Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 904 Are there no people in the Old Continent that you care about at all?


The rough laughter could be heard through the door of the tavern.

Listening to the noise inside, Anhil rubbed his forehead, "I should have guessed that, with superior strength, ancient dragon hunting experience, and love of adventure, of course there will be those guys."

The dragon hunter pushed open the door and entered.

At this time, there were not many hunters in the public tavern, and most of the people there were eating breakfast. After all, there were still only a few people who drank alcohol in the early morning.

The dragon hunter led them to a long table.

There were already several people sitting at the long table, who were obviously the future companions of the "Special Investigation Team".

Gordon took a look and found that it was just as Mr. Mecca said, they were all acquaintances, or it was okay to say they were all acquaintances.

The Drunkard Squad, Ted, Maka, and Oshula.

These three guys are already drinking.

Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Feddy.

So Mr. Feddy, are you serious about holding a swaddle in your arms?

There’s also a guy I haven’t seen in a while.

He was equipped with a set of armor that seemed to be made of solid ice, covered with sharp spikes.

Gordon recognized from the armor material that it should be armor made of the material of the transformed ice shark.

But it was different from the deformed ice shark suit he had seen before. It should be a high-end version carefully selected from high-quality materials and carefully crafted. (Transformed Ice Shark x)

The man showed his white teeth and blurted out words with a dialect accent, "Long time no see! Brother Gordon, Brother Ancil, and Miss Hayata, do you remember?"


Gordon wanted to hug him, but when he saw the spikes on his body that looked like ice saws, he decided to shake hands instead.

But no matter what, it is not the previous set of water ghost-like emerald water dragon armor.

After exchanging a few words, the three of them sat down at the long table.

Ted turned his bald head and looked left and right, "Xiao Feng Ying, why didn't I see Xiao Feng Ying?!"

Oshura and the others also looked around.

"Sit tight!" An Xil scolded, and the three of them quickly sat down obediently.

Hayata explained simply, "There was some trouble in Yanhuo Village, and Feng Ying decided to stay temporarily and not go to the New World with us.

However, she should come with the fifth group in a few years. "

"It's such a pity."


Maka and Babaka, the little strange-faced tribe, sighed in unison. Their relationship with Feng Ying was so good.

"So where is your fourth member?" Gordon asked Ted curiously, "Didn't I see that you and Manjusri were quite close before? Didn't you succeed in inviting him?"

Ted scratched his reflective head, "It was originally a good time, but she didn't agree to come out because of the incident in Yanhuo Village.

By the way, Brother Gordon, I haven’t told you yet, hahaha! I am already seven stars! And Maka Oshula and the others are also six stars!

He was promoted after Wind Shenlong and Thunder Shenlong. Our alcoholic team is also in the upper-level team, hahahaha! "

Ted suddenly showed off.

Gordon responded with a dry smile.

In fact, he had known about this for a long time. Ancil and his teacher, Ted's father Miles, often corresponded.

Now that her sister Maxine is married and retired, someone can take care of her aging father, and the alcoholic trio can happily "come out and play".

Great! Finally got rid of dad's discipline!

Anhil glanced over coldly, and Ted, who was laughing wildly, immediately shut up.

**! Why is there another one!

The dragon hunter Mecca, who was standing at the head of the table, clapped his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down.

Knowing that he was about to start talking about business, the hunters all shut up, but unfortunately, there was one who couldn't keep quiet.

Feidi had only a four or five-month-old baby in his arms, crying loudly.

There was no way to discipline a baby at this age, so Feddy had no choice but to hand the swaddling clothes to his wife Evelyn, then pick up the hunting flute and play a song, and then the little guy fell asleep contentedly.

This scene made Gordon and others stunned for a while.

"Ahem." Mecca cleared his throat and asked everyone to return their attention, "With the approval of the great elder, ten hunters will eventually join this special investigation team.

Feng Ying from Silverborder Hunting Group is unable to join due to personal reasons, so there is currently an extra spot. Do you have anyone you can recommend? "

Gordon glanced at the table and grinned.

There are two eight-star hunters, four seven-star hunters, and three six-star hunters. If one more high-level hunter is added, there will be ten high-level hunters.

Even though some promotion restrictions have been relaxed in the past two years and the number of high-level hunters has increased, the total number of high-level hunters in the entire Old Continent is only about 120.

This time, nearly one-tenth was taken away

The elder is afraid that his blood pressure is high.

While everyone was thinking about who else was suitable, a yawning figure carrying a dinner plate walked past the long table.

Then he walked back backwards.

"Hey, with so many high-level hunters gathered together, what else is going to attack Dongdoruma?"

Gordon suddenly felt that this unconcerned guy was very suitable, so he simply explained, "This is a special investigation team heading to the New World. They may stay in the New World for a long time, more than ten years.

The risk is not small, but it is also quite interesting, and there is still a shortage of people."

Gale blinked, carefully looked at the upper-level hunters at the table again, pondered for five seconds, and then sat down.

"I also need to go!"

Mecca, the hunter of the dragon tribe, is still a little stunned, isn't he? Who is this lady? Is she so casual?

Gordon quickly introduced, "Seven-star light crossbow user Gale, age. How old are you?"

Gale, who was stuffing breakfast into his mouth, obviously didn't mind the topic very much and answered casually, "Twenty-seven or twenty-eight?"

The eyes of the dragon hunter changed slightly. The seven-star hunter was twenty-seven or eight-year-old, and his strength and potential were beyond doubt.

Gordon continued: "Among our current personnel, only Ancil and Oshola are shooters, and the others are all swordsmen. The ratio is out of balance.

In addition, Gale has worked with most of us. Overall, I think Ms. Gale is quite suitable.

Of course, I'm just introducing it, and it's ultimately up to you to decide. "

Mecca thought for a moment and told Gale about the New World and the Special Investigation Team in more detail. Gale also put down his spoon temporarily and listened carefully.

"I understand the specific situation. I have no problem." Gale still agreed simply.

Anhir wanted to say something several times, but finally chose to remain silent.

To be honest, he doesn't really want Gale to join, but this is just a matter of personal relationship. Considering practical aspects such as strength and positioning, Gale is indeed quite suitable.

Mecca, the hunter of the dragon tribe, did not expect that the search and invitation of the last member of the investigation team would go so smoothly.

Even the careless guys in the alcohol team have been thinking about it for two or three days. Is this Miss Gale no one worthy of your attention in the old continent?

There really is.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot, I also have a cute little apprentice, can I take her with me?"

Anhil, who knew who she was referring to, slammed the table angrily, "No! Absolutely not!"

Mecca also looked very embarrassed, "Sorry, Miss Gale, the Great Elder only gave ten hunter quotas. Whether they are one-star hunters or upper-level hunters, the total number can only be ten, and it is already full."

Gale scratched his chin, "What if that kid is just a hunter student, not even a one-star hunter?"

The dragon hunter was stunned, "If they are just students, they are indeed not counted as quotas. There is no problem with the procedures. It doesn't matter to add one more support staff."

"Hehe, that's good, I'll ask her later." Gale chuckled.

An Xil stood up directly, gritted his teeth and said, "I said, no! Xuanxu can't go to the New World!"

"Are you her father?" Gale threw away the spoon and rolled his eyes, "At most, he's just a stepbrother. Did you ask her opinion? Just decide for her that she can't go?"

Anhir choked and didn't know how to refute.

The three drunkards all cast their respecting rays at Gale.

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