Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 848 The Third City

Gordon arranged for an evacuation as soon as Hayatta finished sketching most of the black-oiled "trophies."

These items in the lair are already quite strong evidence.

Perhaps there are still some clues and details in the lair, but at the moment of urgency, it is more important to pass on the currently discovered information.

Especially for the fact that "Ge Mantis leaves the nest with weapons", the guild must be warned as soon as possible, so that the fortresses in various places should be more careful.

Just like when we came, the retreat was safe and sound.

Perhaps it was because the queen was not in the lair? Those male mantises displayed a considerable degree of inertia.

According to the reactions of the pork chops and pandan who were in charge of leading them away in turn, these male mantises would stop chasing them after a few steps and could easily get away.

After passing through caves and narrow passages, Gordon and others finally returned to the surface.

At this time, the sky was almost dark, but they didn't mean to dawdle, and directly fired signal flares into the air, making the dragon ship ready to take off.

Considering the emergency situation that may arise at any time, the Dragon Sensitivity Ship did not release the airbags to land completely, but fixed the hull above the city wall with the anchor cable, as long as the rope was disconnected, it could take off immediately.

After returning to the Dragon Sense Ship, the hunters immediately prepared to report to the guild headquarters.

After all, the weight of the stationery that the peregrine falcon can carry is limited, and they can't make a long speech. They just summarize their findings and conjectures in a few sentences, and then release the peregrine falcon.

After all this is done, the hunters have time to catch their breath.

Mrs. Duda came over with a smile, and Gordon Hayatta was a little speechless.

Fortunately, Anshir knew how persistent this lady was, and dismissed her with a piece of metal with an ancient inscription randomly picked up in the lair.

Mrs. Du Da was overjoyed, she hugged Anshir's head and rubbed it well, and said "I didn't love you for nothing when I was a child" or something.

Facing this mother's best friend, he was also very helpless.

The person in charge of the Dragon Knowledge Ship, the captain of the investigation team, and the young dragonman scholar who was a little younger than Fengying followed closely behind.

Facing the unkind eyes of the three of Gordon, the boy was a little numb.

Even in front of Hayata, he is thin and petite, and he looks like a chicken cub. The gazes of the three looking down gave him the illusion that he is actually Elu.

The captain of the investigation team raised his hands and said in surrender, "I have business to discuss!"

Gordon folded his arms, "You say."

".Where should we go next?" The dragon boy said helplessly: "We need to confirm the destination as soon as possible, and then plan the route."

Really business?

Gordon, who had already exerted a solid and rigid influence on the scholars of the Longli Academy, put his arms down with a dry smile, "This is true, to be honest, we haven't decided yet, let's have a small meeting to discuss it?

Is there any scholar on board who is good at analyzing the actions of monsters? Just like Mr. Isa, unfortunately Mr. Isa is still in Yanhuo Village. "

The captain of the investigation team nodded, "I understand, you three, wait a moment, I will invite the scholars to come over."

Under the arrangement of the captain of the investigation team, the three of Gordon and the two scholars he invited sat down in a quiet cabin.

After an introduction, Gordon and the others learned that these two scholars had worked in the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau for many years, and they still hold the title of consultant. Their understanding of ancient dragons and ancient dragon-level creatures is far beyond ordinary people.

It has to be said that the number of scholars in Longli Academy is really large.

Gordon shared the information they have investigated and learned with the two scholars, and also attached his own and others' guesses.

If it was normal, doing so would be a bit of a suspicion of "leaking secrets", but now that the situation is tense, it doesn't matter that much.

"Bring the map here." One of the elderly female dragon-born scholars ordered the captain of the investigation team.

Like a student, the young scholar immediately went to fetch the map.

Another middle-aged male scholar pondered and said: "Our understanding of the mantis is very limited, and it is very different from any beetle-like creature we have known, or even any kind of creature.

It is difficult for us to accurately analyze the purpose and direction of its next action through the existing information. "

"You are too cautious." There was a hint of criticism in the tone of the elderly female scholar, "This is not writing an academic paper, there is no need to pursue such rigor.

As long as there is a certain logical guess, it can be put forward. "

"I understand, teacher." The male scholar nodded, exhaled, and said, "If, as you said, Ge Mantis has the habit of using the dragon gun as a weapon, then the behavior of it leaving the nest with the dragon gun It could be aggressive indeed.

