Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 879 Fengying is being beaten

Facing the huge wooden mallet swung to her chest, Fengying inserted her sword into the shield, trying to use the moment when the sword and shield stood in front of her through the transformation, to carry out precise defense.

It's a pity that her movements were slow for a moment, and the shield failed to enter the ideal position and angle in time.

With a tooth-piercing "bang", Feng Ying was thrown flying with her shield and her body, and she rolled to the ground looking up at the sky, her eyes full of doubts about life.

Without giving her a chance to lie down for a while and catch her breath, Altman picked her up directly.

While looking down at her, he commented in a cold tone, "The timing judgment is not precise enough, and the movement of the Transformation Slash is not decisive enough, if the opponent is a real large monster, you are already dead by now.

Counting this time, you have died twenty times today. "


"Don't act like a baby! Stand still!"


"Do you think this is hard work? If it weren't for the current conditions, you should give me the practice of chopping bomb barrels! Let's see if you dare to hesitate for me!"

A little further away, Gordon, who was watching, scratched his chin, "Do you think that Altman's teaching style is too strict, or are we usually too talkative?"

"Undoubtedly, it's the latter." Anshir answered blankly.

He firmly believes that a strict teacher produces an excellent apprentice. Feng Ying, who once couldn't even tell whether a big monster bird was a bird, is now able to memorize the monster illustration book back and forth, which is proof of it!

"No, no, no, that old man obviously has problems too!" The person who retorted was Gail, who had a concerned expression on her face.

When she was a student, she suffered a lot from Altman's instructor's fists and sticks.

"That is to say, Fengying's armor is strong enough, plus her physical fitness, body skills, etc., have been polished very well.

If it was another person of the same age, I don't know how many bones should be broken! If the hand slips again, that mallet can really smash people's skulls! "

"There is no way." Hayata said softly, "If you want to practice precise defense, being beaten is a necessary step."

Gordon glanced at her with a little surprise. Usually, she is the softest person, and Anshir often complains that Hayata loves Fengying too much.

"Master Amos used to use the bamboo sword when he taught me Jianche and Juhe. If the timing is wrong, the angle is not good, and if you fail to block the vibration, the bamboo sword will really be drawn up."

As Hayata said, he touched his face subconsciously, which seemed to bring back some not-so-good memories, "During that time, my face was swollen every day, and the bridge of my nose was broken."

"Uh meow meow?" Gail issued a series of wonderful exclamations, "Are all of you swordsmen trained like this?"

Gordon shrugged, "I'm fine. My instructor at the time was a practical school. The mallet and bamboo sword have never been hit by anything, but they have been shot by big wild boars many times."

".I don't know you swordsmen very well."

"Toot—, toot—"

The long and dull sound of the horn flute resounded throughout Battle Street.

The hunters stationed in Fighting Street stopped what they were doing and ran to the huge square in the middle of Fighting Street to gather.

Feng Ying who heard the sound of the horn flute was distracted for a moment, but the mallet in Altman's hand didn't stop, and once again swung her away.

After completing the blow, Altman threw the gavel aside, folded his arms and said, "In the face of an attack, you should not be distracted by any external factors."

Tightening her core, Fengying, who fell to the ground, got up in disgrace, she didn't even have the strength to complain.

"Your precision defense is still far from getting started. In this battle, don't use it anyway, remember?" Altman warned in a stern tone.

Then you have been training so hard these two days

Fengying muttered and complained in her heart.


"Ah yes!" Fengying quickly stood up straight and answered yes loudly.

Altman nodded, picked up his gun and large shield, and Gordon and others who rushed forward shook their heads, "Go and assemble."

Perhaps because of physical problems, the master did not show up, and the person in charge of this information report was Julius.

Standing on a fort, he called names one by one, and after confirming that all the hunters participating in the battle were present, he said: "The reconnaissance team used a large amount of dragon-killing carbon to blast the sleeping giant halberd.

The giant halberd was seriously injured, but it was not completely incapacitated. More than 30 hours ago, it flew away from the volcanic island where it was hiding.

The lure plan of burning gunpowder took effect, and after hovering in the southern Inner Sea for a while, the giant halberd was flying towards Dong Duo Luma.

According to the calculations and analysis of the scholars, the giant halberd will arrive at East Doruma in twenty to thirty hours, and that is when the battle breaks out.

You are all veterans, and you know what to do and how to do it, so I don't need to talk nonsense.

Now, each prepares, rests, enters his combat position before noon tomorrow, and disbands! "

The dignified hunters dispersed separately.

Julius jumped down from the fort, shouted, and stopped the Yinbian people who were also about to leave.

"Gordon, Hariyatta, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Gordon turned around.

Hayata also frowned, she had a bad premonition.

"Your hunting partners, Pork Chop and Pandan, participated in the blasting operation against the Giganticosaurus and suffered some injuries."

Seeing the drastic change in the faces of the two, Julius quickly added: "Don't worry, the injury is not serious, the pork chop is basically fine, and the pandan is also in good condition, it seems that it was burned bald by the aftermath of the explosion."

"Why is it bald again?" Fengying subconsciously sighed, "That stinky guy has to shut himself up for another month."

Hayatta: "."

"All in all, the two of them have no major problems, but they may not be able to come back in time to participate in this battle. Let me tell you in advance so that you don't worry too much."

"Okay, I see, as long as they are fine." Gordon nodded.

This battle is a large-scale defensive battle. In addition to the hunters, their hunting partners and hunting cats belonging to the guild also participated in the battle.

The inability of pork chop pandan to participate in the battle will not have any impact on the battle situation, but Gordon and the others will be a little uncomfortable.

"Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, and there is nothing else to do." Fengying moved her still numb arms, "What are you going to do next, practice for a while? I think I'm fine."

Altman glanced at her, two big vise-like hands grabbed her shoulders and arms, and kneaded vigorously. Amidst the chaotic sound of joints, Fengying let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

"Yah!!! It's going to be broken!"

Letting go, Altman looked at Hayata, "Help her loosen all her muscles, eat more meat, and drink a bottle of recovery medicine to speed up muscle recovery.

Then go to sleep immediately, don't affect tomorrow's battle. "

After giving these orders, Altman left alone.

"This old guy has really strong hands." Feng Ying dared to complain in a low voice until Altman walked away.

Hayata grabbed Fengying's neck and shoulders with a smile, and squeezed again.


Gordon glared at her, "What's the name of the ghost? Hurry up and eat and sleep!"

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