Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 873 Have You Heard of GP?

The two people with a height gap of more than fifty centimeters entered into a state of staring at each other again.

Feng Ying didn't know why she was staring at the other party, but she just felt that if she looked away at this time, she would lose.

After a while, Altman sighed softly, "Small in size, fast in speed, agile and flexible, but extremely explosive, your master made the right choice for you to use the shield axe.

But the disciples brought out by the Great Swordsman really have such characteristics, focusing on offense and neglecting defense. You are an excellent attacker, but not a qualified defender. "

The other party's critical comments aroused Fengying's competitive spirit, and she pursed her lips, trying to refute something.

Altman didn't give her a chance to speak, "After this end, come to the west side of Fighting Street."

After that, he turned and left.

An Xier was pleasantly surprised, but Fengying was a little angry.

She just felt that this old guy was inexplicable and talking to himself.

Hilda rubbed Fengying's head, then pinched her face, and said with a smile: "Your age is about the same as the students in the training camp, and his granddaughter is almost as old as you, that's why you are so old. Get used to talking to you in that tone.

It seems that he likes you very much, and he is willing to take the time to give advice at such a time. After a while, the matter here will be over, so hurry up. "

"He's a gunner, and with that size, I'm afraid there are three more than me, and I can't learn his tricks." Fengying muttered.

Anshir slapped her on the back of the head, "What stupid things are you talking about?! Do you think Altman's instructor is Ted's kind of ram who only has stupid strength?

Be polite later, the vision and experience of the instructor are not comparable to ours, if you can learn from him, it will be of great benefit to you. "

Feng Ying still wrinkled her small face, and Hayata held her cheeks and rubbed her cheeks for a while, then said with a smile, "It's rare for a strong man to give advice, we'll go there with you in a while."

".Oh well."

The matter of the combat meeting is simple and simple, but complicated and complicated.

In addition to the three high-ranking hunter teams, nearly thirty hunters participated in the battle.

Their main task is not to confront the giant halberd dragon head-on, but to manipulate artillery, heavy bed crossbows, dragon-striking guns and other weapons to wear down the latter's physical strength.

There are also details such as the firing timing of the dragon-slaying cannon, the key points of loading, the arrangement of the personnel in each group, etc. Feng Ying's left ear went in and the right ear went out, so she didn't hear much.

The whole meeting lasted about half an hour, not too long, after all, the physical condition of the master is not suitable for long speeches.

After the meeting, Julius helped the master back to rest, and Gordon returned to his companions.

After hearing that Altman was willing to take the initiative to teach Fengying, Gordon almost immediately carried Fengying to the "teaching place" on the west side of Battle Street.

Why was Fengying promoted to the top position at such an astonishing age?

There are actually many reasons.

In addition to his own talent and hard work, Yanhuo Village started training at the age of 13 or 14. With the careful education of Gordon and others, he followed the team to challenge monsters and even ancient dragons that exceeded the standard many times. ,Etc., etc.

Another reason that cannot be ignored is that in the process of her cultivation and growth, she has received too many pointers from strong people.

Among them are Master Puxian, Master Campbell, the proprietress of Longliyuan Tavern, top powerhouses like Hilda, and there are many "Altmans of Steel" right now.

Should it be said that this child has been likable since he was a child?

This is an opportunity you can't even ask for, how can you miss it!

Since they participated in the meeting together, Altman did not arrive much earlier than them, but after all, the other party arrived first, and Gordon quickly greeted them and apologized.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Altman."

"Hello, the leader of the Silver Edge Hunting Group, 'Gordon the Brave'." Altman's response was very formal, and it didn't seem like he was facing a young junior.

Looking at Gordon's short hair without variegation, and the young Ansir and Hayata beside him, the gray-bearded Altman couldn't help but sigh, "The new generation is really amazing."

"You are too much." Gordon said modestly, and gently pushed Fengying's back.