What needs to be predicted right now is the location of the next attack, right? "

"That's right." Gordon nodded.

I really hope that this scholar's way of speaking can be more concise. Words such as "if", "maybe" and "assuming" appear frequently in his words, which seems to have some kind of mental cleanliness.

Just at this time, the detailed map of the mainland was also sent by the captain of the investigation team.

The middle-aged scholar pointed to the map and said, "Starting from the ruins of the ancient village, Ge Mantis doesn't have too many choices, it has roughly three directions to go.

To the south is the Great Desert.

The only worthy targets in the desert are Balubale and Loklark. The former is a moving city and is not easy to become a target. Loklark is built on a huge rock platform. It is not easy for Ge Mantis to take it down.

Personally, I think it is unlikely that Ge Mantis will go in this direction.

To the east is the Reksay Sea.

The fishing town of Rexala? This is a possibility, but Rexara does not have a conventional concept of city defense, and they mainly guard against monsters from the sea.

Considering the purpose of collecting heavy mechanical parts such as dragon guns, this is a meaningless goal, and the probability is not high. "

The middle-aged scholar moved his finger on the map, and continued: "There is another direction to go north.

To the north is the Metabe dense forest (old dense forest) and the Inner Sea of ​​Geokruk. This area is worthy of attention and suspicion. The Georis stronghold that was attacked not long ago is here.

Jicheng has to be careful, if the stronghold is lost, there is a high probability that Ge Mantis and the mysterious monster with unknown identity will directly attack the city.

And Metabeta too, also in this direction. "

The middle-aged scholar looked worried.

The elderly female scholar who was called the teacher by the middle-aged scholar said, "He has already analyzed the possible direction of Ge Mantis very clearly, so I will start from another angle.

——Destroyed the East Doruma arsenal and brought the mysterious monster of black oil.

Judging from the size and ability of Ge Mantis, it is basically impossible for it to capture a fortress without manipulating the market.

So in my opinion, it has a high possibility of 'joining forces' with the mysterious monster again.

Hmm, maybe it's more appropriate to say that the last row steals the loot? "

"This is what we are most worried about. Two ancient dragon-level creatures appear at the same time." Gordon rubbed his face.

The old lady stared at the map and continued: "Actually, your thinking is somewhat restricted by the mantis. Since the mantis is likely to follow the mysterious monster, isn't it more straightforward to analyze the movement of the mysterious monster?"

"Uh, we tried to think that way too, but unfortunately we couldn't get any clues about the mysterious monster's coming and going, so we couldn't analyze it." Gordon explained.

"No." The old lady shook her head lightly, "There is no clue, but it is also a clue.

It can quickly destroy a fortress. The strength of the mysterious monster is beyond doubt, and its size and strength are also estimated to be amazing. Why has no one witnessed it?

Even if the garrison of the fortress was wiped out, what about the passers-by and witnesses? "

Gordon and the others looked at each other, unable to answer.

"There are only a few ways monsters can move, in the air, on land, underground, and if they are close to water, there is also water.

Judging from the situation of Dongdoruma's arsenal, the latter three were directly ruled out, which means that the large monster probably used flying.

It stands to reason that a big enough monster flying in the air is easy to be witnessed by caravans, travelers and the like, so why is there no sighting report? Where did it fly from? "

Hayata thought for a while and said, "Above the inaccessible mountains and forests, or on the sea?"

Anshir frowned, "Recently, the situation is tense and East Doruma is under martial law. The number of caravans from all over the world going to East Doruma should be greatly reduced.

Wait, Geokruk Inner Sea?

With the blockade of the East Doruma Port, the trade in the Geokruk Inland Sea has completely lost its meaning, and there are almost no ships sailing on the sea.

If that mysterious monster was flying over the Inner Sea, the probability of being seen would be very low! "

Gordon's eyes were also fixed on the blue triangle on the map.

"Dongduoluma, and then Jicheng, both of these cities are on the coast of the inland sea." His fingers moved along the coastline of the inland sea on the map.

until it stops at a certain point.

"The third seaside city built around the inland sea—Metabeta!"

Ps. I originally wanted to shorten it to Meicheng, but I think Meicheng is generally used to refer to Meijer Poltin

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