Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 863 Cherry Blossoms

On the golden-red blade formed by the condensation of raging fire, high-temperature flames entwine.

Hayata wielded the Flying Dragon Knife [Hei Yao], trying hard to cut the worm threads connected to the metal parts and giant bricks.

She also didn't expect that the target of this new katana, which had just been built, was put into actual combat for the first time was not a monster, but these silk threads with amazing toughness.

It has to be said that under the burning of the high-temperature flame on the blade, the efficiency of cutting worm silk with this Tai Dao is much better than that of the previous Ya Dao [Moon Shadow].

Dragging his seriously injured body, he was struggling to deal with the onslaught of two great swordsmen, while trying to build the ruins city, the progress was frequently interrupted because of the repeated damage of worms.

Ge Mantis realized that if this continues, perhaps until it dies, it will not be able to build a complete city of ruins.

So it decided to change its strategy, step by step.

The tail joint and the limbs and arms holding the worm silk were pulled violently, and the large and small parts that Hayata hadn't had time to cut off the connection rose into the air and fell towards Ge Mantis.

Gordon and Asa dodged again and again to avoid being crushed by those parts that cost several tons or even tens of tons.

After this burst of crackling, Gordon Asa dodged and was not injured in time, but his movements were greatly restricted.

They felt as if they had suddenly come to a chaotic warehouse full of sundries, walking and swinging swords would be affected, and there were a lot of silk threads entangled between those parts, making it extremely difficult to connect to the Mantis. .

Not only them, even Anshir, who continued to snipe from a distance, had to stop firing.

Ge Mantis seems to be in a maze of huge parts, and the shooting field is almost completely blocked.


Gordon tried to clean up the worms with his sword, and shouted to call the "tool man".

His [Shenwei] Great Sword and Asa's Horned King Sword can also cut through worm threads, but the efficiency is very low, and it often takes several swords to cut through a little bit, which is far less efficient than the fire attribute flying dragon knife [Black Yao].

Hayatta galloped over.

She has basically given up the attack on Ge Mantis after changing into the fire sword. Her only purpose now is to cut off the worm threads to delay the construction of the ruins city, and to open the way for her companions.

While the hunters worked hard to break the obstacle, the mantis got a brief respite.

Its legs and limbs moved quickly, "grouping" the worm threads connected to many parts, and at the same time, it continued to spit out more worm threads for reinforcement.

A golden cocoon made entirely of worm silk, quickly formed.

Anshir, who was constantly adjusting the angle in the distance and looking for the shooting route, noticed all this through the scope.

He quickly recognized that the cocoon that Ge Mantis was building was the "control center" he had seen on the giant mechanical beast.

This thing must be the key to building the city of ruins. Anshir quickly loaded two armor-piercing grenades for the fierce moment [Shigure], locked on the cocoon and quickly pulled the trigger.

The crossbow bullets flew over.

However, the dynamic vision and reaction speed of Ge Mantis are astonishingly strong. At the moment when the crossbow bullet is about to hit the cocoon, it suddenly moves quickly and blocks in front of the cocoon.

An armor-piercing grenade pinned to its back and exploded.

"Ji——!" Ge Mantis screamed in pain, but his movements did not slow down in the slightest.

As a key node in controlling the city of ruins, this kind of cocoon is not as random as it seems, a large pile of silk thread is piled up in a lump or something.

In order to flexibly manipulate various parts of the mechanical monster, the structure of this cocoon is actually very complicated and precise. If it is damaged during the manufacturing process, it is likely to fall short.

So it would rather use its body to block the crossbow bullets than to be affected by the cocoon.

"It's using worm silk to make the center!" Anshir, who couldn't find the shooting angle for a while, shouted: "Kill the center, or the city of ruins will soon take shape!"

Gordon realized that the "central" in Anshir's mouth should refer to the two small cocoons on the mechanical behemoth before, except for the giant cocoon where the mantis itself was located.