Fengying pursed her lips and bowed deeply, "Instructor Altman! Please give me more advice!"

Sensitively aware of the dissatisfaction and reluctance mixed in Fengying's tone, Altman suddenly realized something.

There was a smile on the face eroded by wind and frost, "I said before that you, as a disciple of the Great Swordsman, focus on offense and neglect defense, and are not a qualified defender. I am not criticizing you, let alone your master's teaching method.

It's just an objective evaluation.

Just like I am an excellent defender, but not a qualified attacker, let alone a qualified shooter, it is the same reason. "

Fengying subconsciously looked away, because the other party saw through her mind, she felt a little guilty.

"The shield ax is a newly developed weapon in the past few years. There are many genres, some focus on offense, and some focus on defense. You are undoubtedly the former, right?

This is also normal. After all, it is difficult for a petite hunter to become a top defender. This is an unchangeable fact. "

Speaking of this, Altman's eyes swept over the other people in Yinbian, "Big swords, swords, heavy crossbows, plus the shield axes of the assault style, you are an almost purely offensive team.

Some might think that your team has completely given up on defense, but that's not the case. "

Gordon and the others looked at each other, and before they had time to say anything, the old hunter continued: "Your team has defenders, but they are not heavy guards in the traditional sense.

You like to take the initiative to block defensively, don't you? "

" can see this too?!" Feng Ying stared.

"Of course, your black-horned dragon shield is still very new, but there are already quite a few marks of being hit. This will not happen to shield axists who don't take defense seriously."

Fengying couldn't help taking off the shield behind her, and Gordon and the others all looked at the big shield in her hand.

Where are the traces? !

Altman said with a smile: "The material of the black horned dragon is hard enough, and the traces will not be too obvious, but if you have enough experience, you can still distinguish it."



Gordon punched Fengying on the head.

"But I also have a question." Altman stroked his well-trimmed beard, "I thought it was weird when I first saw you.

Judging from the few marks on your shield, it is obvious that you have received a very heavy attack, and the angle of attack is not from top to bottom.

With your body size, how did you manage to withstand this level of attack without being knocked out? "

Ah. It turns out that he was looking at the shield before, not glaring at me.

Fengying scratched her head, "It's all thanks to them."

As she said that, she set up the shield, and the flying insects drilled in the wrist armor ejected countless worm threads, firmly fixing the shield on the ground.

"The wireworm skill of Yanhuo Village? So that's the case, no wonder." Altman immediately recognized the shimmering silkworms, and suddenly said.

"Have you seen this trick before?" Fengying was curious, "But this is obviously a new trick?"

The shield ax is a new type of weapon, and the insect skill of the shield ax was developed last year with the help of village head Puxian and instructor Ni Tai. I didn't expect it to be recognized.

Anshir reminded helplessly, "Likes and guns also have insect skills."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Altman said to himself, "The flexibility of the shield and ax combined with the high mobility of the Shangxiang insect, plus this method of using the silk to stabilize the defense.

It can instantly break into between monsters and teammates, actively defend, and take advantage of the situation to launch a strong counterattack. "

A bright light flashed in the eyes of the old hunter, as if he had discovered some kind of treasure, "Although it is off the beaten track, this may be a brand new defensive tactic!

However, based on Xiang Chong's words alone, the application period of this tactic is relatively long, so it turns out that this tactic is indeed the most suitable for you.

Little girl, have you heard of precision defense? (Guard-Point, or gp)"


Let me tell you in advance that gp is not just Fengying School, Gordon is also planning to do it.

The Wuxiang insect version is completed in one touch? After all, the protagonist hasn't improved his moves for a long time, so he will try his best to rationalize this move.

Although this is a bit beyond the existing big sword moves in the game, it shouldn't be too much, right?

It feels like the current Great Swordsman has become the shape of a gp, cats can be used, but I must ensure that I have two Xiang Chong gp on me!

There will be no Xiang Chong in the next game, how can you delete the big sword gp directly? !

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