxian also mentioned in the letter that Thunder God Dragon is probably dead.

The Great Elder and the others don’t know that there will be follow-ups like this.”

Messenger Elle carefully explained for the guild.

"These are not the main points." Anshir interrupted the messenger impatiently, "We didn't intend to blame the guild for this matter.

Hurry up and tell me what happened to make the guild so anxious, what else must we do? "

Messenger Ailu rubbed her face, and said the words that really caused a sensation and panic, "Actually, just a few days ago, East Doruma was attacked by unknown creatures."

"What did you say?!" Anshir couldn't help crying out.

Fengying would be worried about her hometown, and Anshir would naturally be too, as his family was also there.

The emotional Anshir directly picked up the messenger Ailu, and asked sharply: "How about the casualties? Have you breached the city defense and Battle Street?! How is the city?!"

Gordon pressed Anshir's shoulder to signal him to calm down.

Anshir took a deep breath, put the messenger Elu back on the deck, and apologized.

The messenger Ailu could also understand Anshir's excitement, she lowered her ears and said, "The good news is that the mysterious monster did not attack the city of East Doruma, so there were no casualties in East Doruma itself.

The one who was attacked was Nyan, a castle very close to Toruma.

It was the fortress that stored the important materials of East Doruma. The garrison army was wiped out, and the fortress was turned into ruins. It is still impossible to confirm the identity of the attacker. "

The Great Elder was furious, Meow, and sent guild knights to investigate, only to find that many things in the fortress had mysteriously disappeared, Meow.

Including the soldiers' weapons, the cannonballs and crossbows in the ammunition depot, and many metal objects, even the first-generation dragon gun kept in the warehouse is gone! "

Hayata was still confused, but Gordon and Anshir looked at each other, and understood why the guild had come to find them.

The attacker, the missing dragon gun, could it be that guy from the ruins of the ancient village who ran out?, this chapter can kill me

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