Hayata was also aware of this, without anyone reminding her, she immediately stopped opening the way, and was going to take advantage of the flexibility of the Taidao to pass through the intricate silk thread like a spider's web alone, and rush towards the position of Ge Mantis.

But it was still a step too late.

The pavilion mantis, which was shot with a crossbow shell to complete the cocoon, pulled and manipulated the silk thread at a speed that even the top puppet show artist could not match.

With the assistance of the cocoon center, the speed of parts stacking suddenly increased several steps.

Ruins city rose from the ground almost in the blink of an eye.

However, perhaps due to serious injuries, time constraints and many interferences, Ge Mantis failed to build a complete mechanical giant.

The scale of the ruin city in front of me is only half of the size of the previous mechanical giant. From the physical point of view, it is almost the front half of the mechanical giant, unable to move and walk, and has no head.

But this is also enough to raise the strength of Ge Mantis to another level.

The claws composed of the dragon-striking gun and the huge steel beams swung down one after another, as if venting the anger in its heart.

"That guy relies on vibration sensing, right?" Even though it was his first time fighting against Xucheng, the experienced Asa still realized the key point at the first time.

"Don't move." After saying a few words, he started to run alone.

Sure enough, Ge Mantis immediately manipulated its two claws, chased Asa and smashed it.

Gordon Hayata waited for a few seconds, and then suddenly broke out at high speed, charging at full speed to Xucheng.

"Attack the silk thread on the foot!" Gordon roared, lifting the big sword.

Hayata immediately launched Qi Blade Continuous Slash.

In the flames and the light of the knife, the silk thread wrapped around the giant beast's ankle was cut off.

Hastily built, only half of the body of the ruin city, there are only two legs used to support the balance, one of them lost control, the ruin city suddenly tilted seriously, and the movement also temporarily stopped.

"Climb up!"

Gordon raised the great sword high, and leaned the blade on the leg of the giant mechanical beast.

Hayata understood, put away the sword and took a few steps back, then rushed up, stepped on Gordon's shoulder, borrowed strength from the back of the sword, flew to the knee of the giant mechanical beast, and then continued to climb up quickly .

Her eyes were fixed on the center on the back of the giant mechanical beast.

As long as this cocoon is eliminated, the ruin city that has just been pulled up will collapse again!

With all his strength, he quickly climbed onto the back of the giant mechanical beast. Before he could draw out his weapon, the giant mechanical beast under his feet shook violently.

Looking sideways at the Pavilion Mantis not far away, he didn't even have time to build the "cockpit".

The latter was also looking at her.

"Gee -!"

Ge Mantis screamed, and manipulated the giant mechanical beast, driving its claws to hit her.

The back of the giant mechanical beast is uneven, it is very difficult to dodge, and it doesn't matter how many times it has dodged attacks. If the center cannot be solved as soon as possible and the ruin city is destroyed, the battle will be endless.

How to quickly chop up the center of the two-meter-diameter thread ball

Kamui Juhe? The mechanical winged claws that swung down would not give her a chance to charge.

Qi blade continuous slash? Not that good a window of attack.

Can only take a risk.

This is a trick she practiced secretly, but because she didn't have Xiang Chong, she couldn't reach that kind of starting speed, so she couldn't practice it.

However, when I am in a state of courage, my control over my body has been greatly improved, maybe I can give it a try!


The mechanical winged claws smashed down, and Hayata jumped back and took a big step to dodge.

With the inertia of jumping back, her legs were slightly bent, and her calf muscles and knees were tense like compressed springs.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a swift afterimage, rushed forward, and arrived in front of the central cocoon almost in a blink of an eye.

Her body was circling, and the Flying Dragon Knife [Black Yao] continuously sliced ​​across the cocoon of the center, and the sword glow twined with fire and the red light of the air blade flashed continuously, and the scattered battle energy fluttered like cherry blossoms.

Cherry Blossom Qi Blade Slash!

The cocoon was divided into three parts and fell obliquely.

The city of Ruins, which lost its only center, began to collapse.

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