Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 867 Don't Want To See The Great Old Hall Anymore

"You guys don't know, that Thunder God Dragon actually swallowed the Wind God Dragon that was still alive, obviously those two guys are about the same size!

Nie Ma's, I don't know how it swallowed it, but it didn't get strangled to death!

After eating the Fengshenlong, it spins in the air, spins, the thunder light rumbles, and the strong wind blows again! It looks like it has changed!

It feels like the two dragons have joined together, and they can use the power of thunder and lightning, and they can also display the power of wind, which is so amazing! We have suffered a lot! "

Fengying danced and narrated her experience of fighting Fenglei Erlong, and the indecent words that came out inadvertently made Gordon's blood pressure a little high.

But thinking about the people around Fengying after they left Yanhuo Village, one can see where this guy got his oral addiction.

Gail, Ted, Ohshura. They're all filthy, gritty guys.

Let Anshir take care of it later.

This lively lunch lasted for more than an hour. For the hunters, drinking for half a day in the afternoon, then seamlessly connecting to dinner, and continuing to drink until the drink is turned over is a routine operation.

However, hunters with silver edges and pens obviously cannot enjoy this kind of drunken life today.

As soon as the meal was finished, people from the guild came to the door, saying that it was the great elder who summoned the high-ranking hunters.

Gordon was a little helpless, they just came out of the old hall two hours ago.

You don't need to guess to know the purpose of the Great Elder in summoning them. At the moment when the mysterious ancient dragon may attack at any time, it would be strange for the Great Elder to be meek.

Thank you for giving us time for lunch.

"Aiden, go to Sterling's house and inform Anshir of the news." The careful Julius instructed Aiden.

"Okay!" Aiden, the only sunny boy present who was not a high-ranking hunter, nodded and trotted away.

"Let's go." Gordon shook his head.

Under the watchful eyes of the surrounding hunters, the high-ranking hunters walked out of the tavern, Feng Ying was stunned, and then she reacted and happily followed.

Great! I am also a high-ranking hunter! You can participate in various events normally!

Along the way, Gordon and Julius exchanged whispers.

"I heard a little bit about Metabeta from Master." Julius asked Gordon, "Can you tell me more about it?"

Feng Ying, who was listening next to her, also became very serious, not pretending, but really thinking about something.

Hayata glanced at Fengying. Based on her understanding of the latter, the girl was probably trying to remember where Metabetat was.

Gordon quickly recounted what happened to Metabeta, "...finally the mysterious ancient dragon left and we killed the Mantis, but Metabeta's casualties were still serious.

We estimate that the attack of the mysterious ancient dragon has not stopped, and the next target is likely to be Dong Duo Luma. "

Speaking of this, Gordon glanced at the guild staff who were leading the way, "We just reported this information not long ago, and it should be for this reason that the Great Elder summoned the high-ranking hunters."

"Dong Doruma may be attacked again in a short time, it's a big trouble." Julius tapped his forehead with his knuckles.

He raised his head and continued: "The Great Elder probably didn't explain this to you in detail. The situation on Fighting Street may be worse than you think."

Gordon frowned, "What's going on?"

"Master should have told you that recently, Fighting Street has been updating its equipment.

The performance of the new decisive weapon against ancient dragons, the "Dragon Slayer Cannon", was not bad, but there was a problem with the new type of Dragon Striking Gun.

During the attack of the stainless steel dragon, one of the dragon guns failed to start successfully. It may be that the connecting piece was stuck, which caused the boiler to crack. Now it is stepping up maintenance.

The city walls and gates were also damaged, and craftsmen were working overtime to repair them.

But you also know that this kind of fortification-like fortification cannot be rushed. Even if you rush to rebuild the city wall, the bonding material will not have enough time to cure, and the overall strength will be much worse.

It would be better to come back with an 'ordinary' ancient dragon like Steel Dragon. Dongdoruma has enough high-level hunters to forcibly repel them.

But super giant ancient dragons are different, only strong enough fortresses can stop them.

