Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 845 Let's go directly to its hometown

Unlike Gordon's seemingly satisfied, but somewhat indifferent attitude, Hayata really likes this set of Purple Poison Princess armor.

The shape looks like a complicated dress, but after the actual equipment, you will find that this set of armor fits very well, and no matter how precise the attack is, it will not be affected (master).

At the same time, the "Purple Poison Concubine's soul" that the master craftsman called also provided two very special protections.

It is "poison" externally and "medicine" internally.

The attribute attack and abnormal state attack caused by the user to the monster will be greatly reinforced (special understanding, abnormal state attack).

On the other hand, the efficacy of the medicinal herb taken by the user will also be significantly improved, and the effect of the medicinal herb can even be radiated to nearby companions in the form of a certain energy (herb strengthening, wide area).

The robustness of the armor itself is also a grade higher than that of the Black Corrosion Dragon armor.

Before, due to the mad dragon virus, Hayata couldn't leave the black dragon armor. Even if he was sleeping, he had to wear part of the armor to suppress the virus in his body, so that he would be more at ease.

Fortunately, after the professor and the others developed the Anti-Dragon Stone and had a way to completely kill the mad dragon virus and spores in the host, this worry disappeared.

It is undeniable that the Black Dragon set is a very good set of armor, especially when dealing with monsters infected with mad dragon disease.

But in front of non-infected monsters, after losing the core effect of suppressing the virus and overcoming the core effect of using the virus (wild attack resistance), the gap between this armor and Gordon's [Heyao] and Anshir's [Ark] is very obvious .

In terms of versatility, the Tyrannosaurus set used by Gordon and Fengying's Prison Wolf set are stronger than the Black Corrosion Dragon set.

The three major weaknesses of fire attribute, dragon attribute, and thunder attribute are not small hidden dangers.

In a comprehensive comparison, the purple poison girl suit surpasses the black erosion dragon suit in many aspects such as defensive performance, attribute resistance, and the versatility of skill protection.

Therefore, Hayatta was very happy to complete the change.

Facing Anshir's ridicule of "Why did you take out the 'wedding dress' for everyday wear", Hayata rarely chose to confront her.

The sentence "It's not like some 'rich people', whose clothes are made of gold, let's wear whatever we have", made Anshir choke enough.

In addition to the two sets of armor, the sword made of the material of the Black Flame King is even more important.

——Flying Dragon Knife [Black Yao].

The sharpness, power, and energy intensity of the fire attribute are all top-notch.

According to the great craftsman, this Taidao is by no means inferior to the ceiling of the fire-attributed Taidao, the famous sword made of silver fire dragon material, the Flying Dragon Sword [Silver].

After getting the sword, Hayata walked lightly and refused to let it go while holding it in his arms.

Her master, Amos, had a Flying Dragon Saber [Silver], which she had envied for many years. In this way, the shortcomings of the fire attribute Tai Dao can be regarded as made up.

According to the master craftsman, this sword still has a little room for improvement. It needs two pieces of fire dragon's sky scales to fully stimulate the energy in the material.

"Two pieces of fire dragon sky scales." Gordon smiled stiffly.

This is a rare material that cannot be found. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find a piece of it in a lifetime of hunting. How dare you say it.

"I've heard from Gordon and the others that you've always been lucky?" The great craftsman folded his arms and looked at Hayatta, "I've even thought of the name of the enhanced weapon, the Flying Dragon Knife [ Xuanming]!

How about the true flying dragon sword [sterling silver], which is the true apex of the standard fire attribute sword? "

Hayata clenched his fists, planning to try hunting a few more fire dragons in the future.

What if?

After a whole night of busy work, Longshi Ship finally made a series of preparations before departure the next morning.

The situation is urgent, and it is unknown when the next attack will occur.

The Longli Academy didn't hold any routine sailing ceremony and farewell ceremony, and the Dragon Consciousness Ship that completed the preparations immediately set sail with the wind.

According to the captain of the investigation team, the high-ranking hunters of Longli Academy, and even a considerable number of four-star and five-star elites, have all been dispatched by the guild to support the city defenses in various places.