According to your description, the mysterious ancient dragon not only has the body shape of a super giant ancient dragon, but also has a ferocious character different from the ancient dragons such as Laoshanlong, extremely aggressive, flying ability, oil flame breathing and other troublesome attack moves.

I am very worried that with the current state of Fighting Street, it will not be able to stop it.

The Great Elder should also have considered this, so he wanted to prepare early so as not to be too passive when the attack came. "

Gordon pondered for a moment, then exhaled, "You're right, if that ancient dragon only wants to destroy it, it's not impossible for Dong Duo Luma to destroy it.

As for preparing in advance.”

"If you have any ideas, let's talk about them in front of the elder." Julius patted Gordon on the shoulder.

Gordon raised his eyes, and they had already arrived at the gate of the Great Old Hall.

A figure arrived half a minute later than them, and was walking this way aggressively.

It's Hilda.

The guild member who was in charge of notifying her shrank her neck and trotted along behind her.

When we first met, the lady looked at him as if she wanted to put him on the bowstring and shoot him out.

"Senior Hilda."

"Instructor Hilda."

"Aunt Hilda!"

Gordon and others greeted each other.

Noticing that there were so many people, Hilda's face brightened a little, and she tugged Fengying's pointed ears casually, and it was this guy who called auntie just now.

After entering the Great Old Hall, Gordon realized that they were already too late.

Greeted a few familiar hunters, exchanged information with everyone, and the summoned high-ranking hunters gradually arrived.

The Rusty Steel Dragon's attack happened two days ago. At this time, the number of high-ranking hunters in the city was much larger than usual. Including the two teams of Silver Edge and Pen Head, the total number was about sixteen or seventeen.

It is very rare that so many high-level hunters are present at the same time.

Fengying stood up straight with her small face sullen, with her arms folded across her chest, with a look of "I'm calm and mature", which made Gordon want to hit her.

Surprisingly, in addition to the high-ranking hunters and the consultant scholars of the three major academic institutions, there are also several groups that are not commonly seen in the Great Old Hall, or that are difficult to see in groups.

A guild knight with bright armor.

Rather than being cute, it is better to say that the aggressive cat hunting team, and the pork chop pandan somehow got mixed in.

And, the group that hunters are quite shy of - Guild Dark Night.

This group of guys in black armor stood on the edge of the hall like shadows, their cold eyes made people uncomfortable.

"The task has been assigned to you, hurry up and set off, if you find something, send back the information as soon as possible, without delay." The Great Elder issued an order.

The knights and hunting cats beat their chests one after another, gave a guild salute and left, while the dark nights retreated directly into the shadows and disappeared without a sound.

Noticing the surprised or curious eyes of the hunters, the guild leader next to the elder explained, "Dong Doruma may usher in an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, and the elder does not intend to disperse the existing forces.

The observation balloons of the Gulong Observation Bureau and the Scholars Team will serve as the main force for scouting, and the Guild Knights, the Cat Hunting Team, and the Dark Nights will also help.

As for the hunters, get ready for a head-on fight. "

Pig Chop sneaked over and greeted Gordon.

As witnesses of Metabeta's defensive battle, the Cat Hunting Team invites it and Pandan to join them temporarily and act together for a few days.

Naturally, Gordon Hayatta had nothing to object to, he just told them to be careful.

"Great Elder."

Hilda took a few steps forward, "We already know the general situation. May I ask if that ancient dragon has a name? We can't always call it 'mysterious ancient dragon'."

The Great Elder did not answer her question directly, but looked at the old scholar from the Gulong Observation Bureau, "Is there any result of the literature survey?"

The dragonman scholar whose eyebrows were almost drawn to the ground leaned on crutches and trembled, "We...have not been able to retrieve the corresponding creatures in the historical books.

Of course, this does not mean that it has never appeared, and the history that can be recorded is limited."

The Great Elder frowned, as if dissatisfied with the old scholar's long-winded words, he waved his hand, "Since there is no one, let's start a new one.

That ancient dragon is carrying our first-generation dragon-striking spear, so let's call it the 'giant halberd'. "

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