It is difficult for ordinary hunters to directly intervene in the battle against ancient dragon-level creatures, so this time, the hunters on board the Dragon Sense Ship are only Yinbian and the guild knight Kurt Ez.

In other respects, however, they were well prepared.

Burning coal as fuel, crossbow bolts for heavy bed crossbows, restraint bombs, shells for new artillery, etc., have all been prepared in large quantities, enough to support several battles.

In addition to these common armaments, there is also a support system that has been in the state of debugging and experimentation, and it has also been loaded on the Dragon Sense Ship and officially put into use.

It's the kind of rocket delivery system that Gordon complained about.

In short, it is to launch a rocket pod from high altitude to deliver supplies to hunters fighting on the ground.

It is said that the error of the landing point has been reduced from the initial radius of 100 meters to the range of 30 to 50 meters.

Although it is still speechless, it is better than nothing, at least it can be used to deliver ammunition, Anshir and Kurt Aiz welcomed it.

Pork Chop is with more positive expectations.

It believes that the rocket delivery system cannot be directly used for attacks due to the large landing point error, but with the development of technology, this error will gradually decrease.

Thirty meters, ten meters, five meters, or even two meters and one meter.

Although I don't know how many years and generations have passed, but by then, human beings may no longer have to rely on flesh and blood and life to fight against dangerous monsters.

"The age of machines? That day may finally come."

Gordon rubbed the pork chop's head, "But it's still the age of hunters, hold the sword tightly."

At an altitude of several thousand meters, the Longshi Ship flew over the mountains surrounding the village of Bernardo, the waves of the Vared Strait, and the boundless green sea of ​​the Metabe dense forest in the wind. Until the color of yellow sand becomes the only hue occupying the earth.

They came to the great desert.

The ruins of the ancient village, which had been eroded by wind and sand for tens of thousands of years, still stood, finally appeared at the end of their sight.

According to the original plan, they planned to go to the destroyed Gioris Village first for further investigation.

But halfway through, Gordon came up with another idea.

Over the past few days, the hunters of Jicheng Guild must have gone through the ruins of Gioris Village several times.

How many new things can I and others investigate if I follow the past now?

Information exchange is necessary, but there is no need to send the entire dragon consciousness ship to waste resources and time.

Gordon's judgment was shared by most people.

After discussion, the investigation team composed of Kurt Aiz and several scholars set off in a small airship fixed on the Dragon Consciousness Ship, headed for Jicheng, exchanged information with the local meeting place and analyzed it.

Others drove directly to Ge Tanglang's hometown in the Longshi boat.

If the Mantis Mantis is not in the nest, that's just right, investigate the nest carefully to see if there are any clues.

If Ge Mantis is there, that’s fine. Leave a few Ailu who are good at hiding and hide in the ancient village to monitor Ge Mantis. Once it has a tendency to leave, it will immediately send a message with a peregrine falcon.

Anything can help.

The Dragon Consciousness Ship landed tens of meters above the ground against the wind and sand, and used a heavy bed crossbow to fire fixed cables, anchoring the Dragon Consciousness Ship firmly to the ancient city wall that stood for thousands of years.

"Oh, I'm finally back here. After that time, the guild directly designated the ruins of the ancient village and the surrounding areas as restricted areas. It's hard to come and take a look."

The female scholar with a scarf on her head was lying on the side of the boat and sighed, looking like she really wanted to go down.

An Xier stretched out her hand and dragged her back, "Mrs. Du Da, the situation in the ruins is unknown at the moment, you should just stay on the Dragon Sense Ship." (Chapter 594)

Wait for the signal and be ready to meet us at any time and prepare for emergency takeoff. "

"Auntie Duda!" The middle-aged female scholar put her hips on her hips and emphasized, then sighed helplessly, "I know, now is not the time to leisurely conduct archaeological research.

Be careful when you investigate, um. It would be great if you can bring back a few ancient relics! "


Anshir pretended not to hear, Gordon Hayata also looked at each other speechlessly, the three of them tightened their weapon straps, and checked the zipline hanging on the side of the ship.

Then one by one jumped off the side of the ship.

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